Update: Rafa Nadal was the ‘surprise’ winner of the 2022 Australian Tennis Open. It’s his Jupiter Return year, he’s about to have his Mars Return and his Uranus at 20 Sagittarius sits on the Midheaven of the chart for the tournament – see below. This mirrored Uranus on the Midheaven of the chart for the final. Well done, Rafa – an awesome achievement.
The Australian Open begins this week and the whole event has been dominated by the no. 1 tennis star Novak Djokovic in Australia. He’s won this Grand Slam tournament for the last three years but as the tennis begins, he won’t be playing.
As an introduction to the tennis event, I’ll initially be looking at the chart of the tournament and what’s happening in Djokovic’ astrology to try and make sense of things.
No doubt, the sports astrologers will be adding their thoughts on who might win in the forum and I hope to add my thoughts to the blog as the tournament continues.
As mentioned in previous tennis blogs, trying to predict a winner without accurate birth data for so many players isn’t an easy task. Yet, it’s still fun trying even if it is a Herculean task.
Tournament Astrology
Drawing up the chart of each tennis tournament gives you a symbolic map of what to expect. Unsurprisingly, this is a potent astrology chart. Neptune in Pisces dominates the Ascendant and Mars in Sagittarius dominates the Midheaven, the two key angles in a horoscope.
Neptune’s the planet linked to the media and the run-up to the Australian Open has been all about the media circus surrounding Djokovic. As the tournament begins, Mars is separating from the square to Neptune in Sagittarius, the sign of travel & foreign destinations. It seems more than likely that Djokovic will be on a plane leaving Australia as the tennis gets underway.
The Moon, an important significator in the astrology chart, is in Cancer in the 4th house – the safe haven of home. The first aspect the Moon makes is a trine aspect to that extraordinary Neptune on the Ascendant. No doubt, recent events will continue to dominate the media as the tournament unfolds.
Yet, the major astrology comes next as there’s a powerful Full Moon building in the night sky. The Moon has to encounter Pluto, God of the Underworld, before making the opposition to the Sun in Capricorn.
Pluto’s theme is loss and endings. Full Moons are dramatic and emotional and the light of the Full Moon often brings matters to completion or culmination.
It’s an extraordinary symbol for the start of the tournament and indicates how significant the events surrounding Djokovic are. The no. 1 star is out of the tournament – and the country.
Novak Djokovic
What does Djokovic’s astrology tell us about this key event? It’s worth looking at his chart once again to see what’s been happening. Djokovic arrived in Australia on January 5th when the Sun in Capricorn was on his Ascendant at 16 Capricorn, the most personal point in the horoscope. The New Moon at 12 Capricorn on January 2nd fell close to his Ascendant, a symbol of new beginnings.
The Sun & Moon weren’t the only planetary bodies in Capricorn and Djokovic’ 1st house. There was a pile-up of planets – retrograde Venus & Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn & Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury slowing down in readiness to turn retrograde.
Retrograde planets are hidden from view and are effectively having to retrace their steps through the zodiac. This seems symbolic of Djokovic’ situation – to-ing and fro-ing, back and forth to the courts, will he play, won’t he play?
The Sun/retrograde Venus conjunction is often a key turning point, a cazimi or magical moment during Venus’ retrograde phase. This took place on January 9th, again close to Djokovic’ Ascendant. This coincided with the date when Djokovic’ was freed from the detention centre and started to practise his tennis in readiness for the tournament.
Yet, when Mercury turned retrograde on January 14th, his visa was once again cancelled. The powerful Full Moon at 27 Cancer 51 falling opposite Pluto and cutting across the 1st/7th houses of Djokovic’ chart has brought a final resolution to the back-and-forth situation. Not in the way that Djokovic and many of his fans and supporters around the world would have hoped.
Saturn square Uranus
There does seem to be another factor playing out here. You may notice that Djokovic was born on a Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius and Saturn is his ruling planet linked to Capricorn, his Ascendant sign. The major astrology of 2021 and continuing into 2022 has been a Saturn-Uranus square aspect.
These two important planets are complete opposites – Saturn represents tradition, rules & regulations, authority and control. Whereas Uranus represents rebellion & change, protest & freedom. It’s a classic case of the old v. the new and Saturn-Uranus clashes often dominate during times of major social reform.
Saturn in Aquarius has coincided with many restrictions on what society can and can’t do. This can be seen as the people at the top telling the rest of society what’s what and the rules that must be obeyed. One rule for them, one rule for the rest of us.
We often think of Aquarius as the sign of the freedom-loving hippy, eccentric, new age and caring for the greater good. Yet, it is a fixed air sign so there’s a dogmatic side to Aquarius especially around opinions and beliefs – ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’.
Therefore the square from Saturn to Uranus is straightaway both exciting and confrontative. Uranus is co-ruler of Aquarius – so perhaps you could say that Saturn in Aquarius is the keeper of the rules, the scientist, the technology whizz, the side of Aquarius that loves order and systems. Whereas Uranus is the rebel, the non-conformist, the spanner in the wheel, the freedom-lover, the antagonist.
