Cancer December 2017

winter, Cancer

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

The month begins with a tricky planetary aspect between Mars in Libra and your home and family sector and Uranus in Aries and your future sector on the 1st. This combination creates a clash whether you feel pulled in different directions or events at home or work prove disruptive.

Rein in your feelings where possible and if there’s something you really want to sort out, either at home or at work, aim to do so on the 6th when there’s a more settled vibe. Mars/Uranus planetary aspects are notoriously argumentative and volatile.

The best news for you this month is the fact that Mars, the passionate planet, moves into your fellow water sign of Scorpio on the 9th where it remains until late January 2018. This is about good times, enjoying yourself and ensuring that you have your fair share of fun and games in the run up to the festive period. Mars in Scorpio is wonderful for new romance, going out on dates or if you’re a parent, enjoying the celebrations with your kids.

Your well-being is linked to having fun this month, and downtime and play are as important as working hard. Learn to relax, chill out and discover hobbies and talents that stimulate the creative side of your brain. Looking after yourself can sometimes be as easy as adopting a positive attitude and creating a buzz around your everyday activities.

The 3rd is a fantastic day to embrace a new project, especially if it involves travel or study or learning something new. This is the day when Jupiter and Neptune begin their ongoing connection, both in water signs, Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.

Lose yourself in bliss and tap into your imagination, your fantasy world. Prioritise pleasure over responsibility and make the best of your life. Another promising date is the 28th, when Mars teams up with romantic Neptune. Embrace love or line up a creative activity that will inspire you for the year ahead.

Play and leisure activities are boosted with Mars’ journey through Scorpio but work is a different matter. This is because there’s strong planetary activity in this sector of your chart and it feels confused and complicated for different reasons.

The Full Moon on the 3rd and the New Moon on the 18th both light up the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and your work and health sectors. These periods of the month may be particularly illuminating when it comes to what’s happening. It might be exceptionally busy for you or perhaps people off work or illness makes for a stressful situation.

The main culprit astrologically is Mercury, the communication planet. Mercury is in Sagittarius ruling your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health and from December 3rd to 23rd, Mercury is retrograde, i.e. on go slow.

This invariably means that life doesn’t run smoothly so be extra flexible this month and be prepared for sudden changes of plan. Don’t leave everything until the last minute when it comes to the festivities, although if you are laid up low, it could be a last dash to get things ready once Mercury is back up to speed on the 23rd.

For some Cancer individuals, the Mercury retrograde phase could indicate a period of unemployment. This is always a peak time to search for jobs but only when Mercury turns direct do you hear good news.

The planet of relating, Venus, is also in Sagittarius until the 25th, an indication that you might have to rely on other people more than usual this month. Or perhaps you find love through your place of work. This could make for some exciting office parties.

There will be moments of excitement this month, even if you’re not sure what’s going on or at times you feel overwhelmed or stressed. The 13th, 15th, 16th and 20th are stand out dates and gorgeous for work and social celebrations.

There’s also a shift of pace around work and health matters once Saturn leaves Sagittarius on the 20th. This is a major shift because Saturn has been in this sector of your horoscope since December 2014.

At the very least, it’s time to change your perspective and do things differently when it comes to work and health. You could experience a sense of relief, as if a burden’s been lifted. Saturn is also your partner planet so this might apply to what’s happening in someone else’s life and how this impacts on your own.

This is especially important because Saturn has to go somewhere and it moves into Capricorn and your relationship sector where it will remain until 2020. So you can expect more than one important negotiation to take place over the festive period. It’s time to closely examine your 1-to-1’s, to look at what works, what doesn’t, where you want to commit and where you’re ready to move on.

Don’t take anything for granted on the partnership or relationship front but take your time and do your research. If you’ve recently met someone new, get to know them better before making a life-time commitment. If you’ve recently discovered a new business partnership, explore thoroughly before you sign and seal a contract.

The Sun joins the party on the 21st also entering your opposite sign of Capricorn and on the 25th, Venus comes along for the ride. This could signal a tough decision for you. Whatever decision you make on or around these dates is bound to be both significant and emotional. Alternatively, this could highlight a proposal or commitment because Saturn is nothing if not long-term and the marriage vow is for life.

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