Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
This could be quite the month with two Full Moons and one New Moon taking place. This is significant for you as you’re the Moon child of the zodiac and your star sign Cancer is linked with the feminine Moon.
In fact, you may find that your emotions and moods ebb and flow with the Moon’s phases. This means that the start and end of March in particular could be more emotional or sentimental for you, as this is when the two Full Moons take place on the 2nd and 31st.
The first Full Moon in March cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac, highlighting study, travel, communication and inspiration. There’s a strong flow of planets in water signs, Scorpio and Pisces, as the month begins. This means you’re in your element and it’s the time to actively pursue your dreams and do more of what you love.
The astrological picture is ideal for losing yourself in a good way and knowing that sentiment and emotions can enrich your life. You may be in the throes of a new romance or be welcoming a child into the world. You might be in touch with your creative or spiritual source or simply have a sense that there’s more to life than your current situation.
The Sun remains in Pisces until the 20th so be a seeker and explorer of life and make the most of this expansive period in the year. Pisces rules travel and study in your horoscope, it’s about the bigger picture, your vision for the future and the world beyond the ego and the everyday.
This month’s New Moon takes place in Pisces on the 17th, an excellent date to unleash your ideas and set new plans in motion. If you want more adventure in your life, here’s your opportunity.
Jupiter, the big planet, is powerful throughout March and is currently in Scorpio connecting with the Pisces planets on the 1st, 2nd and 13th of the month. Jupiter in Scorpio is deeply creative and this is the ideal time to pursue your interests, your personal obsessions avidly. Whatever turns you on, whatever brings you pleasure, grab your opportunities and make the most of life.
You might be ready to turn a hobby or past-time into a career venture or dream vocation. Perhaps, the caring side of your nature is calling you and you want to take care of other people, children or animals in particular.
This is also about love and where you find connection with other people in your life. March may be a month for romantic antics or perhaps your love spreads further afield. Love for humanity, love for the divine, all forms of love and connection.
It’s also an important month to dream big because the personal planets are starting to light up your career and vocation sector this month. Communication planet Mercury and the planet of relating, Venus, both enter Aries and your future sector on the 6th. This is a fertile time for ideas and collaboration and you’ll be keen to make things happen, to achieve progress.
Action planet Mars is in Sagittarius until the 17th, another fire sign which rules your work and lifestyle and Mars is a go-getting planet. The pivotal date is the 11th when Mars combines with innovative Uranus in Aries and your career sector. This is brilliant for independent projects, starting out on your own, setting up your own business.
Plus, the 20th is one of the most significant dates this month if not all year. This is when the Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and a new zodiac cycle begins. This coincides with the Equinox and, in the northern hemisphere, it symbolises the onset of spring. New beginnings, a chance to sow seeds, to start over in some way.
So dust off your ambition, get on track with where you’re heading and why. This isn’t going to be straightforward, however, and if anything you’re working towards a big event mid-April. This is when there’s a New Moon in Aries and your career and vocation sector on April 16th.
In addition, the day before next month’s New Moon, communication planet Mercury turns direct, which means that this month on March 23rd, it turns retrograde, i.e. retraces its steps through the zodiac.
This is invariably a time of delays, when you can’t get ahead as quickly you would like. Sometimes you have to rethink or review your situation and inevitably you end up playing a waiting game. What Mercury is good for, however, is going over old ground so use this time constructively.
With Mercury on go slow in your career sector. who can you talk to from your past to help you in your current or future goals? Is there an old project that you could revive or relaunch? These are the ideas to focus on. Use the timing of astrology to help you be successful. Aim for mid-April, when a new job or position will begin or you’re planning a big event.
Relationships are part of the picture and in the second half of March, you could find yourself up against opposition. Certainly, you’re going to have to push hard to get your own way and not everyone will be on your side.
There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, action planet Mars moves into Capricorn and your relationship sector on the 17th, where it remains until mid-May. This is a competitive period in your life, when you find out who your enemies are as well as your fans.
Secondly, Saturn is your partner planet, also in Capricorn and on the 11th and 13th and again on the 29th, Saturn squares up to personal planets in Aries and your future sector. You and someone close may have different goals or expectations or perhaps you sense someone’s holding you back.
This month, it’s useful to focus on what you want in life and get the right kind of support. The 29th and 31st could be significant in this respect. The 31st in particular is the date of a Blue Moon, a rare second Full Moon in one month. As this Full Moon lights up your foundations, it’s likely to be a pivotal time for your work/life balance.