The Saturn-Uranus square aspect doesn’t just symbolise one thing. Yet, it’s a clear indication of the people who are for the vaccinations and favour the science – Saturn Aquarius – and the anti-vaxxers, like Djokovic, who favour bodily autonomy and their right to choose – Uranus Taurus.
This seems to be the bigger theme that lies behind the extraordinary events surrounding Djokovic. Whether wittingly or unwittingly he has become a pawn in the game.
Mars is often a planet that acts as a trigger. Mars was exactly conjunct Djokovic’ Saturn in Sagittarius on January 9th and as the tournament begins Mars is about to trigger his natal Uranus in Sagittarius – it’s exact on January 18th. Mars is bringing his Saturn-Uranus conjunction to life.
To confirm the importance of the Saturn-Uranus square, Saturn is currently in Djokovic’ personal 1st house, while Uranus has been going back and forth over the IC, the point at the base of Djokovic’ horoscope – home & family.
As Mars triggers Djokovic’ natal Uranus, in the sky Uranus is switching direction from retrograde to direct motion, also on January 18th, at the base of his horoscope – the unexpected change of plan and he’s going home.
Whatever you believe about the vaccinations, mandates & passports – Djokovic’ case has highlighted this major divide within society, the absurdities of our current situation and the unprecedented times we’re living through.
Please try not to use this forum to debate the rights or wrongs of the vaccinations. If you’ve been keeping up with the story, you’ll know that there have been some untruths and lies which have sullied Djokovic’ case and done his reputation no favours. This also seems to be the theme of Neptune on the Ascendant of the tournament chart.
Personally, I’ve found it fascinating that apart from Nick Kyrgios, Djokovic’ tennis players haven’t been that vocal in their support of him. There have been a few attacks on Djokovic but otherwise it’s been relatively quiet.
It will be interesting to see if more people speak up once communication planet Mercury turns direct but that doesn’t happen until February 4th, after the tournament ends. No-one seems to want to have their personal views revealed in the national media.
Who Will Win?
I’ll aim to add more here at a later date. For now, the chart of the tournament points to that powerful Jupiter at 3 Pisces, ruler of the Pisces Ascendant and Sagittarius Midheaven. Any player with key planets/angles at this degree could get a welcome boost from Jupiter. Mars could also play its part and sits at 24 Sagittarius on the Midheaven.
The chart of the final has Uranus at 10 Taurus on the Midheaven, the success point, so plenty of scope for an unexpected win. And, perhaps the many Djokovic’ fans who’ll be boycotting this year’s controversial Australian Open.
Where you wrote “ Pluto’s theme is loss and endings. Full Moons are dramatic and emotional and the light of the Full Moon often brings matters to completion or culmination.” I could only think of those refugees detained in that same hotel, or on the island camps at Manus and Naru, some for nearly a decade, and dare to hope the hoopla surrounding Djokovic’s encounter with Border Force might bring attention to their plight, and that their ordeal might finally be over.
No one has discussed the impact of Mercury retrograde. Mercury is retrograde for the duration of the entire tournament. Doesn’t Mercury retrograde indicate a repeat winner?
Not that I’m aware of JC. The void of course Moon means that nothing new will come of it, i.e. it’s likely to be the same winner. Mercury retrograde is often more glitchy and it’s usually harder to predict what will happen. I agree it’s unusual for Mercury to be in retreat all tournament but I also think it’s about Djokovic too – his visa was cancelled for a second time on the day that Mercury turned retrograde, so watch out for what happens when Mercury turns direct on February 4th – it may relate to Djokovic more so than the tournament.
Hi Sally..many thanks for the article..may i know if you think this will continue to affect Djokovic’s chances rest of the year.
I don’t know. A lot depends what happens next.
Hi Sally,
Thank you for this forum. I was not a fan of Novak but Australian government should be ashamed. #boycottAO2022
Whoever wins will have an asterisk next to their name, *won unjustly.
I wouldn’t go that far – I hope that whoever wins feels they will have earned the trophy.
You are right – but there would be asterisk nonetheless. It is quite unfortunate because we will never know.
No asterisk to any tournament. Each player has to work very hard to get to the final and Djokovic may not have won anyway. Just because he won so much before doesn’t mean he would have won this year. He didn’t win the US Open last year remember. Things can change, no asterisk!
I disagree. That’s very disrespectful to the other players. Novak wasn’t a shoo in for the title. He won the French last year because Nadal had an injured foot- do we put an asterisk next to his name for that? There are more than a few players that could win the AO with or without Novak.
Injury is part of being an athlete. There are many tournaments that might have turned out differently had a key player not been injured. And we never know the severity of an injury.
But being denied the right to participate is a very different matter.
Lesley, I agree Novak was one of 1-3 or 4 favorites for the tournament. When you have any knowledge of professional tennis and you have seen last years’ final you know that a proclaimed injury of Nadal certainly wasn’t a factor in the outcome of this highclass final. Both contenders played at their peak and respectively there was no limitation recognizable for Nadal. Djokovic played his clay match of his life.
Thanks for the blog. May I ask for your/your readers help?
I’ve dated a Gemini for 6 years and we bought a house together.
