Cancer Monthly Stars September 2014

Cancer.Zeeshan A KhanCancer (21 June-22 July)

Let’s start with this month’s Full Moon, Cancer, which is powerful for you as it falls in your fellow water sign of Pisces. Being ruled by the Moon, you’re often more in tune with the moon’s phases than other star signs and the Full Moon, which falls on the 9th this month, is a time when emotions are heightened.

Pisces rules the part of your chart that’s about exploration and travel but not only physically. This is about experiencing life to the full whether you go on a journey of the mind or broaden your horizons spiritually, psychologically or philosophically. It’s about seeking meaning in life and connecting to a higher purpose.

On the 9th and 10th there may be more questions than answers but tap into your intuition and use your vivid imagination to learn more about yourself or the world. The planet Neptune and the asteroid Chiron link in to this month’s Full Moon so take care what you wish for as it might just come true. There’s an otherworldly quality to both these planetary bodies and you may feel like an outsider or even be accused of being away with the fairies. Let life take you wherever it will but ensure that you have one foot firmly anchored on the ground so you don’t drift away.

Your anchor or safe base is closely connected to other people throughout September and it’s important to have some key people in your life who act as a touchstone or sounding board. Communication is important and meeting new people or sharing new ideas with those close to you brings a depth and level of meaning. Allow yourself the time and space to chat to people you meet or talk into the early hours. In many respects, this is a month of exploration and the options for enlightenment, understanding or breakthroughs are limitless.

Back on planet earth and home, family or your past take centre stage. Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Libra down at the base of your chart, from the 2nd-27th and for whatever reason, there’s lots of chat and negotiations regarding home and family and your domestic situation. You may be in the process of moving, de-cluttering, renovating or organising family get-togethers.

You can make a lot of progress in these areas but mid-month you bump into an old issue or find yourself having a conversation that feels like a case of deja-vu. Mercury clashes with the Uranus-Pluto square on the 9th and 13th so whether there’s tension around work or your relationship, it’s a repeat conflict.

One way out of the situation is to take responsibility for your own actions and be more independent. Take charge of a tricky situation at work or the fact that your partner is repeatedly having work issues. Whatever your personal situation, the stars are leaning more and more towards you doing your own thing in some shape or form. Jupiter is currently in your money sector boosting your opportunities and bringing in new ways of earning an income. Plus the maverick planet Uranus remains up at the top of your chart in your career sector.

This is where the energy and fire lies in your horoscope as Jupiter’s in Leo and Uranus is in Aries, two of the fire signs. This is a dynamic, go-getting energy and when these two planets come together on the 25th, anything goes. Take a bold or brave leap and look out for new career and money-making opportunities. Anything that begins on or around this date has vision and success written within it.

You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. When Jupiter and Uranus combine in such powerful areas of your chart, the impossible is achievable. Stay vigilant and look out for what’s new and be honest about what you really want to do to earn a living.

Another planet that’s driving you on is Mars, the action planet, which enters the third fire sign Sagittarius on the 13th. This is your work and everyday routine sector so the energy’s piling up for you to do things differently and tap into your ambitious nature and take your position as a leader either at work or in your community. The Jupiter-Uranus trine falls the day after a New Moon in Libra so new beginnings and a chance to make fresh start all round.

Other key planets in play this month include Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn lighting up the two areas of your chart that focus on love. If you’re looking to meet someone new, here’s a great opportunity and it may start by swapping emails or texts with someone you meet. Venus in Virgo urges you to take the initiative and start a conversation and when Venus first meets Pluto on the 14th and Saturn on the 21st, there’s a chance for a relationship to develop and quickly.

If you’re in a relationship or married, you need your partner to be there for you and you’re not looking for a flighty relationship but something more solid and permanent. Reliability, loyalty and trust are key ingredients for a love that’s lasting. If things aren’t right between you, it’s hard to paper over the cracks and if anything you’re more likely to want to speak up and try and sort things out for the better.

Be true to who you are and don’t let bad behaviour or difficulties go unnoticed. Remember too you’re at your happiest when you have people close to you who care about you and vice versa whether a lover, partner, family or good friends.

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