Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
This month’s planetary vibe is forward-moving. Yet, there seem to be different areas of your life you’re required to juggle in order to keep up.
Office Politics
Firstly, the emphasis on your career continues at a fast pace. Talk planet, Mercury, begins the month in Aries and your career and vocation sector. Also here is Venus, the planet of relating. Both planets are in the thick of the action at the start of May so expect to be busy.
You might be getting to know new team members or trying to sort out tricky office politics. Also, you could find there’s one person you clash with – the key dates are the 1st & 2nd, 7th & 9th. Try not to get on the wrong side of anyone if possible. At the same time, don’t allow yourself to feel bullied or imposed upon by a third party.
There may be ways out of this, perhaps changing your hours or working from home. Keep close tabs on your stress levels and don’t let any problems or issues get worse. Aries is a direct star sign, so leap in and sort things out sooner rather than later.
Lean On Your Friends
Your best allies this month are your friends, especially those friends you’ve known a long time. It’s really important to be around people who make you laugh and who are kind and supportive.
There isn’t a day in May when you don’t have one of the inner planets moving through Taurus and your friendship and group sector. Get the right people on your side this month and you’ll feel a lot happier about your everyday life.
Also, your friends are the people to talk to if there is someone in your life who’s causing a problem, either personally or professionally. This might be an ex, your boss or someone you’re tied to in some shape or form. Lean on the people you trust as this will help you to feel more grounded and steady.
Wider Social Circle
Uranus, the planet of change, is also in Taurus where it took up residence in March 2019. Uranus is in action this month on the 8th and again on the 18th. On the one hand, this suggests that your friends will bring you excitement. Be around people who are alternative and unconventional and try out a new group, club or society.
This is also about what you believe in and wanting to do your bit for society and the beliefs that matter to you on a deep level. Uranus in Taurus is stirring things up in your community and triggering the side of your nature that wants to take action.
As a Sun Cancer, you are one of the cardinal signs of the zodiac, i.e. you’re a leader. Where you excel in your leadership is within your family, your community or your country. Join together with other people this month and make a difference.
Both the New Moon and Full Moons highlight this same axis of the zodiac. The New Moon on the 4th takes place in Taurus, a symbol of new beginnings. This starts a fortnight when you can be more pro-active and get involved with other people. Taurus also rules your hopes and wishes for the future.
A New Kind of Love
The Full Moon takes place on the 18th and cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac. This is a social Full Moon and it would be a great weekend for a big event or to do something special. You can’t count out finding love on this Full Moon as Scorpio rules your romance sector.
Plus, on the same day, love planet Venus teams up with Uranus in Taurus – this links love and friendship. As Uranus is involved, things could happen fast.
If you’re a parent, you might receive surprise news from a child or grandchild, perhaps announcing a pregnancy or engagement.
When it comes to your own love life, you are still under the influence of Saturn and Pluto. Sometimes, this means being in a relationship for the long run, committing to a marriage or union. It’s important, however, that any relationship allows you breathing space.
If someone’s not good for you or holding on too tight, you’ll feel it this month. The astrology does offer you a chance to cut ties in a relationship that’s not working out. Change your habits and you change the course of your future.
Be Kind To You
There will be times this month when it’s important to be kind to yourself. Up until the 16th, you have action planet Mars in Gemini and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Be careful that you don’t turn your anger in on yourself and become your own worst critic. Instead, use journalling and the talking cure to express your feelings and release any tension.
The Sun and Mercury also move into Gemini on the 21st and immediately make a super conjunction. This is brilliant for finding the right person to talk to or make sense of a personal situation or stumbling block. You’re the solver of the zodiac with this combination and able to puzzle things out, either to help yourself or other people close to you.
On the 16th, Mars moves into your star sign, Cancer and this will boost your courage, your desire to take a stand. Focus on your personal goals and ambitions and line up a new challenge. Mars is a physical planet but it gives you drive and enhances your assertive nature.
Cut through any indecision and start to take the right course of action. Mars teams up with Uranus in Taurus on the 22nd. Once again, this suggests that it’s via your friends, your community or a group in your life that you can have a blast or start a revolution.