Mercury, the planet of communication, is in your star sign Cancer until the 5th. Mercury’s been in this most personal sector of your horoscope since late May.
Yet, as soon as August begins, there’s a significant shift, whether you’re ready to move on or you’ve learned what you needed to know.
You may have been doing a lot of thinking and pondering over the last couple of months but now, you’re ready to take action. Act on what you’ve discovered, perhaps about yourself or an ongoing issue.
Lovely Venus
Two days after Mercury leaves Cancer, Venus, the planet of relating, takes up the baton. Venus is in your star sign from the 7th until early September so enjoy the planet of love & indulgence, art & beauty gracing your star sign Cancer.
This can be a gorgeous time for love when there’s a sense of ease in your close relationships. Enjoying being around people and savouring simple pleasures. Friends are part of the picture on the 18th and romance sweeps in on the 27th. Both dates are when Venus’ energy is strong.
You have charm in abundance with Venus in your star sign so use your popularity well this month and attract who or what you want into your life.
You may feel more abundant or flush than you have for some time. Or, you feel ready to treat yourself and the ones you love.
Money Matters
This is a significant month for money matters for you. The New Moon on the 19th falls in Leo and your personal money sector. This is an ideal time to set your intentions and initiate new beginnings around money, values and self-worth.
You may have extra expenses this month or want to spend money on your home, your family. You could be taking a stay-cation and seeking more sun, fun and pleasure in your life.
Talk planet Mercury is also in Leo from the 5th to the 20th, a great time to talk yourself up, show off your skills and talents and ask for what you’re worth. Discuss finances at work or with people close to you. Get money matters moving.
The Full Moon on the 3rd highlights the financial axis of your horoscope. Full Moons bring matters to completion, there’s often culmination or achievement linked to the Full Moon phase.
Your Friends
Trust your natural instincts around money and this means being willing to let go or be less attached to money, assets, possessions. This is because Uranus is also involved with the Full Moon. Admittedly, there could be a shock around money, perhaps linked to a friend or group situation.
Or, maybe you’re the one who shocks others by your decision. When it comes to friends and group activities, there’s excitement and adventure, yet not a lot of commitment or stability. Friends could come and go or someone could let you down unexpectedly.
Alternatively, you might be around people this month who you find incredibly diverse and exciting, bringing something new and different into your life. Do what feels right for you.
Career Choices
Finally, Mars, the action planet, remains in Aries and your career and vocation sector throughout August. You might be going for it at work or be keen to put yourself and your own needs first. Mars in Aries is independent, which is great for working under your own steam.
Be wary of a clash, however, especially if there’s someone you’re in competition with or you find extra challenging. This is because Mars clashes with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn this month on the 4th, 13th and 24th.
This isn’t easy planetary energy and it suggests you could find yourself feeling frustrated or fed up with someone else’s interference or control.
You may find yourself weighing up the advantages of earning good money against the disadvantages of potential burn out, aggravation or disruption to your life. The 16th/17th is the peak time for money and career matters but think carefully about what path is right for you.
And, remember that Mars remains in Aries until early 2021 so you’ve got a long way to go if you are dealing with a significant career situation.
Things do stabilise after the 22nd when the Sun and Mercury are both in Virgo and your communication sector. Get the right people on your side and this will help you. Ask for advice or support.
You may be able to find a mediator or go-between who can sort out any conflict for you – and this could apply to either your personal or professional life.