The desire to be brave and bold sweeps in with the New Year especially once action planet Mars enters powerhouse Scorpio on the 3rd.
This is a passionate and determined placing for Mars and good news for you. Scorpio is a fellow water sign and you feel ‘in your element’ when planets are in signs which gel with your own.
Plus Scorpio rules all the good things in life so this is time to put family second and yourself first.
This is especially apt because Mars leaves Libra and your home and family sector on the 3rd where it’s been since mid-November. If you’ve spent a lot of time over Christmas and the holiday period putting other peoples’ needs before your own, here’s your chance to readdress the balance.
Scorpio rules romance, creative projects, children, hobbies, entertainment so choose your pick where you want to focus Mars’ ambitious nature and dive in. It’s a clear cosmic invitation to do more of what you love and to tap into your emotional and passionate nature. Mars will be in and out of Scorpio between now and the beginning of August because Mars turns retrograde from mid-April to late-June 2016.
This could be the year you fall head over heels in love or devote yourself to a personal or creative project. This will become an obsession and you’re ready to commit yourself 100%.
Yet before you can leap in feet first there are things you need to sort out and loose ends which require tying and tidying up. This is because communication planet Mercury turns retrograde this month and is on go slow from the 5th-25th. During this period, Mercury is in your opposite sign of Capricorn so one area of your life that’s undergoing change are your 1-to-1 relationships, both personal and professional.
The Sun is also in Capricorn until the 20th and this is a key month to decide which alliances you want to strengthen and where you want to part ways. It’s really important to do this and seek closure before you start afresh.
For some, this whole process is connected to your work, your career, your vocation in life. If these areas are undergoing change, then you need to decide who you work alongside and who comes with you on the journey.
The key planets which symbolise this changeable picture are Pluto and Uranus. Pluto is in your opposite sign of Capricorn ruling your 1-to-1’s and Uranus is in Aries ruling your career and vocation.
The key dates this month when change is inevitable are the 6th/7th and the 20th/22nd. You might be the one cutting ties or events which take place in the lives of the people close to you have a knock-on effect in your own destiny and your future path in life.
Don’t forget that whilst Mercury’s on go slow, it’s best not to make final decisions. Notice however who comes into your life on or around the New Moon on the 10th and this is a brilliant date for setting your intentions.
All in all, it’s a lively picture for your 1-to-1’s and you have some key decisions to make so you can then get on with the serious business of enjoying your year ahead. Try not to let other people control you or call all the shots and remember that with Mars strong in Scorpio from the 3rd, you’re more than capable of knowing what you want and being decisive about it.
This month, there’s also a key focus on your work and health and support’s available to you in these areas. Whether you’re looking for work, you want to volunteer your services, you’d like to get fitter or you want to make some key changes to benefit your health, don’t go it alone. Turn to other people, buddy up with a mate who can support you, and use your connections to the full.
Relating planet Venus highlights this sector of your chart until the 23rd confirming that life’s more fun when you have friends and colleagues on your side.
The last week of the month is when things really start to fall into place and even though you might struggle at times knowing what you want or how to sort out a difficult relationship in your life, you will get to where you want to be.
There’s a stunning Full Moon on the 24th which often reveals the truth of a situation. The light of the Full Moon brings clarity and this major event takes place the day before Mercury turns direct on the 25th. This indicates new information, fresh insight and a time when you can trust your intuition.
The Full Moon cuts across the money axis of your chart and you can also make financial decisions with confidence. Again there’s a theme of partnership when it comes to money and security so ask for help if you need it and team up with other people to boost your money-making potential.
Plus love planet Venus enters Capricorn on the 23rd and this confirms that even if you encounter battles or conflict when it comes to love and relationships earlier in the month, by the last week of January you’re back on solid ground.
Sometimes love can produce strong emotions, an unsettled period when you’re being pulled by desire and it’s hard to act rationallybut if you’re patient, you will find the love and/or peace you crave. Venus teams up with romantic Neptune on the 30th making this a date to remember for romance.