Over the last few months, he has secretly dated someone else and grown very distant from me, inseperable from the new partner. I found out what was happening a few nights ago after confronting the new partner as gemini, of course, wouldn’t give me any answers.
Even during the last few weeks gemini was still telling me he loves me.
Is he definitely over me? Was he wanting to have me and the new partner? He is currently ignoring me. I’m a cancer of course so very concerned. Any advice? Thank you
You’ll know more once the love planet Venus turns direct on January 29th. Don’t make any final decisions until Mercury turns direct on February 4th, then make up your mind and speak up.
Reading Sally’s article, I notice that in my opinion the only salient aspect is missing that practically denotes the whole moment and situation in which Nole found himself and is: the square of Saturn in transit to his native Mc, practically exact to the monomer.
This is the focus of everything.
But unfortunately for him other problems will probably come, perhaps of a different kind, because Uranus is also approaching in opposition to the highest point of his horoscope.
There is also a sudden withdrawal (Uranus) from tennis at this point.
Having said that, of pure astrological analysis, it seems obvious and clear to me that the reason for his “punishment”, but I would say even worse given what happened in these 10 days, is purely political in nature, given that in less than 4 months there there will be elections. There could be no better propaganda than this.
And probably together there is also something like a further “claim”, recalling when Djokovic last year approved the opposition of his compatriots to the mining excavations of an Australian company in Serbian territory, which would have caused an environmental impact seems very serious. .
There is talk of a “damage” for this company, of over 2 billion dollars.
Thanks Andreas 🙂
Hi Sally,
I understand that other players did not give their point of view regarding the Djokovic’s misadventure because they complied with the rules of entry into Australia.
Apart this Australia Open, how 2022 looks for Djokovic tennistically speaking ?
Best regards.
Or perhaps the other players had enough respect for the number one ranked tennis player in the world not to disparage him? There have been negative remarks from a few players, I won’t name names.
Andy Murray said, “I’m not going to start kicking Novak while he’s down.”
Classy guy.
Good reason, yes.
Best regards.
I haven’t looked further ahead, Lydia. I found the current astrology so fascinating for what’s been happening 🙂
Hi Sally,
I am so glad you have posted your remarks for this extraordinary situation! I have been puzzling over what could have caused such an extreme series of events, both for Djokovic and the tournament.
In trying to guess whether he could succeed in his bid to stay and play, I was looking at the Saturn transit squaring his Midheaven. This could represent difficulties from authorities. But transiting Jupiter is now conjunct his secondary progressed Ascendant. Perhaps a transit to a progressed point is not prominent? Or perhaps Jupiter saved him from possible danger at the tournament in our Covid-crazy world?
Thank you for your analysis of the Saturn-Uranus square. This certainly must be strongly involved. And your analysis of the remarkable tournament chart with Mars and Neptune on the angles and a Full Moon developing is spot on.
I have been surprised at my own strong feelings about these events. I am an Aquarius, so maybe the Saturn-Uranus square hits me especially hard! I think this is a very emotional time for all of us, and Djokovic ended up in the middle of it. His own actions, the actions of others involved, plenty of blame to go around. Individual freedom vs. authoritarian power is certainly involved!
Unfortunately we were able to see, just last US open, that the secondary progessions work very little.
Or maybe they don’t work much for him …
In fact, we were all focused on this progression of him, which was very good in September last year, and it seems it still was.
In the end, it seems that negative transits and also negative biorhythms prevailed for him, which I always calculate as an integration to the astrological analysis.
What you have emphasized is the transit of Jupiter on her secondary progression, not on the birth chart of course, because in that case Jupiter is square to her Sun.
This analysis, transits on the progression, is highly recommended by some, but all to be verified by the proof of the facts.
But forgive me, it is not that one must necessarily go and look for a positive meaning by force, where in the light of the facts a Jupiter transiting the ascendant should bring joy and optimism, and certainly not depression as in his case.
I also emphasize that Nole had an excellent Solar Revolution 2021, just go and see it.
For him it started marvelously with the conquest of the roland garros and wimbledon, but then came the huge disappointment of New York, and this blow from which I do not know how he will recover.
And here it seems that the hard Saturn has entered the field with the dry square at the mc.
I finish by saying that all of this we are discussing is based on the presumed time of birth of each one, in this case of Djokovic which is 11.25 pm.
But this may not be correct either.
Thanks for your remarks!
Do you see anything other than the Saturn transit square Djokovic’s Midheaven involved in his current crisis? The time of birth we are using does seem to make sense there.
I honestly don’t know.
I have always thought that his time was the right one, since even physiognomically he seems to be a Capricorn. The traits of Saturn are all there.
But unfortunately in the case of public figures I have found several times that things do not add up.
You should talk to your mother to be sure of the right time …
The action of Saturn is heavy, but I don’t know if this is enough to make him find himself in this situation.
For example, if we move the hand of the clock back a few minutes, let’s do 12-13 then from 11.25 pm to 11.12 pm, we see that in this way, in addition to the square of Saturn, the opposition of Uranus to its Mc would already be in full action. .
And with the activation of Uranus too, its current material and psychological condition would be much better explained.
