Cancer Monthly Stars July 2013

Cancer MandalaCancer (21 June-22 July)

The urge to run before you walk this month will undoubtedly feel strong. As July begins, the Sun’s in your own sign heralding your birthday month and boosting your confidence. The really exciting news is the fact that Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, is now in your sign of Cancer where it remains for a year-long adventure.

Jupiter represents freedom, liberation and expansion so the desire to spread your wings will increase as the year goes on and you may simply feel that you want to push your luck and try out new experiences.

Think back to when Jupiter was last in Cancer (July 2001-July 2002) to see what took place back then and in what shape or form you broke free or broadened your horizons. Jupiter boosts the feel-good factor and makes you want to live life to the full.

However, before you go jump out of a plane or your personal equivalent, there’s the small matter of Mercury retrograde to deal with. Mercury’s the communication planet and until the 20th July, Mercury’s on go-slow in your sign of Cancer. So you may find that you experience more delays, problems and frustrations with Mercury reversing through your sign. Be patient, turn inwards and let your intuition guide you.

When Mercury turns direct, it’s the equivalent of receiving a green light, a go-ahead, a nod in your direction. New information often comes to light or you may experience an insight or understanding that helps you move forward. If there’s something important you wish to say or someone in particular you want to talk with, choose your time wisely and wait until the weekend of the 20th/21st before speaking up.

However, the few days before Mercury’s direct motion look especially magical when there’s a grand trine of planets in water signs. Jupiter in Cancer teams up in an easy aspect with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces from the 17th-19th. This connects the houses of your chart that rule travel, entertainment and the good things in life and it promises developments with regard to romance, children and lucky occurrences.

It’s the kind of combination that can turn dreams into reality and make you realise what is going to make you happy and which in path in life you want to pursue. Don’t sit back, however, and wait for life to come to you but make the most of any new opportunities as well as creating your own luck.

Mars, the action planet, also moves into Cancer on the 13th giving you extra energy and get-up-and-go. This is your cue to focus on your personal goals and ambitions and follow your passion. Your birthday month offers a great deal but don’t wait for it to come to you. Be proactive and start doing the things you love in life.

As is often the case with astrology and life, however, good times may be on offer but not without having to deal with more challenging issues. This is because the Uranus-Pluto square clashes with the planets as they move through Cancer and this suggests that not everyone in your life may be happy with the new you.

Pluto is in your relationship sector and Uranus rules your career sector so even though you may feel as if you’re shedding a skin and beginning your own personal renaissance you could experience opposition from an ex or partner or someone you work with. The other possible scenario is the fact that you’re doing more of what you love but you have no-one to share it with.

Being one of the emotional water signs, you’re at your happiest when you have people in your life for caring and sharing. Saturn, your partner planet is also strong this month as it turns direct on the 8th. This is a great date to consider whether your relationship situation works for you and if not, what you can do about it.

Saturn may bring up painful issues but the Mercury retrograde phase this month is also about questioning and reviewing your personal life and taking steps to be the best you can be. This applies to relationships as well as personal goals.

Where Uranus is concerned, it may be changes at work of your own doing or due to external circumstances which mean you’re also questioning where you’re heading in life. Uranus remains in this part of your chart for some time so it’s wise not to sit back and relax too much. Instead it’s a great time to add more strings to your bow or consider working freelance or becoming self-employed.

Uranus is an unpredictable energy, however, and being a Cancerian you thrive on feeling secure and settled. This may not be possible for now so work with what you’ve got as best you can. The periods this month when Uranus and Pluto are strong are the 2nd-4th July and the 27th July-1st August.

Each time the Uranus/Pluto square activates in your chart, you have a chance to understand better what it’s all about and ultimately how to deal with it and the challenges that arise. Good luck and don’t forget that the stars are on your side this month just as long as you embrace what’s new.

Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign for a full prediction. If you don’t know your Ascendant but know your time of birth, send me your birth data (date, time, place of birth) and I’ll let you know your Ascendant (the sign that was rising on the horizon when you were born). If you’re born on the cusp and you’re unsure of your Sun sign, send me your birth data and I’ll confirm it for you. I’m here to help.

[photo from]

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