Capricorn February 2017

marrowbone-198305_1920Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

This month is less about you once communication planet Mercury leaves your sign of Capricorn on the 7th. Mercury has been in your sign for most of the time since the beginning of December 2016. Plus Mercury was retrograde or on go slow in your sign over Christmas and New Year.

At its best this means you’ve had some time to explore who you are, what you want, your inner self. It may have been a powerful two months of insight and discovery. Yet if you’ve felt lonely or overly introverted or your thinking has taken you into deep, dark corners of your mind, you might be more than ready to focus your attention elsewhere.

This month there are two key areas of your life to consider. The first is money and this is because the Sun is in Aquarius and your personal money sector until the 18th and chatty Mercury joins the Sun here from the 7th to the 25th.

Aquarius is one of the air signs, so it’s a positive month to put your brain to good use and look at ways of earning more money, organising your money better or putting your money to good use. However there is also a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 11th which cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac, highlighting your finance sectors.

A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon with extra punch. It can coincide with big wins or losses as the pendulum of life swings dramatically. This eclipse connects back to the ‘almost eclipse’ in August 2016 so events back then may explain more about what’s happening now.

Plus this is a relatively new eclipse cycle which will continue for the next two years. Eclipse cycles focus on one key area of your life and it’s here where change is likely. So notice either what happens this month with regard to finances or where your thoughts are taking you. What do you want to do differently?

This eclipse gains support from other planets so there may be other factors involved here. One of those planets is Jupiter, the biggest planet in the heavens, which is currently in Libra, and your career sector.

Jupiter is the freedom planet so you don’t want to be tied to the desk whilst Jupiter’s in this part of your chart and you do want to make the most of the opportunities that come your way. Having said that, Jupiter turns retrograde on the 6th so there’s less emphasis on your career and vocation over the next few months. Jupiter turns direct in June.

Another planet pulled in to the eclipse astrology is your ruling planet Saturn and Saturn remains in your previous sign of Sagittarius. This is a spiritual placing for Saturn and Saturn is a planet that enjoys solitude, wisdom, the subtler side of life.

So this might be a time when your beliefs impact more on your everyday life or you’re exploring a new religion or spiritual path. Plus Saturn will enter your sign of Capricorn at the end of this year so this is also a key period of preparation. What are you working towards? What are the big goals? What’s the next mountain to climb?

It’s important to see how money and your values are impacted now, whether you’re changing what you want on some level or material goals are giving way to more philanthropic ventures. You might be keen to own less not more or want to move your business down a different path, one that leads you to a passive online income, for example.

This is a time when you’re reorienting your compass as your future direction, your goals begin to shift and change. There may be another reason too why your money situation is foreground this month. This is because there’s a strong emphasis on the base of your chart and the sign of Aries.

Action planet Mars is in Aries throughout February and on the 3rd, Venus, the planet of relating, joins Mars in Aries. Aries rules your home and family sector, your past and where you come from. You might want to give up work to look after your family, you could be considering a change of residence and need to work out how moving home will affect you financially.

There could be a wedding or a big family gathering to pay for or another key reason why money matters require careful thought and attention.

In fact, home and family affairs will dominate over the next few months, although it’s fair to say that this is a stop-start scenario and you can’t get directly from A to B as fast as you would like to. This is a good month however to go for it, whatever your goal around the home and family because with Mars on your side you have extra energy and stamina to make things happen.

The only question mark comes later in the month when Mars clashes with Pluto in your sign on the 22nd and Mars runs into Uranus on the 27th. Tempers could flare now and it’s wise to rein in any impulsive behaviour.

The mood shifts again in the second half of the month once the Sun enters the watery world of Pisces on the 18th. Pisces rules the way you communicate and is linked to your local community, neighbours and siblings.

There’s a second eclipse this month on the 26th and this is a Solar or New Moon eclipse in Pisces, the sign of the fishes. What’s important about this eclipse is that it’s the last in an eclipse cycle which began in March 2015.

The focus on the Virgo/Pisces axis lights up your education sectors, your desire for knowledge and learning. The eclipse this month is a time when your creative side may be in overdrive. Communication planet Mercury enters Pisces on the 25th, the day before the eclipse and creative Neptune sits next to the Sun and Moon in Pisces.

So this is a time when your dreams and imagination take over and some of your ideas could be brilliant. You might come up with a new plan or dream that won’t let go and over the next few months, it will seep into every pore of your body.

Yet eclipses can also highlight endings as well as new beginnings and sometimes all you can do is surrender to what is. Tread carefully towards the end of the month.

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