In the merry month of May, there’s a strong emphasis on you and what you want and need in life. This suggests it’s time to put yourself first and other people second. There are a couple of reasons for this but some conflicting astrology too.
Firstly, you have action planet Mars in your star sign Cancer. This is often a time when you feel ambitious and want to be out in the world and get things moving. You might be gearing up your fitness levels or have a lot of pent up energy that you need to work off.
Secondly, from the 4th onwards, there’s a strong emphasis on the star sign Gemini which is the sign before yours in the zodiac. This can be a time when you benefit from retreat, quiet time, prayer or solitude. Your mind may be super busy, especially as the first planet to enter Gemini is communication planet Mercury.
Venus, the planet of relating, follows closely behind on the 9th. You may be drawn back to your past or return to a place you’ve been before that was meaningful to you. Wherever you are, ensure you find time to rest, relax and be pampered.
When key planets are in Gemini, it’s a good idea to prioritise self-care. Or, perhaps you’re looking after someone else, someone close to you. Think about why you might need more time alone, whether you’re studying or preparing for a new chapter in your life.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th but, before it does so, the Sun moves through Taurus and your friendship sector. Therefore, reach out to other people this month, especially if you need some support or someone to lean on.
The New Moon falls in Taurus on the 11th, an ideal date to set your intentions around the social side of life and reconnect with old friends.
Mercury Retrograde
Talk planet Mercury won’t leave Gemini and enter your star sign Cancer until mid-July. It’s unusual for Mercury to remain in one star sign for such a long time.
This is an indication that Mercury is heading for its next retrograde phase. This begins on the 29th of this month and Mercury remains on go slow until June 22nd.
Before Mercury switches direction, you’re wise to back up important files and correspondence and sort out any niggles or worries with transport or technology.
Life could step in to slow down your progress towards the end of May, whether you’re dealing with a bout of ill-health or a job doesn’t work out. Therefore, another reason to actively use the month ahead to lower your stress levels and boost your well-being.
Lunar Eclipse
There is a major planetary event lighting up the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and this important for you. It’s a Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse which takes place on the 26th and you tend to be more sensitive to these important Moon phases.
This eclipse is part of an eclipse cycle which began in June 2020 and lasts until December 2021. You may already have implemented changes to your lifestyle and routine, whether due to work coming to an end or a health concern.
Eclipses coincide with change but they can be an opening to something new. Sometimes, they move you on, ready or not.
Jupiter Enters Pisces
Finally, there’s a major planetary shift in the heavens this month which is great news for you. This involves Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, which enters your fellow water sign of Pisces on the 14th. Jupiter remains in Pisces until July 28th and returns to Pisces on December 29th later this year.
Straightaway, this is good news because Pisces is the same water element as your star sign Cancer. You may feel more in flow with life. Jupiter rules travel, study, philosophy, spirituality, any activity that expands your horizons and broadens your experience of life.
If you want to emigrate or take a sabbatical from work and explore a new direction in life, it starts with believing and knowing that anything’s possible. Line up some big dreams over the next couple of months and let the universe hear your voice.
There may be an opportunity to think globally, expand your network and reach out to other people in different countries and cultures. Jupiter is closely linked to philanthropy and charitable actions. The big planet rules publishing, the Law, truth and justice. Stake your claim and begin your voyage of discovery.
What are you searching for, what are you seeking and where do you find fulfilment and faith in your life? These are the questions to ask yourself while Jupiter’s in Pisces.
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