Cancer Monthly Horoscope May 2016

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

As May begins there are five planets in retrograde motion, i.e. on go slow, so this isn’t the time to rush. In fact, a more leisurely pace will suit you best and give you time to focus on what’s most important in the month ahead.

It’s the earth signs which dominate now and earth has some similarities to your own element water. For starters, these are the ‘introvert’ signs of the zodiac which means you benefit from time alone, your own company.

If you’re a typical Cancerian, you’re a homebody who loves hanging out with your family but right now you’re being called towards a different purpose, a bigger mission and this involves other people, community. The earth signs are of particular importance to you because they all rule people sectors in your chart.

So one of the plusses of slowing down the pace is a chance to reconnect with people from your past, to make new friends and to spend some quality time with others. In fact, this is where opportunity lies in the first two weeks of the month and it’s through your friends that you not only find fulfilment but they’re full of good ideas, plans and excitement too.

Everything peaks at the New Moon in Taurus on the 6th which lights up the friendship and group sector of your chart. Reach out to other people now, get back in touch with someone you haven’t seen for ages, organise a reunion.

You might want to join a new group, club or society. You might be interested in politics, a humanitarian or social cause and when you find people of like minds who hold similar beliefs to your own, magic happens. So don’t stay home alone as May begins, create community in your life and make a difference.

Love too can blossom early in the month especially when you widen your social circle. The love planet Venus is in Taurus until the 24th and a lasting relationship grows out of friendship. Friday 13th and Saturday 14th are gorgeous dates for love, for meeting someone new and getting to know one person in particular on a deep level.

If you want to heal a rift with a sibling or neighbour, make a special effort on the 3rd, 9th or 10th when Jupiter’s protective influence is strong. People matter to you this month and it’s through the bonds you make and the love you share whereby you gain the greatest fulfilment. Let bygones be bygones and let go of any hurt from the past.

The other planet in Taurus this month is Mercury, the communication planet, and Mercury is retrograde until the 22nd. This too indicates a theme of reviving past relationships and perhaps trying again with someone you lost once before.

Yet Mercury retrograde is the trickster planet in action so it’s worth remembering that this can highlight misunderstandings or untruths. You can’t believe everything you hear whilst Mercury is on go slow and it’s wise to rein in your sensitive nature whilst Mercury’s retreating through the zodiac. Words may be misinterpreted or you might give up on someone when they’re late or don’t turn up at all.

Mercury retrograde is often about second chances and trying again where you failed first time around. Keep your options open and don’t make any final decisions about love or other people if you’re feeling unsure. Once Mercury’s back up to speed on the 22nd, new information will come to light and you’ll hear the news you’ve been waiting for. Events on or around the 31st confirm who’s in your life and who’s out.

As the month progresses, you might find that other areas of life begin to require more attention. Sagittarius is a key sign throughout May as this is where you find Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens, and a retrograde Mars, the planet of passion and anger.

Together this can be a frustrating complex picture and as Sagittarius rules your working life, your lifestyle and your health, it’s here where you might find tensions build or be undergoing a stressful period in your life.

The Full Moon on the 21st highlights the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of your chart and this is when things come to a head. You see your situation clearly during a Full Moon, emotions are heightened and it’s a good time to trust your instincts.

If you know something’s got to change, the Full Moon will light the way. You might want to focus on your health and implement new dietary or fitness changes. Perhaps there’s someone who you see a lot through work or your daily routine, and you know you need less of this person in your life.

They might be angry, demand too much of you or be overly competitive for your liking. The 22nd and 25th of the month feel challenging, when you might be pressurised into a corner or want to get away from a difficult situation.

During this period both the Sun and Venus, the planet of relating, have moved into Gemini and the most hidden sector of your chart. So this is the time when you need to focus on your well-being and if you want more quiet time, find a way to schedule it into your diary. Less stress is the goal so be good to yourself and do whatever’s right for you.

In effect, the end of May begins a period when you’re getting ready or preparing for a new stage in life once the Sun enters Cancer during the Solstice period on June 20th. Whether you need to relax, study or work on yourself, do whatever feels right for you.

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