I’m fairly sure it’s a correct birth time, Andreas. A lot of astrologers now use it.
I’ve always used that Sally too, but who tells us it’s the exact one to the minute?
If you have read my post above, you see that actually moving the time back a few minutes, it makes everything that happened more clearly coincide with Uranus which is fully activated exactly at the Ic, and is fully undermining its Mc.
It is only about 10-15 minutes, but in astrology they are clearly fundamental.
The birth time is confirmed at astro.com, which is the best website for accurate data. I agree it would be a more perfect prediction if the Saturn-Uranus square was exactly on the MC/IC but I was struck by the Sun’s movement over the Ascendant coinciding with events.
I agree. We have a history of accompanied Slams with Novak here on your blog, Sally, and I remember how often planets were conjunct Djokovic’s Ascendant in Career highs as – lows like 2016 when Pluto was conjunct his AC.
i have rectified djokovic time of birth to 11.29 pm.you may use this time to see if it is working well for djokovic.
Saturn & Uranus are Aquarius’ co-rulers so yes, it’s personal for you. It probably makes you aware of any inner conflict within yourself. I think the progressed Jupiter on his Ascendant does fit for what’s happening – he made a powerful statement for freedom. I think it’s been more about the political situation than his personal tennis career – Jupiter also rules the law and Djokovic must have known there was a chance he wouldn’t be allowed to play?
Thanks, Sally!
I guess the Saturn-Uranus square is bringing out my inner rebel! I’m usually on the side of law-and-order, and it has surprised me how strongly I feel about the current situation involving Djokovic. I don’t know if there is astrology involved, I believe there usually is, but I tend to side with those who have exceptional talent. I think Djokovic has earned a more liberal interpretation of the rules, if that’s involved in this situation. He is after all the number one ranked tennis player in the world!
Actually, it was transiting Jupiter on his s.p. Ascendant. It does make sense that could express in his powerful statement for freedom!
Thank You So Much Madam Sally for opening the forum for Year’s first grand slam !!! Looking forward to your prediction on who could win as it adds to the curiosity and creates more interest in Tennis & Grandslam !! Thank You. Wishing You and all our Forum Friends a Very Happy 2022 Ahead !!
Without a challenge from Novak, the eventual winner will be known as a consolation winner. I won’t be watching the sport anymore. It’s gotten too political and he was used as a pawn – I feel manipulated.
Thank you very much, Sally, that you start another Grand Slam blog and for your very interesting observations.
I would like to add that North Node currently conjuncts Novak Djokovic’s natal Sun. In Germany the civil rights are astrologically established at Gemini 1 degree I recently found out. That brings me to Zverev who is one of a few players who supported Djokovic, also see John Isner. Zverev said if a player receives a visa which makes him fly into the country, it is weird that he gets caught at the airport. Further he thinks that would not have happened if it wasn’t Djokovic. 25 other players with special examption entered the borders without a noise.
Is it too much expected that the federal state of Victoria and the federal government of Australia coordinate themselves in the first place? Tournament director Craig Tayley told that the government ignored his bid to check every case of players with special exemption before they arrive from a flight which takes most of them one whole day. Djokovic openly criticized the media via twitter several times at the end of last year.
Moreover there are two subjects the global media completely blocks out till today. Instead of being objective in the first place when the situation was still to unfold the media shoot against Djokovic. If you search apart from the main stream you will find some media which show that Novak in December publicly supported his fellow countrymen in huge demonstrations against a planned mining project in Serbia.
This was fixed some years ago by the last Serbian President and the company Rio Tinta which has one of its two headquarters in Melbourne. Rio Tinta shall be tightly connected to the Australian Prime Minister who again currently is in fear to lose the upcoming election which is to be hold in Spring. A Serbian news page writes: “Scott Morrison was often portrayed as Rio Tinto’s “guardian angel” and even said publicly that this company should not be taxed.”
Hopefully we are at the beginning of further unfolding and spreading of truths are to be expected. Starting in the final days of the tournament, Jupiter soon builds a trine to Djokovic’s natal Pluto and Career Ruler. The tournament also starts with the Sun conjunct Pluto – further indicating themes of Power.
So nice, as you explain, Sally, that Djokovic connects the issues of the old and the new in his chart with his Saturn Uranus conjunction. In an interview on Youtube, his mother says her son’s name means “the one who brings the New into the world.” Uranus turns direct at Thursday.
This man does wonderful things for society and his fellow colleagues, he is bright and conscious about each and every step he does in life. For Djokovic, Salvatore Caruso comes in the draw. His name means “the Savior”.
Forgive me Patrick, but I had already mentioned the speech on the mining company, if by chance you have read my post.
It is obvious and clear that it was only and exclusively a political decision, both for this issue and for the upcoming political elections there in Australia, and he paid the price because he was the right man at the right time for this government. But clearly wrong for him.
All this is indignant and angry to say the least, but as a man of superior intelligence like Novak, he will understand that things never happen by chance. Evidently something had to happen to him, it was this but it could have been in another form, maybe worse. He must accept the fate of things, and leave again.
Otherwise, we are at the bottom of his sporting adventure. Which is not to be excluded.
