Mars Direct
Action planet Mars turns direct in Aries on the 14th. This mid-month period is powerful and feels like a significant turning point in your life. This is because Aries is the star sign at the peak of your horoscope. It represents your career & vocation, your future path.
While Mars has been in retreat since September 9th, you may already have experienced significant change in these areas of your life. Mars is a forceful planet, impulsive, rash & headstrong. It’s hard not to act when Mars powers up your career & vocation sector.
You will see your situation more clearly once Mars is back up to direct speed. Events could conspire to move you forwards and fast. Or, perhaps you are ready to act decisively. As Mars remains in Aries until early January 2021, this is a time to go full steam ahead.
When it comes to your work and career, notice who’s in charge and how much fun you’re actually having. This is really important as quality of life matters to you now. This is what the eclipses are about too.
Lunar Eclipse
The new eclipse cycle that began in June 2020 highlights the star signs Gemini and Sagittarius. This is helping you reorient the basics of your life, thinking about what you do for a living and taking care of yourself and your health.
Sometimes, life steps in to move you in the right direction. Or, you are the one who recognises you need or want to do things differently. Listen out for signs on around the 30th, the day of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Don’t act on the day but wait and see what new landscape is revealed as the shadow lifts.
Home Comforts
Pleasure can be found close to home this month. Venus, the planet of beauty and harmony, is in Libra until the 21st. Libra rules your home and family, areas of your life that are dear to your heart. It’s a good month to make your home more beautiful or harmonious, whichever is most relevant to you.
Also, talk planet Mercury turns direct in Libra on the 3rd. This is an ideal time for a heart-to-heart or to get back in touch with someone in your life who’s been quiet or absent, especially family. Notice who contacts you on or near this date as it’s a time when news and information often comes to light.
Love & Relationships
Mercury returns to Scorpio on the 10th joining the Sun. Plus, Venus, the planet of love, moves into Scorpio on the 21st. This feels exciting for you as Scorpio is a fellow water sign.
Scorpio rules all the good things in life in your horoscope. This includes romance, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment and fun.
This is where the action’s at during November. And, there’s a New Moon in Scorpio on the 15th. New Moons are a symbol of new beginnings. Make a wish when you first see the crescent Moon in the sky and do more of what you love.
This feels like a heady month for love and relationships. During the mid-November period, there’s a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the 12th. This is significant to you because Capricorn is your relationship sector.
These two power-house planets have already met twice this year on April 5th and June 30th. This is their third and final meeting. Together, Jupiter Pluto bring a sense of renewal or rebirth. You may already have a sense of how important one person in particular is becoming in your life.