Whatever conversation you’re building up to have, strike while the iron is hot at the beginning of the month.
As November begins the Moon is in your sign of Cancer, often a time when you feel in flow, in tune with life around you.
Then two factors occur side-by-side which both indicate it’s time to talk about the things which really matter and that all-important conversation needs to happen.
The first is the planet of communication Mercury moving into your fellow water sign of Scorpio on the 2nd. Being one of the water signs, you are influenced deeply by your emotions and it’s through your feelings that you can best navigate your way through life.
Listen to your inner voice when Mercury enters Scorpio and notice what really matters. This is a passionate and intense combination for you and if you feel strongly about one situation in particular, you have to address it head on. Scorpio rules the good things in life in your chart, e.g. love affairs and romance, children and pregnancy, creative projects and self expression, entertainment and luck.
If you’re ready for an injection of passion and fun in your life, here’s your opportunity. Grab your chances whilst you can. Line up a hot date, talk to your other half about starting a family, broach a sexual issue, have a heart-to-heart with your child, etc. Whatever matters to you and wherever your emotions lead, go deep, be intense.
The other factor which confirms that you’re right to communicate openly and honestly is a conjunction between Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, which takes place on the 3rd in Virgo and your communication sector. Again this highlights themes of talking with a loved one, talking about love, talking about what matters to you on a personal level.
Plus if you’re single and looking for love, the start of November is looking hot. The key to having more fun and meeting someone special is to widen your social circle, to be friendly, to make introductions. This is where the action’s at as November gets underway. It’s your chance to do more of what you love and know that it’s via your connections with other people where you can find happiness and a deep level of contentment.
If you want to join a new group, get to know your local community better, catch up with siblings or neighbours, make it happen. New friends and new places bring new opportunity into your life and you benefit from having rich resources to tap into beyond the more everyday side of life. This month’s New Moon also falls in Scorpio on the 11th, so another indication that new beginnings are well starred and a chance to get in touch with your desire and do more of what you love.
Home and family affairs remain important to you but after the dramas of recent weeks, you can start to get back on to a more stable footing. On the 8th, the relating planet Venus enters Libra and your home and family sector and is joined on the 12th by Mars, the action planet.
Libra’s zodiac symbol is the scales and Libra ultimately wants peace and harmony. With both the relating planets in this sector of your chart, that’s your aim, to work at family relations and to encourage a sense of unity and collaboration at home.
Admittedly Mars isn’t the easiest energy because Mars rules anger as well as passion but this month Mars is on good behaviour and willing to toe the line.
The only tricky phase takes place between the 21st and 23rd when Venus in Libra clashes with the outer planets Pluto and Uranus. These two mighty planets highlight people sectors of your chart as Pluto is in your opposite sign of Capricorn ruling your 1-to-1’s and Uranus is Aries and your career sector.
This isn’t anything new by any means but can trigger old patterns, a repeat issue. Trying to keep everybody happy and working out the eternal work/life balance requires a constant juggling act and you may be more aware of this during the dates mentioned.
Plus things are starting to shift and change for you when it comes to your working life which invariably will have a knock-on effect in other areas of your life. On the 20th and 22nd both Mercury and the Sun enter Sagittarius and the sector of your chart which rules your working life, your everyday routine, your lifestyle and your health.
This is where you need to turn your attention towards the last 10 days of the month and confront any serious or big dilemmas head on. It could be an emotional time for you when you’re not ready to let go or admit defeat and work or health questions weigh heavy upon you.
On the 25th, there’s a Full Moon which cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis highlighting your work v. rest and retreat and the following day there’s a major planetary aspect as Saturn in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces.
This could be a time when you find your emotions overwhelming and you need to take care that you don’t let your imagination run away with you. Do whatever’s necessary to remain grounded and recognise the importance of a daily routine which nurtures and nourishes your well-being.
You might be forced to recognise those things in life which you can’t change versus those things in life which you can change or influence and again this is linked to your lifestyle, your working routine and your health. It’s a tricky period astrologically when there are more questions than answers.
On some level, you might have to learn that ultimately you don’t have control and it’s only once you surrender and let go to wherever life is leading you that a solution can be found.