Do we have a competition here, Andreas? I wrote my article before your post just for your info 😉
No competition Patrick, then what? 🙂
I just specified that I had already written that news to make you understand that you probably hadn’t read my post.
Just that.
Ok cool. Thank you 🙂
Thanks for all the information, Patrick. Interesting to read 🙂
Thanks Sally 😃
Thank you sally for once again making a astrology blog on a major tennis tournament.Let me look at the astrology from the sidereal perspective.the very first degree of pisces rises in the tournament chart making jupiter the ruling planet and last degree of scorpio is where the MC falls making mars the lord of MC.Jupiter the ruling planet is placed in the 12th house meaning not at all good for the favourite to win and as we can see the the top seed is out of the tournament without hitting a ball.mars the lord of MC is placed very close to MC and aspects the point ascendent very powerfully which may mean a young player who is under 30 years of age may win the tournament.coming to djokovic i have rectified his time to 11.29 PM.25 Degrees saggitarius rises and MC is in 23 Degrees libra making jupiter the ruling planet and venus the carrier planet.Let us look at the transits for him in the last fortnight.Mars transited over his natal saturn and opposite his natal mercury very bad transits the results of which we saw. he was detained in a refugee center. visa cancelled and finally deported.saturn is in close aspect to his MC and on the day of the final almost exact aspect meaning he would not have won the tournament even if he had been allowed to play.Mars in close aspect to ascendent and also in close association to MC as lord of MC may mean a player whose ruling planet or career planet is mars could be the most likely winner.
Thanks James 🙂
How do you rate the chances of Nadal in the absence of Djokovic ?
What about Medvedev, Zverev and Tsitsipas ?
Would like to know your views Mr James.
Thanks a lot.
Sally and James, you speak both about a chance for surprises in a tournament without the defending Champion and World No. 1. Uranus turns direct at Tuesday.
At the last Grand Slam we had an upcoming Youngster kicking out one of the favorites and exciting people with his fast pistol hand. He has arms like his great countryman and comes to Melbourne with his first North Node Return: Juan Alcarez. The still 18 year old came up in last Spring when Uranus was conjunct his Sun which repeated at the US Open where he reached the last 8.
As I remember you saying Uranus transits often come in exact, I saw similiarities of the planet of breakthrough’s degrees while his first tour success at Spring and during New York and gave him a birth time of 4:08 PM at Murcia, Spain. This gives him a Gemini Midheaven – typical for tennis stars like Federer or Murray. Additionally Gemini’s ruling planet conjuncts his natal Sun. These Mercury shapings he would share with Roger Federer and would explain his fast hands and anticipation. Interestingly, Carlos says he sees more resemblence in his game to Federer than to his famous countryman Nadal.
With this birth time he has Career Ruler Mercury retrograde the whole tournament which is possible for great success but uncommon. Federer won Wimbledon in 2006 like that.
Saturn today starts on natal Neptune and at final, this birth time puts transitting Saturn in precise trine to natal Midheaven: possibly reaping rewards in his young career. Boris Becker won his second Wimbledon title with his Aries North Node Return in the year when Nadal was born. Sally, you suggest players with planets around early degrees in Pisces where Jupiter travels, MC and AC ruler of the opening chart as you mention. Jupiter starts closed to Alcarez’ natal Uranus, remember teenage Raducanu at New York with this conjunction. Jupiter even highlights a natal Saturn Uranus trine involving natal Moon, triggering the current theme of the time and this blog.
At final there’s transitting Sun square Uranus indicating the surprise factor which is strengthened by the final’s Midheaven conjunct Uranus, see Sally’s prediction. This MC falls bang on Alcarez’ natal Sun which is trined by the Moon. Alcarez profites from Djokovic’s out as he is placed in the upper tournament draw. Look for this boy.
Daniil Medvedev has a wide Jupiter Jupiter Sextile at final and retrograde Mercury is conjunct with it’s natal position. At final, the Sun squares his starsign ruling planet Uranus.
So in a big surprise tsistipas can win as well.
Hi Patrick.
Your quote “Daniil Medvedev has a wide Jupiter Jupiter Sextile at final and retrograde Mercury is conjunct with it’s natal position. At final, the Sun squares his starsign ruling planet Uranus.”
Is that good or bad for Daniil Medvedev? Thank you.
I haven’t heard of him – will check out the players’ astrology when I get a chance 🙂
Curious about your thoughts Sally
If you are serious about astrology, dear Saliy,you must not look solely at a chart of the exact beginning of an event. There are also a few important charts connected with same event.
Based on one of those charts, my prediction is that Rafael Nadal will LOSE in the final of this tournament.
It’s not the only chart I use – I wanted to look at it because of what’s been happening and it’s very symbolic of recent events. What charts do you use and how do you get to your prediction that Nadal will lose in the final?
We have not heard from you for some time Mr Zarko. Eagerly waiting for your views.
Thanks a lot
Alcarez had also Saturn square natal Sun which may explain the frustrating loss in deciding tiebreak vs Berrettini.
What are the chances of Nadal, Zverev and Tsitsipas ?
Nadal has no chance of winning…
Getting news that France will not allow unvaccinated people in the country.
