Love Vibes
You may sense a shift in some of your relationships as August begins. Both Mercury and Venus moved out of their shadow phase at the end of July and the way forward may become clearer after a time of things being hidden.
Talk planet Mercury leaves Cancer and your relationship sector on the 5th. Two days later, on the 7th, Venus takes up the relationship baton and graces your love zone throughout the rest of the month.
This could be a loving time for your 1-to-1’s, especially if you’re in a relationship or you’ve recently met someone and it’s a kind and caring vibe. The 18th and 27th look exciting and romantic – great dates to get together with someone special.
When Venus is in your opposite star sign, you’re always wise to get the right people on your side. Be around people you trust and create mutually-beneficial and supportive partnerships in your life.
Mars’ Power
Yet, August isn’t a month without conflict or aggravation. This has a lot to do with what’s happening with the planet Mars representing passion and anger. Mars is currently in Aries, the star sign at the base of your horoscope. This puts a strong emphasis on your home and family.
On the 4th, 13th and 24th, Mars clashes with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, all in your star sign Capricorn. This could indicate that you’ve got the builders in and life is noisy. Or, perhaps you’re trying to sell or buy a property and you find yourself up against competition or opposition.
In some cases, this could trigger an ongoing rift with a family member, a tenant or someone else who comes in and out of your home. It’s tempestuous astrology so try not to get overly fired up if there’s an issue close to home.
On the other hand, if there’s something you feel strongly about, this is the month to push things forward and fight for your rights.
Note that Mars will be retrograde from September 9th onwards, so now’s the time to get ahead with home and family projects. Any tension or noise could ease come next month.
Money Matters
Money matters are under the cosmic spotlight for a large part of the month. This is because the Sun is shining bright in Leo and your joint finance sector up until the 22nd. Plus, the Sun is joined by talk planet Mercury in Leo from the 5th to the 20th.
Therefore, this is a great month to talk money and finances and get things sorted out. If you are pushing for a property move, the 16th/17th are great dates to get things moving. This combination is good for sharing resources with family and pooling expenses too.
Both lunations this month highlight money matters. The Full Moon on the 3rd cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac and Full Moons often bring enlightenment or intuition. You may be keen to make a decision about a financial matter and fast.
Take care what you agree to, however, as Uranus squares the Full Moon and Uranus’ energy is spontaneous and unpredictable. Yes, you could win big during the Full Moon period but ensure your finances are safe and secure too.
The New Moon on the 19th falls in Leo and is a great date to set your intentions around money, launch a project or start something new. It’s a lively New Moon with Mercury joining the Sun & Moon.
You could be asked to do a presentation on money matters, talk to your bank manager or financial expert. One way or another, it’s the right time to be improving your financial situation and boosting your earnings. Joint ventures in particular are well-starred.
A Trip Away
On the 22nd, the Sun shifts star sign and moves into earth sign Virgo. Things slow down after this date and you may be glad for a rest or a break from feisty fire sign activity.
Virgo rules your travel and study sector so take time out towards the end of August or plan to go somewhere different in September.
Also, there’s a flow of planets in earth signs in the last week of August. You may have had enough of ‘serious’ issues and be ready to embrace new experiences. You might start a course or be keen to expand your learning. Seek meaning in life beyond the everyday.
Hi Sally,
I’m Capricorn with Aries rising. I have been out of job since last November, when I could get a job? Desperately need some hints and guidance for the future.
Bless you.
You’re not the first Capricorn to say they’ve been out of work for a while. It seems to be highs or lows for Capricorn this year. Well, the tricky Cancer/Capricorn eclipse season is now over so hopefully that will help. And, the planet of opportunity Jupiter turns direct in Capricorn on September 13th – that might be a turning point. You need to be quite assertive about work/career and keep pushing this month. Hope that helps – good luck.
Dear Sally,
When do you see COVID-19 ending? If it doesn’t – does it remain widespread across the world or concentrated in certain regions? Does the vaccine help?
Wow – wouldn’t it be great if astrology could answer those questions definitively. What we can do with astrology is look at the general trends that are happening – have a look at the Coronavirus Astrology article if you haven’t already. It’s pinned to the top of the Astrology Blog. As this started as a ‘Capricorn’ event, I think that we have to wait until both Jupiter and Saturn leave Capricorn before moving into the next phase – the end of the year. However, we are entering into a period that is going to be governed by the element air, first off the air sign Aquarius which kicks in 2021. And that, of course, seems to suggest that we are entering into a period when air-borne viruses are going to be more prevalent. Personally, I would be prioritising handling air pollution and the damage we’ve done to the environment. We’ve been in an earth sign chapter – a long one – 200 years or so – and haven’t looked after Mother Earth very well in recent times.
Thank you so much. I will definitely read the article.
BTW – love your website and forecasts – very clear and straightforward.