You can expect a busy start to the month of September. There was a New Moon on August 30th and you will first see the new crescent Moon in the night sky as September begins.
As you’re a Moon child and ruled by the Moon, this is the initiating stage of the Moon cycle. It’s forward-moving, direct and pro-active.
Organised Vibes & Overwhelm
Also, the New Moon took place in Virgo and there are a stack of planets in this sector of your horoscope. Virgo rules communication in your chart and there’s a theme of going back to school or getting back into your everyday vibe. This is about your daily commute, what you do in life day in, day out.
Virgo rules your siblings and neighbours, your local community and it’s often a period of the year when you’re busier than usual. You might be ferrying family back and forth, be on the school run or dealing with a lot of correspondence in your place of work.
Ideally, Virgo season is the time to get organised and structure your life. It’s a good time to put new daily habits in place that benefit your mind, body and spirit. Manage your time well and see how you can effectively utilise the time you spend commuting or your lunch hour or other key areas in the day.
There is, however, a potential theme of overwhelm in your life, especially in the first two weeks of the month. This is because big planet, Jupiter, is square to all the planets in Virgo from the 2nd to the 12th.
Jupiter’s nature is to exaggerate, increase and extend. You could have too much on your plate in September, so do watch your stress levels. Another reason to prioritise good health and fit regular exercise into your routine. Some of you may be juggling a second job or standing in for fellow employees who are on leave or ill.
Seeking Inspiration
There’s another planet too which is bringing an added dimension to this month’s busy astrology. That planet is Neptune in Pisces, which triggers the inner planets in Virgo from the 4th to the 14th, the day of the Full Moon.
At its best, Neptune is creative, the dreamer, inspiring your imaginative projects, ideas and plans. It takes you away from your desk or the pile of ironing or laundry. It conjures up a new world, an escape route from routine.
In your horoscope, Neptune stimulates your 9th house which represents travel and study, knowledge and learning. You may find you’re pulled in too many different directions this month. Yet, at the same time, it’s wherever you find fulfilment in life that gives your path meaning or purpose.
You could join a book club, sign up to an evening class or learn a new language. It’s a good month to update your skills or have future goals that you’re working towards. If you can get away on or around the Full Moon on the 14th or during the Jupiter-Neptune square on the 21st, you’re in tune with your stars. A quick city break perhaps or a visit to relatives in another part of the country.
Creating Connections
Communication and connection will help you make sense of things this month. This is especially true if you feel lost or disillusioned about what’s happening in the world or you don’t know which way to turn in your personal life.
Ensure you have a shoulder to lean on and a listening, attentive ear. Repay the favour and be available when friends or family need someone to talk to. These are disorienting times we live in and this month in particular could be especially confusing.
The Full Moon period is often an emotional time for you and it’s always helpful for you to know when the light of the moon is at its peak. The day of this month’s Full Moon, the 14th, indicates a turning point as two of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus, move into Libra side by side.
Home & Family Priorities
Libra is the star sign at the base of your horoscope ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. This is where you find balance and harmony in your life. Retreat to your home, your nest, your loved ones if you’re feeling unbalanced. If you need to restore harmony or order at home, make this a priority in the month ahead.
The home and family theme continues through the Equinox on the 23rd, the day the Sun enters Libra. This would be a good time to consider your surroundings and where you live, whether you want to redecorate or find a new home.
You may discover that working from home is possible during the latter stages of September. This will help resolve any issues that you have on your commute or working away from home which rarely suits your Cancer temperament. The period from the 24th to the 28th feels helpful and restorative and is a good time to re-work your routine.
The 28th is the day of the New Moon in Libra, so prioritise these areas once again – home and family. Remember too that as a Sun Cancer, you create family wherever you are, so this isn’t only about blood relatives but people dear to your heart, your employees or the people you work alongside. This is the time to set your intentions and pick up on this forward-moving vibe once again.
Relationship Turning Point
Finally, September could bring a significant turning point with regard to a close relationship. This is because, on the 18th, Saturn, your partner planet, turns direct in Capricorn and your relationship sector.
Saturn turned retrograde back in April. Ever since, it’s been in retreat next to the karmic South Node. Only on the 28th, do these two part company as Saturn moves away. Therefore, consider what this symbolism means for you. Are you ready to leave your comfort zone behind when it comes to love and relationships? Is your partner beginning a new stage in life?
The themes are release and letting go, while standing firm and putting boundaries in place. It’s intriguing symbolism which suggests something has to give, even if moving forward feels scary. Take good care of yourself during this period in the month.