Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
October begins with some strong planetary activity picking out your communication and relationship sectors. If you want to sort out a relationship, have a big conversation or ask someone out, leap to it early in the month.
This is because the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, are both in Virgo ruling communication in your chart up until the 14th and 22nd respectively. In addition, on the 5th they come together in the zodiac for the one and only time this year. This is a big deal and as this date falls close to the Full Moon, always an important event in Cancer’s monthly calendar, it suggests an important transition for you.
Certainly, it feels as if it’s time to speak up, whether you’re setting new rules and guidelines in a relationship or you’re pushing to hear the truth. Pluto also plays a supportive role as it connects in a good way with Mars on the 1st and Venus on the 3rd.
Pluto at its best has the ability to transform a situation, to turn things around and Pluto is currently in Capricorn and your opposite sign. Therefore, this highlights your relationships, both personal and professional. Ask for what you want early in October, speak up, write an important letter or email and get things moving.
There is also powerful astrology taking place in the sign of Libra this month. Libra is at the base of your chart and rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. This is a key sector of your chart because, if you’re a typical Cancer, home and family are extremely important to you.
The Sun is in Libra until the 22nd and communication planet Mercury is here too until the 17th. Most importantly for you, the Full Moon on the 5th cuts across the Libra-Aries axis of the zodiac, highlighting your foundations.
This Full Moon feels significant for you, perhaps because of what’s happening at home, at work or both. You often see your situation clearly during the Full Moon and it’s a good time of the month to make any big decisions.
There is a sense throughout October that you need to prioritise your home and family and be there for them. This might be because someone else lets you down and once the Full Moon lights up the sky, it will be more difficult to trust other people, especially a partner in your life.
The trickiest period is from the 8th to the 11th. This is when Saturn clashes with Venus and Mars and Pluto clashes with the Sun and Mercury. What’s important for you regarding these potential areas of conflict is that Pluto is in your relationship sector and Saturn is your partnership planet.
This suggests a period of tension, when you’re not getting the help you need or you have to go out of your way to take care of someone else. Plan accordingly and if you need or want more help, find it elsewhere. More likely than not your significant other won’t be around or willing.
The New Moon on the 19th also lights up your home and family sector so it’s here where the action’s at. You might be home more than usual this month or be catching up with long-lost relatives or family who live nearby.
If you’re buying or selling, it’s not the easiest of months but that’s not to say you should give up. However, expect the unexpected and don’t rely too heavily on everything working like clockwork.
A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings but this New Moon is opposed by the erratic and unpredictable planet Uranus in Aries and your career sector. You might have to change your work plans from the 15th to the 19th or perhaps you hear that a contract isn’t going ahead. Trying to juggle the work/life balance could be especially tricky during this period.
There is help at hand however when first Venus, the planet of relating, enters Libra on the 14th followed by action planet Mars on the 22nd. Bring in the troops if necessary to help out. This is another sign that home and family matters will keep you busy from now until the last month in the year.
The big news this month is Jupiter’s move into Scorpio. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and good fortune, it represents expansion and luck and it spends one year in each sign of the zodiac. On October 10th, Jupiter leaves the air sign Libra and enters the water sign Scorpio.
This is good news for you because Scorpio is the same element as your sign of Cancer. You’re in flow when Jupiter’s in a fellow water sign. Events in the second half of October might see you moving forward with a creative project or activity that’s closely aligned with your inner desire, your passion.
In your horoscope, Scorpio rules what you ‘give birth to’. This is the creative part of your nature, whether you want to bring a child into the world, to see people or things grow and flourish, access your own artistic abilities, or tap into whatever gives you joy. This is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in a hobby, activity or passion in your life.
The key dates to note are the 18th and 26th when first Mercury and then the Sun team up with Jupiter. These are lucky connections so look out for new opportunities which come your way on or around these dates. Scorpio rules the luck factor in your chart which is perfect for being lucky, whether you apply to a game show or you’re in the right place at the right time.
Once you have a bevy of planets in Scorpio from late October onwards, you might discover that it’s your passion for love and intimacy which will feel invigorating. This is your chance to right any wrongs that materialised earlier in the month.