Cancer November 2021

Cancer horoscope, Moon

Scorpio Season

It’s all going on in Scorpio this month, your fellow water sign. This means it promises to be a passionate month. Scorpio rules romance and love affairs in your horoscope, also children and creativity. Therefore, it’s wise to focus your attention on these areas in your life. Here’s the planetary pattern:

Planets in Scorpio:

  • Mars (action/drive) – all month
  • Sun (illumination) – until the 22nd
  • Mercury (communication) – 5th to 24th

If you’re involved with a creative project or you’re busy with a hobby or leisure activity, dive in at the deep end. There could be moments of creative block or procrastination this month and times when you have to rework things. Yet, this is where fulfilment lies, chasing your passion.

There are some peak periods for the Scorpio intensity this month. Firstly, there’s the New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th. New Moons are a symbol of new beginnings, a chance to turn over the page and make a fresh start. This New Moon is opposed by the planet of change Uranus so things could happen unexpectedly.

Uranus in Taurus lights up your friendship and group sector, your hopes and wishes for the future. Uranus is also active later in the month on the 13th & 17th. Decisions could be made fast this month. You might get thrown out of a group, club or society. Or, perhaps you’re the one who decides to part ways.

The 10th is pertinent when there’s a powerful Mercury-Mars conjunction in Scorpio. This combination is enthusiastic and energetic but potentially argumentative. Plus, on the same day, both planets clash with Saturn in Aquarius. This could flag up fear or doubt or reveal where limitation or restrictions lie.

Money might be an issue or sex could be a problem. You may be shocked by a friend’s behaviour this month or be caught up in a triangle situation. There’s passion and intensity but bad behaviour too. And, there’s another reason why this could be a dramatic time of year and that is the start of a new eclipse season.

Eclipse Season

You’re a child of the Moon, which means when eclipses take place, your emotions are likely to ebb and flow more intensely. Eclipses are dramatic and they bring about change. It’s hard to stay stuck in your comfort zone when you have eclipse energy propelling you forwards. That’s not to say that eclipses are easy but they are a time when you can turn your life around.

A new eclipse cycle begins this month cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac. The first eclipse is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 19th. Eclipses are powerful for you because they involve the relationship between the Sun, Moon & Earth. And, the Moon is your ruler in astrology.

This eclipse cycle highlights the social axis of your horoscope. It’s about your friends and group activities, your involvement with society, politics, communities or humanitarian goals.

Also, it’s about the things you give birth to, i.e. your creative urges. This includes your children, your lovers, your creative projects, your skills & talents. 

This eclipse is highlighting how you express yourself out in the world. These areas of your life may be shifting or changing as new lessons or learnings emerge. This eclipse cycle continues until 2023.

Loving Vibes

Even though some relationships may be rocky, November is potentially a big month for love and this is blissful news for you. This is because the planet of love Venus is in Capricorn and your relationship sector from the 5th onwards. This brings a soft, gentleness to your one-to-one’s and hints at some loving moments in your life. Or, perhaps you’re around people who act as a calming influence on you.

Plus, on the 19th, the day of the Lunar Eclipse, there’s a stunning Venus-Uranus trine aspect and Venus is the ruler of this Taurus eclipse. This could mean that new love begins on the eclipse that could stem from an ending or a parting of the ways. Events could happen quickly. Perhaps, you hear of a friend’s engagement or marriage. Or, a new relationship for a child in your life.

Work & Health

Finally this month, there’s a shift in energy once the Sun enters fire sign Sagittarius on the 22nd, followed two days later on the 24th by talk planet Mercury. This means it’s time to turn your attention away from your personal life or personal issues and get back on track with your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health.

When planets are in Sagittarius, it’s time for a physical MOT, to take care of your body, to change around your routine for the better. You may feel enthusiastic about getting fit or taking on a new job or role. Turn your attention outwards into the world.

Eclipse Do’s & Don’ts

Eclipse season is here and a new Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle is underway. Here are some eclipse tips:

  • Try not to fear an eclipse – they are a reminder that we’re not always in control.
  • Don’t choose an eclipse date to launch a project or start something new.
  • Wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Eclipse symbolism is shadowy and hidden.
  • Once the eclipse shadow lifts, then you can try to take advantage of any changes that have occurred.
  • Know that the eclipses are closely linked to the karmic nodes & wheel of destiny – they offer a turning point.

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2 thoughts on “Cancer November 2021”

  1. Aspects you didn’t even mention:
    Nov. 3rd: Moon trine Neptune & conjuct Mars & sextile Venus & Pluto
    Nov. 4th: the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
    These came out of Llewellyn’s 2021 Daily Planetary Guide.
    I think you missed some things last month too.
    How can we trust your judgement if you miss this kind of stuff?

    1. It’s a monthly horoscope, not a list of the hundreds of Moon aspects every month! Astrology becomes meaningless if you just churn out every planetary aspect that’s happening without honing in on what’s important. The Solar Eclipse is so important this month and it’s mentioned in every horoscope as are the other major planetary events. Plus, you can sign up to my weekly horoscopes if you want to dive even deeper into astrology every week (although even then I won’t be listing every aspect the Moon makes – there are too many to be of significance). Hope that helps clarify my writing.

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