That’s 2 slams Nole has to drop if the info is correct or get vaccinated.
A lot of water will run down the Seine till Spring…
3. The US requires vaccination for non-citizens to enter. New York City requires proof of vaccination for all in-door events. So Djokovic can’t play any US events if he insists Novaxx.
I’m here to read predictions, but I think many comments here are so one-sided by placing the blames on Australia government, even with conspiracy theory. IMO, Djokovic has no one but himself to blame. He simply doesn’t take this pandemic seriously. Remember the exhibition tour he organized in June 2020? No socially distancing. No mask. Partying like the pandemic doesn’t exist. It turned into a super spreader event. He refused vaccine, violated Serbia’s isolation requirement after a positive test. He met with kids, journalist and traveled to Spain. He refused to follow Australia’s rules too. He had 2 ways to enter without playing the exemption card: getting vaccinated or quarantine for 14 days. But he didn’t want to do either. He wanted to do everything his way. Well, finally someone told him that he had to follow someone else’s rules for a change.
I read a few players’ comments. There’s clear resentment toward Djokovic. That’s why no one spoke up to support him. Most players kept a diplomatic silence. According to ESPN, at last year’s US Open, about half of the Top 100 players were not vaccinated. But now 97% are after being told of Australia rules months ago. Tsitsipas said it bluntly that Djokovic wanted to play by his own rules. He made all those players who comply the rules look stupid. Another player also said there’s too much attention on Djokovic. Nadal said it in the most mature, sensible and diplomatic way: Decision has consequences. No one player is bigger than the tournament. Players do not support Djokovic because they followed the rules, then saw how Djokovic try to game the rules. That’s why Djokovic was apologetic in his departing comment about taking attention away from the tournament.
Frankly, my opinion of him dropped lower after this latest.
I wanted to go back to the Progressions topic, and exactly to Nole’s.
In particular, on his transit of Jupiter to the ascendant in the same Progression, which Astrotennis first pointed out, and Sally then gave a reading of him.
In my opinion, when there are contradictory aspects like this, and it cannot fail to be in this situation in which Nole finds herself, we must not try to forcefully “square the circle”, that is, to want to give a “version” at all costs.
It is simply necessary to accept that in the evident negative situation in which Djokovic is now immersed, both astrological and in the response of what happened to him, this aspect is simply difficult to explain.
Because a transiting ascendant Jupiter, and in the progression that concerns the intimacy of the person, is in evident enormous contradiction with the rest, and therefore obviously also of his state of mind.
This in my opinion should always be the approach to astrology. What you can “see” and objectively explain ok, what strides instead, you accept as apparently not understandable.
Agreed – the astrology needs to be in context and relevant to the situation – I think Jupiter on Djokovic’ progressed Ascendant is relevant because of Jupiter’s theme of freedom and Djokovic travelling across to the other side of the world – Jupiter rules foreign places – to have the whole story play out.
Could it be that transiting Jupiter conjunct Djokovic’s progressed Ascendant has expressed in his being made a focus of the controversy around Covid vaccines? He doesn’t want that position, but with Jupiter representing laws, foreign places, could that be how it has expressed?
I’m probably just repeating what you said, Sally.
Andreas the Jupiter transit on his progressed Ascendent has probably saved him from more trouble. He had made false statements on his visa application and also had attended public events after testing positive for covid.
But no … I can’t read it that way.
It seems to me that I want to find an explanation at all costs to plug a hole.
And let’s remember that this transit Jupiter is on the ascendant, so he should have acted directly on his feelings, on his state of mind, not on the things that have happened to him or not.
Can you believe that at this moment Nole is euphoric, or at least serene? …
There are already rumors that the sponsors, primarily Lacoste, have contacted him to talk about his contracts. And that’s not even the biggest problem.
Your analysis might have been valid if he had been in transit in the tenth house.
Then, with a Saturn in square and a Uranus in opposition in the birth chart, transit Jupiter in the progression could act as a counterbalance and mitigate the damage.
I keep saying and thinking that in astrology not everything fits and not everything is explainable.
Obviously in the sense of what we can grasp us, not for astrology itself.
Hi Andreas, apart from the meaning of Djokovic’s Jupiter AC Progression, I personally found it great if sponsors show their true face. In Germany, there are supermarkets altering their brand slogans into a suggestion for people to vaccinate. Isn’t that insane? 😉 If it’s true with Lacoste, no wonder, it’s not too hard to recognize the pattern. We have a huge chance for change in these times…
I love NOLE ❤️
With me Patrick you open an open door …
But Sally told us not to discuss vaccines and our opinions.
And I stick to this (even if I would like to say things about the rampant imbecility that has invaded the world).
Thanks for reminding Andreas. It’s nice not easy to keep the line but I will have an eye on it.
Can’t we all stop talking about Djokovic now? He’s out of the tournament. Please give the other players some consideration and discuss their chances.
Hello Sally! What a pleasure to read you again and exchange opinions with everyone here.
