Cancer Monthly Horoscope December 2015

Cancer, snowCancer (21 June – 22 July)

It’s a positive start to December especially when it comes to your work, career and your everyday routine.

Whether events at the end of November made you question where you’re heading or whether you recognised that you need to stop going round in circles and simply take action, a dynamic attitude fits the new wave of astrology.

Change planet Uranus has been at the top of your chart in the fire sign of Aries for some time now but this month it’s back in prime position. Look out for new work opportunities which come in on or around the 1st or the 9th. Act fast and you can take advantage of them.

The other date that’s excellent for initiating action and fresh starts is the 11th when there’s a New Moon in another fire sign Sagittarius and a rush of energy will help you get things done at this busy time of year. You can quickly find a routine that works for you and looking after your health and well-being will definitely help your stress levels.

Remember the mind, body, soul connection which is highlighted during the New Moon. When you love what do on a daily basis, you make your life so much easier and you benefit in more ways than one. If you’re looking for work or a new job, see what occurs on or around the New Moon. Spread your feelers, widen your horizons and consider what’s possible. It’s a freedom-loving New Moon packed full with inspiration and positive vibes.

For some, change might come unexpectedly and Uranus is heading for a major event on Boxing Day, 26th December. On this date, Uranus stops retreating through the heavens and turns around to direct motion.

This coincides with a powerful Full Moon in your sign of Cancer which takes place on Christmas Day, 25th December, and if ever there was a time to make an important decision and reorient your compass to a direction which suits you better, it’s the festive season.

You might not be in the same job or working alongside the same people at year’s end; you might view your work and lifestyle completely differently. Either way, embrace what’s new and be true to who you are.

This is also potentially a big month for relationships and there’s nothing like the end of one year to enable you to make important love decisions. A lot depends what takes place early in the month as harmonious planet Venus leaves Libra and your home and family sector leaving only feisty Mars in this part of your chart.

Mars isn’t a comfortable energy in Libra because Mars wants to make things happen and Libra prefers to gather opinions, keep everyone happy and seeks a peaceful existence. Christmas can be a clashing time of year for family get-togethers but if anything, your Christmas will proceed seamlessly whereas the period from the 6th-11th is anything but straightforward.

This is when Mars clashes with the Uranus-Pluto duo indicating a period of volatility. It’s during this phase that difficult emotions are likely to arise and if you’re angry or someone in the family is feeling angry, tempers will flare. Now you know about this possibility, try not to rise to the bait or ignite a difficult situation.

If you know something is coming to end or you’re ready to confront someone else’s bad behaviour, here’s your opportunity. Making problems for the sake of it however or trying to tackle someone who has a history of being aggressive is probably not the best idea. Yet if you want to close the door on the past, you can do so.

When it comes to love and intimate relationships, there’s a lot going well this month. Firstly, Venus, the planet of love and relating, moves into sexy Scorpio and your romance sector on the 5th. This is gorgeous for the Christmas party season and if you’re ready to flirt your socks off and you want to initiate some steamy behaviour at the Christmas parties, you have an open invitation.

Plus communication planet Mercury and the Sun enter your opposite sign of Capricorn and your relationship sector on the 10th and 22nd respectively. So there’s strong emphasis on your close relationships, both personal and professional, and you can get a long way now if you want to talk about a specific issue or share ideas.

For some, Christmas Day is begging for a proposal, a loving declaration and with the Full Moon lighting up your sign of Cancer, emotions are on full display. Open your heart and if you’re ready to move on to the next stage with the one you love, you couldn’t pick a better time to do so.

However, that won’t be the case for everyone and if events early in the month flag up warning signs, you might choose to be open and honest over Christmas in a way that allows you to move on alone. Whatever your personal situation, the Full Moon is a glorious omen for putting yourself and your own needs first. Do what makes you happy and be with the ones you love.

Finally the planet Neptune is strong throughout December and Neptune highlights your dreams, what you desire most in the world. One thing you must do this month is look ahead and plan some new experiences for the coming year. Do whatever inspires you, especially if it links in to travel, education, your philosophy on life or your spiritual path.

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