Cancer November 2019

Cancer, flower

Cancer (22 June – 22 July)

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde may hold the key to your close relationships this month. The planet of communication is diving in deep into Scorpio, your fellow water sign and romance sector. Mercury is retrograde up until the 20th, encouraging you to feel your feelings and tap into your deepest emotions.

This could be an amazing month of insights and revelation for you. This is especially true close to the Full Moon on the 12th. The day before, the 11th, there’s a Sun/Mercury conjunction. When Mercury is in the heart of the Sun, this can provide illumination and light, a similar theme to the Full Moon, which also highlights the Scorpio/Taurus axis of the zodiac.

Sometimes, Mercury retrograde takes you back to the past and brings old lovers into your life. Notice where your thoughts take you this month, whom you find yourself thinking of and follow up any synchronicities. 

Spotlight on Relationships

The mid-month period is particularly powerful because Mercury teams up with Pluto on the 10th and Saturn on the 13th, both planets currently in Capricorn and your relationship sector. For some of you, this is the time in the month when you’re ready for commitment or you want or need to put your relationship on a firmer footing. 

Saturn is your partner planet and is also in action on the 9th. This is when there’s a Saturn-Neptune aspect, capable of turning dreams into reality. There’s a dreamy quality to love but possibility and potential too. The 8th to the 13th is packed full of planetary activity, which suggests a deep and meaningful period in your love life. 

Remember, however, that when Mercury’s retrograde, it’s not the time to make the big decisions. Yes, revelations and insights can flood in but ideally wait until after the 20th when new information may come to light. You’ll also know by then whether someone’s intentions are true and whether a relationship will develop in the way you hope.

To top off the month, Venus, the planet of love and relating, enters Capricorn and your relationship sector on the 26th. Love is out in the open and a Venus/Uranus connection on the 28th could bring new love your way. It’s a time of surprises, whether you’re the one declaring your love for a friend or someone close opens up to you.

Passion & Creativity

Admittedly, sometimes things can go wrong when Mercury’s in retreat. Usually, you’re wise to play a waiting game and don’t pay too much attention to what you hear. Misunderstandings are likely. Also, Mars, the planet which rules your libido, kicks into action from the 19th onwards when it too enters Scorpio. For some of you, this means that the last month in the year could be extra passionate. 

Scorpio not only rules romance and love affairs in your horoscope, but children and your creativity. Therefore, it’s wise to focus your attention on these areas in your life as well. Especially in your relationship with a child, tread slowly while Mercury’s in retreat. At the same time, you have Mars in Libra and your home and family sector and Mars clashes with Pluto on the 5th. 

This is a tricky combination when tempers can flare. Try not to issue an ultimatum on or around this date and wait until the Full Moon on the 12th before delving deeper into a family issue. If you are finding a relationship with a child or grand-child challenging, the best guidance is to tread carefully until the 20th and then be decisive. 

Sometimes, you need to confront bad behaviour or expose any secrets. Ideally, gather information for now but wait until December, when your stars are much easier in this respect.

And, if you’re involved with a creative project or you’re busy with a hobby or leisure activity, dive in at the deep end. There could be moments of creative block or procrastination and times when you have to rework things. Yet, this is where fulfilment lies, by chasing your passion.

Team Work & Life Goals

Work could be lively and social this month with Venus, the planet of relating, in Sagittarius from the 1st to the 26th. This spells good news for team-work and getting to know colleagues and employees better. In fact, work could simply be fun. 

If you’re looking for work or a new job or role, use your connections. This is the way forward during November. Plus, there’s some gorgeous astrology in this area of your horoscope later in the month. 

Firstly, there’s a stunning Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius on the 24th. These are the two best planets in astrology. They come together on this date, not long before Jupiter moves on and leaves Sagittarius on December 2nd.

Therefore, make the most of this and arrange something special with your colleagues for the last week of the month. Plus, there’s a New Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th, a symbol of new beginnings. 

This is a great date to focus on your lifestyle and health and start a new daily habit. Use this timing to launch a new project, find a new job or generally be positive and upbeat about your everyday routine. The more you put in, the more you get back in return.

Harness your dreams this month and look ahead to the coming year. Line up some new intentions or goals for 2020.

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