I share the article I wrote a few days ago about the astrology of the Australian Open: https://astrologiadeportivaa.blogspot.com/2022/01/la-astrologia-del-australian-open-2022.html
On January 7, I wrote another article about Djokovic’s astrology: https://astrologiadeportivaa.blogspot.com/2022/01/la-carta-natal-de-djokovic-y-sus.html
Regarding Djokovic, I think that the transit of Saturn square to his MC (adding Uranus in opposition to it) is what is generating these conflicts for him. In addition to other aspects that I develop in the article.
Thanks Juan – always interesting to read 🙂
Not sure why everyone is talking on Djokovic, no vaccine no entry, as simple as that! After all, he is not greater than the sport.
French Open has also decided that they won’t allow unvaccinated players in the draw, a good decision indeed. You cannot risk the health of other players just because of a single player, whoever he may be.
Let’s discuss the subject for which this forum is made available, who has the best chance of winning this championship!!!
Personally, I think it’s hugely important for sport which is why it’s been such a big story. Djokovic isn’t the only sportsperson not wanting to have the vaccine.
I agree. There’s a huge dispute among medics around the world about this vaccination which only has a an emergency admission. As it is not proved that you protect other people if you are vaccinated. Respectively Djokovic is an important public person to give people a voice who decide against. I think no unproved vaccine is greater than the freedom of people to decide for their own body. Let us see how it will unfold. Today Uranus turns direct and new unfoldings are to be expected. Lots of water will run down the Seine till the French Open in these times..
I really like your response. Thank you.
Please do not repeat misinformation.
The Pfizer vaccine has been formally approved by the US FDA on August 23, 2021. It’s NOT just approved for emergency use for almost 5 months now.
We should stop discussing the vaccine as Sally asked us for. It was my mistake to start that topic. Maybe it’s best to wait for further information to unreveal to the Djokovic case as Mercury currently is in retreat. Uranus already is direct.
I don’t mind your deleting my comment rebutting the vaccine misinformation. But if you don’t want any comments re vaccine, please delete ALL vaccine-related posts, starting from Patrick’s comments on 1/18 11:34AM. You should not have anti-vaxx misinformation unchallenged on the site. This does a disservice to general public visiting your site.
Hi JC, I have deleted a couple more comments but I’m not going further back. I didn’t want to get draconian about deleting comments for and against vaccines. At the same time, I didn’t want it to become the main subject of the forum so that the tennis/astrology could dominate and that seems to be the case on the whole. There are people here with very different ideas & beliefs on what’s happening in the world and I don’t believe we have to constantly challenge another person’s point of view. That’s what leads to division in the world. I’ll keep an eye on what’s being posted and will delete comments that are solely about the vaccines – either for or against.
It is absolutely shocking that the number one ranked player in the world is not permitted to participate in a grand slam tournament. It is making headlines around the world.
There are tests to determine whether someone is currently infected with Covid. Why not use those instead of requiring a vaccine? Doing that, plus having a quarantine period before the start of the tournament, should be quite effective. Isn’t that what the Australian Open did last year?
It’s too bad that the French Open has also decided to have a tournament with a result that may be meaningless. But, as Patrick says, “lots of water will run down the Seine till the French Open”!
I’m sure none of us wants our own favorite player to win a meaningless title.
I wouldn’t call it a meaningless title just because the no. 1 isn’t there!
He’s the number one who is the defending champion at both the Australian Open and the French Open. Wimbledon as well.
I consider your reasoning as very shallow if not biased and discriminatory. For whatever reason the No.1 player can not play , it is preposterous to say that the tournament is meaningless and the winner is undeserving of the title .
They all fight for the title and work or play hard to earn it , no matter how little or insignificant he or she is maybe in the eyes of other fans .
Let’s give credit when credit is due .
This brings up an interesting point – he was denied defending his title so what happens to his points? This is so complicated – I feel for him.
Many times throughout tennis history where the #1 player in the world skipped GS tournaments. It could be injury or other reasons. Top players during the Bjorn Borg era seldom played in AO. None of those winners got an asterisk after their title. Why should it start now?
I agree that whoever wins the title will have worked hard and deserved the win.
But this is truly an extraordinary situation, that the current title holder, the player who has won the Australian Open NINE TIMES, is not being permitted to compete. He is not missing due to injury or other ordinary factors. I believe this is unprecedented in the history of the sport.
It will be up to history to decide the importance of this.
Among the players in the draw the only 3 players i am sure of their birthtime are nadal zverev and murray.As per sidereal astrology zverev has got saggitarius rising and MC falls in scorpio making jupiter the ruling planet and mars the career planet.just as in the tournament chart.this is a great leg up for zverev.i dont find any major positive transits for zverev.but what is in favour of him is mars is his career planet in both his natal chart and progressed chart as mars is strongly influencing the tournament chart ascendent and MC.For nadal i dont see any major positive transit but he does not have any major negative transit like he had during last year australian open when saturn was closely aspecting his progressed lord of MC Mercury.Regarding andy murray the moon of the tournament chart is in the 8th from his natal moon so he has no chance.not having the birth times of other players is a handicap.I think zverev will most probably win the tournament.if nadal reaches the quaterfinals and beats zverev then he may go on to win the tournament.
Thanks James, what do you think about the lower half of the draw?
