Cancer Monthly Horoscope April 2016

CancerCancer (21 June – 22 July)

This could end up being a busy month for you as there’s strong focus on the sectors of your chart which rule your career, your vocation and where you’re heading in life.

Trying to get the balance right in your life is vital now and you need to take care that you don’t flip into overdrive.

Yet work and where you’re heading in life are becoming increasingly important to you and if you can push ahead with your long-term goals in the first half of this month, go for it.

As April begins both the Sun and the planet of communication, Mercury, are in Aries and your career sector so it’s full steam ahead as soon as the month begins.

When you have planets at the top of your chart, you might find yourself in the public eye, you might be about to take on a new role, a new position of responsibility and you need an outlet for your ambition and drive.

The New Moon on Thursday 7th is brilliant for new beginnings, a chance to start afresh. Look out for a new contract or position which is on offer on or around the New Moon as this too takes place at the peak or pinnacle of your chart.

It’s potentially a successful time for you but it doesn’t look steady or stable or routine. This is about starting over, learning something new, embracing technology. More importantly, it’s time to take a few risks when it comes to your work and career or what you want to do with your life. Be bold and see what opportunities arise on the weekend of the 9th/10th April.

Another important planet in Aries this month is Venus, the planet of love and relating. Venus is in your career sector from the 5th-30th so this suggests that it’s a good time to model other peoples’ success, to find someone you aspire to, to ask for help and guidance.

Venus is a feminine energy so look out for a woman in a position of power who can offer you what you need. If you’re female, it would benefit you now to join a group of women so you can support one another with your goals. This might be focused on work or have a more spiritual angle.

Plus if you’re looking for love, you’re most likely to meet someone new through your place of work. You’re going to be impressed by a partner who’s powerful and confident and embodies the inner strength of Venus in Aries. The 12th, 18th and 22nd are important dates for love and relating, whether you fall in love or you meet someone who has a strong influence upon you.

The 18th is especially powerful because on this date, the planet of transformation Pluto, turns retrograde in your opposite sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is your relationship sector and when a planet changes direction, its energy is intense.

This could be a dramatic period for you with regard to love as emotions run deep. The message that’s coming across is to step into your power in a relationship and to take charge of your life.

This is an important month to focus on your health and in particular your stress levels. If you are working hard or life is a continual adrenalin rush, take care that you balance this out with some play or down time.

The action planet Mars is currently in Sagittarius and your health and lifestyle sector but on the 17th Mars turns retrograde, i.e. it will be then be on go slow for the next 10 weeks. In fact, all month Mars hardly moves at all as it stations at 8 degrees Sagittarius.

This is important for you as Mars rules physicality, energy, passion and speed. Mars retrograde often shows up as a lack of energy or a need to slow down the pace. This can be a pent-up frustrated Mars so ensure you prioritise self care and take regular exercise.

If you sense that your energy feels stuck or stagnant, move things up a notch. Find a constructive outlet for your physical energy or your anger but don’t overdo it. Put good health before over-exertion or impulsive risks.

Another major influence this month is Mercury, the communication planet, in Taurus and your friendship sector. Taurus rules all groups in your life, whether political, social or reaching out into the wider world.

Mercury enters Taurus on the 5th where it remains for an unusually long time. This indicates that you need other people in your life for different reasons. Being social will help you feel connected to other people and more in touch with yourself and being around people of like minds can also help inspire you. You might team up with a buddy or find someone to be accountable to if you have a specific goal in mind.

The period from the 14th-17th is especially productive for group ventures and this is a successful time to team up with others and work on a project together. It feels especially grounding and supportive for you to be around people you trust and who you enjoy being with.

The Sun joins Mercury in Taurus on the 19th and three days later on Friday 22nd there’s a Full Moon which cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of your chart. This is good news for social events, partying and also finding love.

Mercury will turn retrograde on the 28th so don’t put off getting in touch with old friends or joining a group, club or society that’s on your radar. This is where happiness lies in the month ahead.

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