Call The Midwife Not The Astrologer

image of cover of Call the Midwife“Call The Midwife” (Sundays, BBC1, 8pm) has become essential viewing in our house. Based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth, the programme is set in London’s East End during the 1950’s. It focuses on the friendship between a group of young midwives who share accommodation in a nursing convent.

The cleverly interwoven themes of birth, love, illness and death have made me both laugh and cry over the last few weeks and prompted interesting conversations with my 11 year old daughter (especially the episode where the main character was a prostitute and my daughter asked, “what’s that lady’s job?”) So how does this link to astrology?

There’s a branch of astrology called “electional astrology”, which specialises in “electing” a time or day for a big event in someone’s life. In essence this is traditional astrology which was used to plan the best date for a battle or a royal coronation. Kings and queens and political leaders have famously employed astrologers in the past to give them added insight that’s heaven sent.

Today, the most usual requests are to find an auspicious date for a wedding or the launch of a business. However, astrologers are sometimes asked to elect the best time for a caesarian birth and this arouses strong debate and rightly so. Personally, this is like someone asking me to “play God” and I believe there’s an ethical issue for declining such a request.

Astrology works on the simple premise, “As Above, So Below” i.e. what’s happening in the heavens mirrors life on earth. This is what electional astrology is based on and the astrologer is looking for a favourable pattern of planets that bestow happiness, good fortune and prosperity. It’s fun, although quite complicated to do.

On a very basic level, New Moons are perfect days for a fresh start and the Moon is the most important planet in electional astrology. It’s also said that when you first catch a glimpse of the crescent moon in the sky, make a wish and it will come true. Why not give it a try and see what happens.

So if you’re hoping for the successful birth of your child, I’d always suggest “Call the Midwife, not the Astrologer”. But if you are interested in electing the perfect date for a wedding or business launch or if you’d like a personal astrology consultation, then please do “Call the Astrologer” and email me at


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17 thoughts on “Call The Midwife Not The Astrologer”

  1. Sally, I totally agree about Call The Midwife. It didn’t promise much to me and I took a while to get to it on BBC iplayer. But boy am I glad I did! That first episode was very moving indeed and the series is developing nicely. I had a few glitches in watching this week’s episode but am all caught up now (I don’t have a TV so watch online). I used to live in Poplar but only after it had become very glam indeed but I love the Fifties history of the area and the music to go with it. That song at the end of the first episode I had to actually look up – Take My Hand, I’m A Stranger In Paradise, from Kismet apparently. I was in buckets of tears by then.

    I love this idea of electional astrology though am happy for what will be to be, rather than meddle. I love the moon, as you know. And in my Money-Making Magic Club we have often had fresh starts on New Moons and written abundance cheques to ourselves and so on. With your reminder I shall do more mooning, if you get my drift.

    Loving your stuff.


  2. Sally, I totally agree about Call The Midwife. It didn’t promise much to me and I took a while to get to it on BBC iplayer. But boy am I glad I did! That first episode was very moving indeed and the series is developing nicely. I had a few glitches in watching this week’s episode but am all caught up now (I don’t have a TV so watch online). I used to live in Poplar but only after it had become very glam indeed but I love the Fifties history of the area and the music to go with it. That song at the end of the first episode I had to actually look up – Take My Hand, I’m A Stranger In Paradise, from Kismet apparently. I was in buckets of tears by then.

    I love this idea of electional astrology though am happy for what will be to be, rather than meddle. I love the moon, as you know. And in my Money-Making Magic Club we have often had fresh starts on New Moons and written abundance cheques to ourselves and so on. With your reminder I shall do more mooning, if you get my drift.

    Loving your stuff.


  3. I hope you’ll remind us then Sally about new moons since I never know when they’re happening. For me, anyway, every day is another new start! But it’s good to know some new starts are better than others.

    Enjoying learning more of this astrology business from you.

  4. I hope you’ll remind us then Sally about new moons since I never know when they’re happening. For me, anyway, every day is another new start! But it’s good to know some new starts are better than others.

    Enjoying learning more of this astrology business from you.

  5. Sally,

    I have not seen any of this programme yet myself although it has been highly recommended to me by a great chum.

    I just wanted to say though that I love your very easy going style of writing which invites one in, in a lovely warm and friendly way if you know what I mean. It is very easy to follow and comprehend and, for me, flows effortlessly – it’s a joy. Keep up the great work!

    Really great reads here!


  6. Sally,

    I have not seen any of this programme yet myself although it has been highly recommended to me by a great chum.

    I just wanted to say though that I love your very easy going style of writing which invites one in, in a lovely warm and friendly way if you know what I mean. It is very easy to follow and comprehend and, for me, flows effortlessly – it’s a joy. Keep up the great work!

    Really great reads here!


  7. Oh I love your posts! I really do – AND I also love The Midwife – so its officially a love in! I am starting my first Money Training class this time tomorrow night and I know its a full moon… Have you heard of the ‘Fill it to the moon’ mantra? To open your wallet or purse and say ‘Fill it, Fill it, Fill it’ to a full moon as an auspicious money mantra… I am not sure if we will be telling this to our clients tomorrow night or not… Thanks again for a great post!

    1. hi Kerry, I haven’t heard of the Full Moon mantra but I suggest we all open our purses and wallets at 10pm tonight when the Full Moon is exact and chant “Fill it, Fill it, Fill it”. This month’s Full Moon is in Leo which is great for creative inspiration. bw, Sally
      ps. Moon phase or Ephemeris plug in will be on the website shortly for all those who are interested in knowing the dates of the New and Full Moons!

  8. Oh I love your posts! I really do – AND I also love The Midwife – so its officially a love in! I am starting my first Money Training class this time tomorrow night and I know its a full moon… Have you heard of the ‘Fill it to the moon’ mantra? To open your wallet or purse and say ‘Fill it, Fill it, Fill it’ to a full moon as an auspicious money mantra… I am not sure if we will be telling this to our clients tomorrow night or not… Thanks again for a great post!

    1. hi Kerry, I haven’t heard of the Full Moon mantra but I suggest we all open our purses and wallets at 10pm tonight when the Full Moon is exact and chant “Fill it, Fill it, Fill it”. This month’s Full Moon is in Leo which is great for creative inspiration. bw, Sally
      ps. Moon phase or Ephemeris plug in will be on the website shortly for all those who are interested in knowing the dates of the New and Full Moons!

  9. It was very interesting to read about astrology predicting the best dates for something since, upon agreeing to sell my business, I was told it had to be “after the 20th of the month”, due to some indicators in the Hindu religion which, of course, I respected. It seems everything, everywhere is somehow linked. Great post, Sally, thanks you.


  10. It was very interesting to read about astrology predicting the best dates for something since, upon agreeing to sell my business, I was told it had to be “after the 20th of the month”, due to some indicators in the Hindu religion which, of course, I respected. It seems everything, everywhere is somehow linked. Great post, Sally, thanks you.


  11. Thanks Sally, 10pm tonight it is then!
    I don’t know much about astrology (although I’ve always wondered why the three most significant relationships with men I’ve had in my life have been with Cancerians!) but I’m liking your approach and how ‘normal’ you make it all sound.
    Em, that’s a compliment by the way!
    Look forward to hearing more

  12. Thanks Sally, 10pm tonight it is then!
    I don’t know much about astrology (although I’ve always wondered why the three most significant relationships with men I’ve had in my life have been with Cancerians!) but I’m liking your approach and how ‘normal’ you make it all sound.
    Em, that’s a compliment by the way!
    Look forward to hearing more

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