Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
As August begins, there’s strong emphasis on the three fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. This culminates in a New Moon in Leo on the 2nd, a symbol of new beginnings.
The fire signs link sectors of your chart which rule money, your home and family and your past. The New Moon in particular is about joint finances and shared resources. This would be a good date to negotiate a financial deal or you might receive a gift or bonus. Property deals can get the go-ahead or you can chase up money owed.
This is linked to all financial transactions, such as mortgages, inheritances, taxes, debts and savings. Fire sign activity requires fast action and spontaneity. It’s a good time to act on your intuition, to offer help or ask for help.
There’s another reason this month why it’s wise to get things moving early in August. Firstly, the New Moon is the time to launch a new initiative and put energy into life but there’s another reason and this is due to the lunar eclipse which takes place in the middle of the month.
Eclipses are game-changers and they often bring what’s hidden to light. The eclipse on the 18th lights up the financial axis of your chart and the signs of Leo and Aquarius. Leo represents joint finances and Aquarius is your personal money sector.
This is the first in a series of eclipses focusing on money and finances in your chart which continue until January 2019. Often when a new eclipse cycle begins, you know it’s time to do things differently. Sometimes change comes via an external source and sometimes you recognise that it’s time to change things around.
So don’t take finances for granted now and ensure that you’re on top of your game and one step ahead of the pack. This eclipse does make a positive connection to Uranus in Aries and your home and family sector so changes at home might be the reason for having to juggle finances. There could be changes to your home and family set-up, the sale of a property or the fact that you need to help fund a child’s education, a parent’s care.
Apply the symbolism to your own situation and be ready for anything. It’s a lively combination but if you play your cards right, you can come up with a good deal or find that renewing your finances in some way helps you save money in the long run. The only thing you need to avoid is burying your head in the sand as that really doesn’t work during eclipse season.
The other major planetary activity this month is powerful for you because it focuses on your fellow earth sign of Virgo. Virgo rules the bigger picture in life, it’s about expanding your horizons and living life to the full.
Virgo rules travel and study, knowledge and learning. It’s about your beliefs, your philosophy on life and any activity which gives your life a deeper sense of meaning. The planet of opportunity and growth, Jupiter has been in this sector of your chart since August 2015 and next month, Jupiter leaves Virgo and enters Libra and your career sector on September 9th.
This month is the final hoorah and with a host of personal planets gathering in Virgo, it’s important to make the most of this. Communication planet Mercury is in Virgo all month and from the 5th-30th, Mercury is joined by Venus, the planet of love and relating. Finally, the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd.
This would be a perfect month to go on holiday, take a sabbatical, attend a personal development course or take part in any activity which is potentially life-changing. Jupiter teams up with Mercury and Venus respectively on the 22nd and 27th, key dates for action and adventure. Play big now, take time out to shift your perspective, visit a loved one abroad.
Note too that your career sector is highlighted from next month and there might be a specific reason why you want to take time out or kick back now if you know that life’s about to get a whole lot busier and soon.
When it comes to love, this is a key month for a holiday romance and if you’re in a relationship or married, it’s perfect for taking time out together. This is not the time to play small in your life and ideally you want to be with a partner who encourages you to live life to the full.
There could also be another reason why you’re slowing things down now and this is because of intense activity in your previous sign of Sagittarius. Your ruling planet Saturn is in this sector of your chart where it’s been for most of the time since December 2014 and where it remains until December 2017.
This is often a time of preparation, ideal for research, study or gaining new qualifications. This is the most spiritual sector of your chart so you might be learning a new religion, walking a spiritual path and recognise there’s more to life than money and status.
There’s often a theme of care in your life with Saturn in this sector of your chart whether this is linked to your own well-being or you’re caring for someone close. There’s a sense of duty or responsibility towards other people.
On the 2nd, action planet Mars joins Saturn in Sagittarius and this feels urgent. Mars remains here until September 27th but it was already here earlier this year from March 6th to May 27th. Think back to this period and what was taking place back then. This might be linked to events this month and second time around, there’s a sense of urgency.
Mars wants action and fast but it comes up against Saturn. Saturn turns direct on the 13th and Mars and Saturn team up on the 24th. Notice what holds you back during this period and why you need to take the pace slow.
It’s not an easy energy and you need to take care that you’re not hard on yourself. Do what you can and look at what you can let go of to make your life less stressful.
Dear Sally,
Miss the daily horoscopes and its guidance. Most of the time, about 80-90%, it coincides with an event I can relate it with. Thank you for the astral advice.
They are back! I only hid them for a while as I was updating the website. best, Sally