Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
Cancer Solar Eclipse
It’s your birthday month and a super-big month coming up. This is because we are back in eclipse season with a stunning Solar Eclipse in your star sign Cancer on the 2nd. Solar Eclipses are New Moons with extra oomph. They are turbo-charged and can propel you forwards at top speed.
Your star sign is one of the cardinal signs, the leaders and motivators of the zodiac, and right now, you’re in the spotlight. If you have a burning desire to be an activist and stand up for what you believe in, you’re in the right place at the right time.
Eclipse Season
Also, this is the mid-way point of a significant eclipse cycle for you that cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. This particular cycle began in July 2018 and completes in July 2020.
Eclipses are dramatic and they bring about change. It’s hard to stay stuck in your comfort zone when you have eclipse energy propelling you forwards. That’s not to say that eclipses are easy but they are a time when you can turn your life around.
Also, this could be a month when you’re facing some strong opposition. The Sun in Cancer opposes Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, your opposite star sign, on the 9th and 14th respectively. Plus, on the 16th, there’s a Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis.
You probably already know who or what you’re taking on as this theme has been particularly strong in your life since April 2019. You might be up against the authorities, challenging the establishment or have a personal enemy or opponent who’s standing in your way.
Mercury Retrograde
You actually have quite a lot of power this month. However, it’s worth remembering that communication planet, Mercury, is retrograde i.e. on go slow from the 7th until the end of the month. Plus, Mercury retreats back into your star sign, Cancer on the 19th.
This flags up a time for renegotiations, trying again where you failed in the past. Mercury retrograde phases are ideal for the re-words, i.e. review or revise your plans or situation.
Mercury teams up with the Sun on the 21st and Venus, the planet of relating, on the 25th. Therefore, this month’s theme is about choosing your allies wisely. Get the right people on your side, on your team and you can go far. Both dates above are ideal for negotiations, meetings or key interviews.
Your Love Life
Love is potentially another big theme for you in the month ahead. Capricorn is your relationship sector and rules both personal and professional partnerships. Plus, Venus, the planet of love and relating, is in your star sign, Cancer, from the 3rd to the 28th boosting your popularity and your love potential.
Yet, Venus also has to run the gauntlet of the Saturn/Pluto opposition on the 17th and 21st. Plus, Venus is involved with both eclipses on the 2nd and 16th. This flags up the possibility that your love life is complicated and not everyone may be happy with what you’re doing.
Also, there’s a possibility that one relationship could come to an end under this powerful astrology. In fact, eclipses often have a theme of endings and new beginnings. Therefore, it’s worth considering what you need to let go of in order for love to work out. You might be setting someone free or let go of a relationship that no longer serves you.
Bear in mind that when Mercury is retrograde, you don’t have all the facts at your fingertips. There can be misunderstandings or mis-truths. You’re wise to bide your time before leaping in to a relationship or ending a relationship impulsively.
The current astrology urges you to take a step back, consider your options carefully and be patient. Once Mercury turns direct in Cancer at the beginning of August, then you have all the information you need to act with confidence.
Money Matters
Money is also an important factor in this month’s planetary lay-out. In fact, your financial success or well-being may depend on a joint venture, business partnership or a love relationship.
Mercury turns retrograde in Leo and your personal money sector on the 7th. Plus, on the 1st, action planet, Mars, moves into Leo where it remains until mid-August. More importantly, Mercury and Mars come together on the 8th and this whole combination feels feisty. You might need to speak up to safeguard your money or perhaps money is a passionate or tempestuous subject.
On the 11th, Mars clashes with Uranus, the rebel planet, a good date to safeguard your finances and not act impulsively. If you are in a tricky situation financially, ideally wait until late July to see what happens.
You have some lovely stars for money matters opening up from the 23rd when the Sun enters Leo, its sign of rulership. Fast-forward five days and Venus, one of the planets that rules money, also enters Leo. Peek in to early August’s stars and there’s a stunning New Moon in Leo on August 1st.
Put all this together and you can make the best money moves later in the month. In fact, if you play your cards right in July and align yourself with the right people, this benefits you in the long-run.
Don’t make any big financial decisions or major purchases this month. Instead, be aware that you have some significant astrology playing out. Yes, it’s time to raise your game but don’t allow impulsive actions to impact on your ultimate security or well-being.
Good to know. Time for Wimbledon predictions…