Cancer October 2019

lake & trees, Cancer

Home & Family Matters

The Sun is in Libra until the 23rd and the sector of your horoscope that rules your home and family.   Therefore, this is where you’re wise to seek balance, peace and harmony.

If you’re a typical Sun Cancer, you need somewhere in life you can retreat to, a place of comfort and nurture. There are other planets in Libra this month too. Here’s the pattern:

  • Mercury (communication) until the 3rd
  • Venus (love & relating) until the 8th
  • Mars (action/drive) from the 4th onwards

Therefore, crack on with any key negotiations early in the month, check up on family or have that long-awaited phone call. Once Mars moves into Libra, there’s a livelier vibe.

Mars is a great influence if you’re moving home or involved in building work or DIY. You can get things done, even if it does mean that your immediate environment will be noisier than usual.

Mars in Libra seeks peace but it doesn’t always come easily for the warrior planet. This could flag up arguments or irritations with family members. Or perhaps, you need to step in fast to help out someone close or vice versa. 

Intense Relationships

Relationships have been under challenging stars in your horoscope for some time now. That doesn’t mean to say you can’t be in a committed loving relationship but there is an all-or-nothing feel about love.

This is because of the slower-moving planets, Saturn and Pluto, in Capricorn and your relationship sector.

These two planets clash with the inner planets in Libra on the following dates, the 1st, 7th, 14th and 27th. Plus, Pluto turns direct on the 3rd and never moves away from 20 degrees Capricorn throughout October.

So, there’s intensity in your 1-to-1’s and it’s not a month to try and sweep things under the carpet.

The Full Moon on the 13th cuts across the foundations of your horoscope and pulls in power planet, Pluto. This whole combination could bring matters to a head.

Emotions run high during a Full Moon and you often seen your situation clearly. It could be up to you to put your foot down and say ‘enough is enough’. Or perhaps, there’s drama involving someone else to close you. 

For some of you, this is a month when you fall head-over-heels in love which is great, but… there seems to be a proviso, whether it means someone in your family isn’t happy about the relationship or it consumes you completely, which is gorgeous but exhausting at the same time.

Love & Romance

This is because of inner planets moving into Scorpio and your romance sector and Scorpio is Pluto’s domain. Scorpio rules deep emotions whether you’re examining your own psyche or you need to be a counsellor, therapist or analyst for someone close. Here’s the pattern:

  • Mercury enters Scorpio – 3rd
  • Venus enters Scorpio – 8th
  • Sun enters Scorpio – 23rd
  • New Moon in Scorpio – 28th

These planetary shifts can bring a soul-mate connection your way, especially as Venus, the planet of love is in Scorpio for most of the month, from the 8th onwards. New romance could flourish quickly, whether in your own life or for your child, an ex or past lover.

Either way, there’s going to be a lot of strong emotion around during October and you’re going to be feeling it. There will be some wins, perhaps news of a birth or pregnancy or a creative project that goes well.

Scorpio rules entertainment and luck. Therefore, trust your natural intuition if you’re choosing lottery numbers or entering a competition.

Plus, there’s a suggestion this month that you’re being called forth to make up your mind about love. Consider who in your life needs more of you or needs you to be there for them.

Some relationships will flourish, especially when you focus on the future together and dream up new travel or adventure plans. The period from the 20th to the 25th looks especially romantic and great for firm commitments.

Also, the New Moon on the 28th is exciting, two days before a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Scorpio. Notice who comes in to your life at the end of the month as this could be the start of a passionate liaison.

Craving Freedom

As promising as some of your astrology sounds, there will be times when you crave more freedom or want to take a step back. Uranus in Taurus opposes key planets in Scorpio on the 7th, 12th and 28th, the day of the New Moon.

This feels unpredictable as Uranus is the planet of change. Take care that you’re not the one constantly changing your mind or changing what you want. 

Taurus rules your friendship and group sector so there could be an issue here, whether you’ve fallen for someone who’s unavailable or you have someone in your life who can’t keep away from you.

When Uranus is strong, sometimes there’s a theme of not fitting in, whether this is an issue for yourself, a child or a lover.

Yet, this adds to the exciting theme in the month ahead. Work could be background rather than foreground while your personal life dominates. Note that Mercury turns retrograde on the last day of October and remains on go slow from October 31st to November 20th.

This indicates diving in deeper but venturing into unknown territory. Therefore, sort things out in love, with a child or on a personal level before the end of the month. There’s much to be gained from October’s stars, as long as you engage fully with your up-close and personal relationships.

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