Cancer Monthly Stars June 2015

Stonehenge, CancerCancer (21 June – 22 July)

This month represents a turning point, when you can let go of things in your life that are difficult or cause you anxiety. There’s been a strong emphasis in your chart on the sign before yours, Gemini.

This turns your attention inward, when you’re dealing with secrets or a confidence, when you have personal issues that you’re thinking about constantly.

When this is constructive and helpful, it’s fine. Yet sometimes too much introversion can be overwhelming. Plus, it’s never easy to deal with things on your own and often when planets are hidden away in your chart, this is what happens. It’s hard to voice what you’re thinking or feeling and to share what’s going on with other people. 

The first planetary factor that is helpful for you is Mercury, the planet of communication, turning direct in Gemini on the 11th. This brings what’s hidden to light, you hear the news you’ve been waiting for or you gain insight into your situation. It’s the equivalent of a switch moving from off to on.

Secondly, two key planets leave Gemini this month and enter your sign of Cancer. They are the Sun (identity) on the 21st, the day of the solstice, and Mars (action) on the 24th. This brings a boost of confidence or a boost of physical energy. Either way, it’s no longer time to hide away but instead to get back out into the world and reconnect with your personal goals, aims and ambitions.

There are other factors happening this month which suggest that external events can have a big effect on your well-being. It’s all very well trying to stay positive when life is tough and keep yourself in a good place, but sometimes you need life to work in your favour and to feel that life’s backing you. That’s what’s heading your way.

This month is brilliant for you when it comes to work and money matters and there are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, one of the highlights in June is a stunning Jupiter-Uranus trine aspect which takes place on the 22nd. Jupiter is currently in Leo, ruling money, possessions, all that you value in life. Uranus is in Aries, ruling your career, your vocation, where you’re heading in life.

Together these two planets suggest a breakthrough, breaking free. They are an expansive energy which combines luck with opportunity. Anything that begins on or around the 22nd has success written all over it. Plus there are signs earlier in the month that things are beginning to shift for you as soon as June begins.

On the 2nd, there’s a Full Moon shining bright in the sky. This Full Moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius, another key work sector of your chart. Full Moons often bring a sense of clarity, so listen to your intuition. You might already know where you’re keen to make changes with regard to work, you might decide to follow what feels right rather than do what you think you should be doing or what other people are telling you to do. Pay attention on the full moon.

There’s then a rush of planetary activity that connects your intuition with these same sectors of your chart; work and money. Action planet Mars teams up with Jupiter and Uranus on the 5th and 9th, then it’s the Sun’s turn on the 8th and 10th. Everything is pointing in the same direction.

Whether you’re ready to invest in a new work opportunity, whether you’re on the verge of signing a new contract or getting a new job, whether you’re ready to break free and let go of a job that no longer works for you, exciting change is on the horizon. This is the month to take risks, to think big and to follow your dreams.

The first Jupiter-Uranus trine took place in September 2014 so look back to that date to see what began back then or what you put in place. This is the finale. There is another factor that backs up the theme of change for your work, your routine, your everyday lifestyle. Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens, has been in Sagittarius and your work sector since December 2014.

On the 15th of this month, Saturn moves out of Sagittarius for three months until September 18th. Saturn can be hard work, effort and you get a breather from Saturn’s relentless nature over the next few months. Whether you’ve had enough of a difficult boss or you simply want to do things differently, this month’s stars are presenting you with this very opportunity.

Look out for signposts in your path and if you’re ready to turn left instead of right, you’re on your way. The New Moon this month on the 16th is another important date for you and this New Moon falls in Gemini, hidden away in your chart. Yet it’s about new beginnings so this theme is confirmed and it’s about trusting your gut instincts. Listen to your inner voice.

You have to do what you know is right for you, even if that means taking advantage of a change in your circumstances. It’s unlikely that you can sit still now, doing nothing. Life might well have other plans for you.

Finally this month, there is less emphasis on your relationships and your partnership sector. Venus, the love planet, exits your sign of Cancer on the 5th. Plus Pluto, the planet of intensity, which has been stirring up your emotional life recently is also out of the picture. This doesn’t necessarily mean that love is quiet. However it does mean that the focus is on you more than other people or another person in your life.

It’s time to put your own needs first and to look at what you want from your life independently of a relationship. A co-dependent relationship can bring you comfort being someone who loves nurture and nourishment but sometimes it’s important to look at your own life from a wider perspective and that’s what this month stars are all about for you.

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