Cancer Horoscopes September 2021

sun & moon, Cancer horoscopes

Virgo Vibes

September is traditionally a month to get organised and there’s a ‘back to school’ feel about September’s stars.

From an astrological perspective, this is because it’s when the Sun is in Virgo, the sign most closely linked to order, organisation and routine. You benefit from doing your filing, getting your desk organised and sorting things out so you know where everything is both at home and at work.

Virgo rules all forms of communication in your horoscope, both the spoken and written word. Action planet Mars is here until the 15th and the Sun until the 22nd. Therefore, it’s time to busy yourself with that list of things to do.

If you’re not on top of your situation or you’ve got a lot of demands on your time, it’s extra important that you have an efficient routine and you look after yourself well.

New & Full Moon

If you want to set some new intentions, the ideal date to do so is the 7th when there’s a New Moon in Virgo. This is excellent for new beginnings linked to study, learning, time management, applications, writing important emails, etc.

The Full Moon on the 20th cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac, highlighting education and the areas of your life where you find meaning and purpose.

When planets are in Virgo, it’s a key reminder not to be on your own. Instead, find like-minded people. Virgo represents your local community and having friends and neighbours who you can call on when you need them.

This month, Neptune is also involved with the New & Full Moon and is strong on the 2nd and 14th. This feels emotional so recognise where you feel overwhelmed. Notice whether what you do in life inspires you or saps your energy.

This might be linked to unhealthy habits or wanting more from life than the mundane and everyday. Start with the basics first, then line up some new dreams and long-term goals.

Home & Family Matters

The star sign Libra is active all month. The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, the date of the Equinox. Libra represents the sector of your horoscope that rules your home and family.  This is where you’re wise to seek balance, peace and harmony. 

If you’re a typical Sun Cancer, you need somewhere in life you can retreat to, a place of comfort and nurture. There are other key planets in Libra this month. Here’s the pattern:

  • Mercury (communication) all month
  • Venus (love & relating) until the 10th
  • Mars (action/drive) from the 15th onwards

Crack on with any key negotiations sooner rather than later. Certainly, before Mercury turns retrograde on the 27th. Check up on family, have that long-awaited phone call, get your house in order. 

This is a top month if you’re moving home or involved in building work or DIY. You can get things done, even if it does mean that your immediate environment will be noisier than usual, especially when Mars enters Libra on the 15th.

Mars in Libra wants peace but it doesn’t always come easily for the warrior planet. This could flag up some arguments or irritations with family. Be aware of this and try and keep on the right side of the ones you love. At the same time, do negotiate and don’t hide what you’re thinking or feeling.

Make home or family money moves: 6th & 20th

Love & Romance

Love planet Venus enters your fellow water sign Scorpio on the 10th. New romance could flourish quickly after this date, whether in your life or regarding a child, an ex or a past lover.

Either way, there’s likely to be a lot of strong emotion swirling around and you’re going to feel it. There could be some wins, perhaps news of a birth or a pregnancy. Alternatively, a creative project that’s going well. 

Scorpio rules entertainment and luck in your horoscope. Therefore, trust your natural intuition if you’re choosing lottery numbers or entering a competition.

Out-of-luck dates: 17th & 23rd


The important Jupiter-Pluto connection peaks on the 11th but remains active throughout September, October & November. This could be important for you with regard to a significant relationship as Pluto is in Capricorn and your relationship sector.

On the other hand, big planet Jupiter is boosting your joint finances. You may have to ditch one person and employ another to benefit most. If you’re stuck in the wrong financial partnership, consider how you can free yourself from a bond or tie that’s not working for you.

Mercury Retrograde Tips

There’ll be more advice on Mercury’s retrograde phase next month. For now, here are some top tips on how to prepare before the planet of communication switches direction on September 27th:

  • back up important files and correspondence
  • deal with any technological niggles or transport issues 
  • line up key meetings or interviews
  • have those all-important heart-to-hearts
  • sign & seal contracts before the end of the month

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