Cancer Monthly Stars May 2013

Cancer KitschensyngkCancer (21 June-22 July)

Once Mercury, planet of communication, moves into Taurus on the 1st, four of the personal planets are in this same sector of your chart ruling your friends, social life, clubs and the wider community.

This is your cue to get out into the big wide world, catch up with old friends, make new friends, seek out like-minded types and feel supported and uplifted by your connections with other people.

The last comment is especially pertinent as Saturn is currently opposing the planets in Taurus and when Saturn’s about this is often an indication that this is where you may encounter problems.

Saturn is the boss, the taskmaster of the heavens and wherever Saturn is in your chart, you may come up against limitation or experience fear or doubt.

This can play out in different ways in your own life but firstly consider your friendships, which friends you enjoy being with and whether you’re around some people who have a negative vibe or tend to put you down. If there’s someone in your life or a whole group of people who just aren’t doing it for you and who you know are not in your best interests, then this is decision time and some of you will be moving on.

Another possible scenario is a good friend who’s going through a tough patch and needs your support and advice. Be there for them but keep boundaries firmly in place and take good care of yourself as well.

The tipping point comes on the 10th when there’s a solar or New Moon eclipse in Taurus and your friendship sector. Eclipses can bring something hidden to light so you may hear a revelation on or around this date that affects you or a friend. More importantly, however, a New Moon eclipse is a chance to wipe the slate clean and begin again. It’s an important time of renewal for friendships or your association with a group, club or society.

Saturn is in Scorpio and dominant on the 1st and 5th of the month. Other areas under Saturn’s stern gaze are children, creativity and new romance. These are often billed the good things in life and Saturn does on the one hand promote discipline and commitment but again it can flag up issues that need careful handling. Be firm but fair with children and if they’re struggling with a particular issue, make the time to be there for them. Slow but steady often wins the race when Saturn’s around so whether you’re trying to get pregnant or you’ve met someone new, be patient and determined and know that you can’t rush things.

Where creativity’s concerned Saturn can be the equivalent of writer’s block, but the way to work with Saturn is to do things little and often. Create a regular routine whatever you’re working towards and remember that it can take hours to master a musical instrument or write a novel. Don’t give up but keep your eye on the long term goal and take one step at a time in the right direction. There are some lovely stories on the net about people who made incredible progress by devoting 15/20 minutes a day to a hobby or creative goal. It’s sometimes the things in life that you do find tough which are worth pursuing.

As the month progresses, the personal planets begin to move into Gemini, the sign before yours. Venus, the planet of love and relating, is first on the 9th and this makes love private for whatever reason. You may be involved in an affair, be in love with someone who’s unavailable or find that love’s simply on the back burner in life. It’s not a priority or not working out for now. Be patient if this is the case as once Venus enters Cancer on June 3rd, your luck changes.

Mercury follows Venus into Gemini on the 15th and the Sun completes the picture on the 20th. A lot of this month’s astrology points towards a need to slow down and take it easy and planets in Gemini and your hidden sector are part of the reason why. You may find your energy’s depleted or you’re living in your head with a lot to think about. Take your time and don’t let anyone rush you if you need time out or time alone to think. Do ask for help, however, if and when you need it.

The weekend of the 25th/26th looks potentially emotional as there’s a lunar or Full Moon eclipse. Being ruled by the Moon, you are sensitive to the moon’s phases so be kind to yourself and let yourself be supported, loved or looked after, whatever it is you need. Jupiter in your hidden sector is strong on the 27th/28th and this can signal good karma that returns to you or a fairy godmother, someone who’s on your side and reminds you that there are good people in the world. In a similar vein, if you feel an urge to care for others, the end of the month is a wonderful time to help a charity or people worse off than yourself.

[artwork by Kitschensyngk at]

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