Cancer December 2020

Full Moon Cancer

Moon Child

You’re a child of the Moon, which means when eclipses take place, your emotions are likely to ebb and flow more intensely. This December is an eclipse month once again.

Eclipses are dramatic and often bring about change. It’s hard to stay stuck in your comfort zone when you have eclipse energy propelling you forwards. That’s not to say that eclipses are easy but they are a time when you can turn your life around.

On November 30th, there was a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and you may still feel its emotional intensity as December begins. Then, on December 14th, there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse, a symbol of new beginnings.

Eclipses can coincide with drama or a sudden turn of events. There can be an ending which take place triggering a fresh start. As the Solar Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, this is about your work and health, your lifestyle and routine.

Try not to wear yourself out during this period in the year and make time for you too. Caring for yourself and others is a key theme of this current eclipse cycle.

In your horoscope, the Gemini/Sagittarius axis is about service, sacrifice and surrender. You could choose to put your life in the hands of God or follow a spiritual path and let go of outer achievements or success. That’s the most radical outcome of this current cycle. Yet, in some way large or small, you may find your priorities shifting.

Pleasure Dome

Love and romance remain strong this month. Venus, the planet of relating is in your fellow water sign of Scorpio and your romance sector until the 15th.

This is about good times, enjoying yourself and ensuring you have your fair share of fun and games in the run up to the festive period. Venus in Scorpio is wonderful for new romance, however you make a connection. Children take priority too, another key area where your love for your family is strong.

Work is under the cosmic spotlight but downtime and play are just as important. Aim to juggle work and play equally. With the Sun in Sagittarius and your work and lifestyle sector until the 21st, this suggests you’ll be busy but hopefully social at your place of work. 

At the same time, learn to relax, chill out and rediscover your talents that stimulate the creative side of your brain. Looking after yourself can sometimes be as easy as adopting a positive attitude and creating a buzz around your everyday activities.

Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

The big news this month is the fact that both Jupiter and Saturn are on the move. They leave behind your opposite star sign Capricorn and move into air sign Aquarius on the 17th & 19th. Two days later, they make their epic Great Conjunction.

The houses of the horoscope follow on from each other. Even though Jupiter & Saturn leave Capricorn and your relationship sector, the focus remains on other people and joint ventures. In particular, shared finances and resources. 

This is the planetary equivalent of the settling-down period in a relationship, creating a joint bank account or learning to live alongside another person. Aquarius rules sex and intimacy in your horoscope so think about what next in a relationship and get serious about love.

This doesn’t only apply to a personal relationship. You may be ready to start a business partnership or work alongside another person in a specific role in your life. A lawyer, an agent, a personal trainer, a therapist, for example. 

If you need any kind of expert advice, especially when it comes to finances or legal matters, this is the time to take action. It’s the ideal time of the year to focus on your finances and plan ahead. If you’re a typical Sun Cancer, security is important to you, both emotional and financial.

Relationships are part of this because the Sun & Mercury, the talk planet, enter Capricorn on the day of the Solstice, the 21st, the same day as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

Plus, with a Full Moon in Cancer, your star sign, on the 30th, this is not the time to go it alone where possible. Create partnerships or joint ventures in your life that help you feel more secure and bring enjoyment and fulfilment your way.

For some of you, the end of the year could promise a proposal or a new sense of commitment with someone special.

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7 thoughts on “Cancer December 2020”

  1. Thank you Sally. You are a marvellous astrologer, expressing your wisdom in your predictions. It will be interesting for me to experience the Great Conjunction on Dec 21. My natal moon is at 0.25 degrees in Aquarius!! I have Sagittarius ascendent (5.30 deg) and natal Sun at 25 deg Cancer. So as you can see, the next few months could be quite interesting.

  2. Many thanks Sally for this great horoscope! I was born on with Cancer Sun 5 degrees, Virgo rising 10 degrees, Moon in Taurus 9 degrees, Jupiter in Acquarius 11 degrees.Could you please ket me know what shall I expect?

    1. A lot depends on what houses your planets are in and what houses they rule. Most important, Uranus transit on your Moon – can fell unstable or you’re on the move and Jupiter Return early next year – a time of expansion and growth, depending where Jupiter falls in your horoscope. Hope that helps 🙂

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