Dreams & Retreat
As June gets underway, there’s no need to rush. Venus, the planet ruling love & pleasure, art & beauty is not only retrograde, i.e. on go slow until the 25th but is in Gemini and the most hidden sector of your horoscope.
Planets in Gemini represent rest & retreat for you, learning to relax and take the pace slow. This is especially important if your mind is unusually busy.
Your emotions often ebb and flow being one of the water signs and ruled by the changeable Moon. Therefore, even more reason to do what’s right for you. If that means pulling back or slowing down, you’re in tune with your stars.
Gemini rules communication, so you might be writing or journalling. Your inner world is currently fertile & rich and needs an outlet. Romance may be one option but, with Venus in elusive mood, it’s best not to make assumptions or base your decisions on what’s happening now. Keep love light & go with the flow.
Also, this month, Mars & Neptune are active in Pisces and the sector of your horoscope that rules dreams. This is another nod towards having a vivid imagination, finding your muse or your escape from everyday reality.
Pisces rules the bigger picture and is linked to hopes and dreams. It’s where you find meaning or purpose in life and is the urge to broaden your horizons.
If you can’t travel, explore your spirituality or learn something new. Make the most of this wistful, romantic & inspiring vibe that lasts for most of the month.
Lunar Eclipse
A new set of eclipses begin this month cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac. The first one is a Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse on the 5th.
Eclipses are powerful for you being a Moon child and Full Moons often feel more emotional. Your dreams could be off the radar on or around this Full Moon. Try not to let your emotions carry you away and know what anchors you.
This axis is about work and health, your everyday lifestyle and routine, also service to others, whether this is a religion or a caring profession. It’s here where you’re wise to be curious and notice where life’s calling you.
Sometimes, eclipse events arrive with a bang as the unexpected kicks in. Other times, you notice sign-posts or synchronicities leading you down a new path. Take good care of yourself and prioritise habits that support you.
Put new routines in place now, especially as Mars’ move into Aries on the 28th flags up the start of a busy or competitive period in your life.
Mars rules drive & ambition and Aries represents your career and vocational sector. Once Mars arrives in this part of your horoscope, it doesn’t leave until January 6, 2021. It will be full speed ahead from next month onwards.
Solar Eclipse
The Sun’s move into Cancer on the 20th signals the start of your birthday month and a super-big month coming up. This is because of a stunning Solar Eclipse in your star sign Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Solstice.
Solar Eclipses are New Moons with extra oomph. They are turbo-charged and can propel you forwards at top speed. This eclipse falls at 0 degrees Cancer, a powerful symbol of new beginnings.
Your star sign is one of the cardinal signs, the leaders and motivators of the zodiac. During this eclipse, you’re in the spotlight. If you have a burning desire to step up your game, to put yourself first, to focus on your personal goals and aims, this eclipse could be the trigger you need.
Notice what happens close to the eclipse date and don’t lose the dynamic energy. Instead, hold on to it and cultivate it until the time is right to let it out into the world, which is likely to be mid-July.
Mercury Retrograde
You have quite a lot of power this month. However, it’s important to know that communication planet, Mercury, is retrograde i.e. on go slow from the 18th until July 12th. Plus, Mercury is on go slow in your star sign, Cancer.
This flags up a time for renegotiations, trying again where you failed in the past. Mercury retrograde phases are ideal for the re-words, i.e. review or revise your plans or current situation.
Mercury only makes one major planetary aspect this month as it teams up with innovative Uranus in Taurus and your friendship and group sector on the 5th & 30th.
This is about choosing your allies wisely. Get the right people on your side, on your team and you can go far. This planetary aspect culminates on July 22nd and by then, Mercury will be firing on all cylinders in your star sign. Plan accordingly.
Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction
The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction falls in Capricorn and your relationship sector on the 30th. This powerful duo connected on April 5th and will meet again on November 12th. Plus, Saturn, your partner planet returns to Capricorn on July 1st.
Therefore, the end of June could prove significant for a relationship, either personal or professional. You might meet someone in a position of influence who opens doors for you.
Other people could make you wealthy or leave you in debt – Jupiter/Pluto is an extreme combination. Be aware of the power of others in your life and use your own power wisely.
Weekly Horoscopes
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very interesting, my horoscope for June I found this site perceptive and apt: I am waiting for a new beginning: an overnight dream showed I am out of place where I am, spiritually, emotionally, psychological, geographically looking for the best role -vocation, best geographic location community and life I am confident I will receive that which is seeking me : experiences, relationships, changes, and that I am changing, evolving, improving a 6 week retreat period of rest and recreation is indicated
Thank you for your comment, Peter. It sounds as if you’re in flow 🙂 Best wishes moving forwards, slowly…