Cancer Monthly Stars January 2013

Cancer Zodiac StampCancer (21 June-22 July)

Happy New Year! Mercury, planet of communication, moved into your opposite sign of Capricorn on New Years Eve and straightaway partnered the planet of romance Neptune. This is a major theme as 2013 begins and for some, it brings talk of love or even a proposal. However, this combination is also a symbol of wishful thinking and it’s easy to idealise love or a certain person in your life, past or present.

This is all well and good on its own as there’s nothing wrong with daydreaming or fantasizing about love and romance. There are a couple of other factors to take into account and relationships, whether you’re in one or out of one, are a big theme this month.

Firstly, both Mercury and the Sun remain in Capricorn ruling relationships until the 19th and on the 9th, Venus, the love goddess, joins the party. The 10th is another romantic date for you and on the following day, the 11th, the New Moon takes place in Capricorn. The New Moon is a symbol of a fresh start, whether that means falling in love, renewing vows or committing to remain single.

It all depends on your personal situation and what’s happening in your life where relationships are concerned. Talk of a romantic holiday may be on the cards or the desire to have someone special in your life. This is Neptune at its best, reminding you that you deserve the best and that love is a powerful gift.

There are two other planets to take into account this month, which is why it’s such a heady time for love and relationships for some. This may also apply to a working relationship or other key individuals in your life. Firstly, Pluto is steadily working its way through your opposite sign of Capricorn and on the 6th and 17th, Pluto connects with personal planets. This is the powerful planet of transformation but you can only emerge triumphant after experiencing all of life and that includes the lows as well as the highs.

Pluto sometimes negates what it touches and you may need to close one door on a relationship or partnership before you can emerge renewed and feel ready to seek out someone different or finally say goodbye once and for all. Pluto’s energy is final, there’s no going back and that can be hard for you as a Cancerian to understand. Your emotions ebb and flow so it’s easy for you to fall back in love with an ex or feel unsure of what you really want when it comes to love.

The other planet to consider is Saturn, your partner planet, which is in Scorpio ruling new love, children and sex. Saturn is the get-real planet, it’s not fluffy and light like Neptune can be. Instead there are practical matters to consider and Saturn urges you to be realistic. If you want children, are you with the right partner? If sex is an issue, what can you do to put things right? Is the person you’re with a good choice for you? Is it time to finally close the door on your ex? This is a month to ponder any issues that arise for you and more than that, to be decisive. Note the dates above, especially the 6th and 17th. Take charge of your relationships and steer your life in the direction you choose.

Outside of love, it’s a good month to overhaul your finances whilst Mars, planet of action, is in the sector of your chart that rules other peoples’ money. Take note of what you decide on the 1st when Mars and Uranus connect in the heavens. This is a sparky energy that may bring a new idea for work or your vocation and by acting on your ideas fast you come up trumps and create a more secure future for yourself.

Freedom is also a key issue with regard to money matters and there’s a sense that you’re letting go of something from your past. This may be a debt, paying off a loan, alimony money or cutting ties with an ex financially as well as emotionally. Put plans in place early in the month to ensure your financial freedom as best you can. You may experience some good karma too whether this benefits you or you’re prepared to forgive or help out someone else. The 4th is a key date in this respect as is the 30th when Jupiter, the planet of giving, turns direct. You want to be clear of past debts as much as possible so you can make progress free of any ties or bonds that trapped you or kept you safe.

On 26th June, Jupiter will move into your sign of Cancer, where it remains for the best part of a year. Jupiter has the potential to bring luck and happiness your way but first work at letting go of what is no longer necessary or something or someone toxic. Like the snake, shed a skin so you can emerge and embrace the new you and a fresh approach to your life.

[photo from]

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