Murray no chance?? He’s already through to the second round. Early days though!
Murray no chance? He’s through to the second round…
Hello Sally, James, Patrick and all,
@Sally thanks again for your predictions and your astrology blog.
i have been reading all the post concerning tennis (less COVID and Vaccines), and would like to point some transits that in my opinion should give Nadal a nod to win or at least to go till Semifinals.
1- Nadal his natal uranus is within 1.3 degrees from conjunction with MC Aussie chart –> may point out a surprise win;
2- Nadal his Jupiter (20,30) is with less than one degree conjunct neptune from the aussi chart (21,04) Jupiter conjunct neptune is very auspicious and is about big dreams coming true? or just happiness from playing healthy again?
3- Nadal his Pluto 5,0. degrees is making a trine to Jupiter from aussi chart at 3,51 so within a 1,5 degree orb.
4- Nadal his mars (22,56) makes a sextile to neptune from aussi chart at 21,04.
5- Nadal his MC is within 2,5. of an opposition to MC from aussi natal chart.
I see good transits for him. Yes physically he is not yet there, he is improving, but this transits could prove a surprise win. (in my modest opinion as i am just an amateur.
5- Nadal his MC is within 2,5. of an opposition to Jupiter from aussi natal chart.
It would be a miracle to see Nadal winning AO2022. He is not in good shape.
In this order I see the favourites for winning AO2022.
I agree he is not at his best shape.
As he was not in AO2017 and make it to the finals after couple years 2015,2016 on the sidelines.
iam just making the case astrologically because i dont see major negative transits.
But yes it would require a miracle.
Plus there is one situation that it was already mentioned today that is relevant as well.
Mercury is retrograde, sometimes this could mean a “repeating” winner and the only player on the field that has won previously is Nadal, so we will see how it will unfold.
Still yes he has to prove physically he will manage the likes of Kachanov, and Zverev, but after those I agree with James he is a potential winner
Indeed. From an astro point of view he does not have bad transits. He needs to make it a mental match against Zverev. He basically needs to make Zverev feel there is a 20 slam champion across the net. But let’s get there first and then I see him a potentional champion.
What do you see in terms of running out of gas/power? He has a difficult task.
I have observed that Mercury retrograde can harm players who have the tennis planet of coordination prominent in their chart. To get a more precise picture we should see which part of each player’s chart transitting retrograde Mercury activates. With Nadal Mercury (r) squares his Career Ruler in the upcoming days which could be challenging. Zverev is born with Mercury retrograde and respectively doesn’t t show interferences in his career. Tsitsipas has a Sun Mercury conjunction in Leo like Roger Federer and they have some similiarities in their playing style. So Tsitsipas has to watch retrograde Mercury, too. Medvedev I see rather like Zverev, Mercury may not be a ruling planet of Medvedev. Mercury changes signs in the second week and ends up on Medvedev’s natal position at final.
I have a feeling that of that list, Zverev has the best chance. His form is good, he is more experienced at slams than before and I feel it’s his time…
Hello sam there is one other thing Moon of the tournament start chart is on the natal venus of Nadal(ruling planet as per sidereal astrology) and close to Nadal’s secondary progressed Sun(career planet for Nadal as per sidereal astrology)
Hi James. You are correct the moon of the aussi chart is on Nadal his natal Venus. Thanks for adding the perpective from sidereal astrology.
Honestly from astrological point of view I would definitely not rule out Nadal at all!
*Hi Patrick,
Yes you are right, but regarding Nadal, mercury retrograde does not harm his chances so much. For example I can recall French Open 2014 (Nadal was the Champion) and mercury was retrograde on the semis and finals days.
But you are correct mercury retrograde can affect the players mostly those whose sun sign or ascendant sign is gemini or virgo.
Thanks for your reply.
Sam, I think it depends how aggressive Mercury retrograde is which may have to do in which sign it travels and what planets it currently involves and which natal planets it triggers. Not easy to say, I know that Gemini players like Federer, Nadal, Djokovic often suffered under Mercury retrograde. It’s hard to predict. Good for Nadal as Gemini may be that Mercury currently is in another Air sign Aquarius. It will change into Capricorn later. Let’s see…
Nadal reached the Quarter Finals ; beat Shapovolov and has reached the Semi Finals. Will Nadal go on to win the tournament ?
Hello! I share an observation, which I think will be a good case study. Sorry for my English, I use google translator.
The Frenchman was born on 9/1/1986 at 4:50 a.m. in Paris (AA according to astro.com). He is having wonderful secondary progressions. Progressed Venus and Moon form an exact trigone with your natal Jupiter. If the time is accurate to the minute, the progressed Sun is sextile the Ascendant and the progressed ASC is reaching the Sun!
The issue is that the transits it has are not favorable: Pluto squares MC and Saturn opposes the ASC.
I mention it so that we can follow it closely, it is a good case study. We already had the experience of progressions vs transits with Djokovic at US Open 2021.
We will see what this example teaches us.
Thank you master🙏🙏
Juan one more thing i noticed is the venus of the tournament start chart is bang on monfils mars career planet as per sidereal chart and the moon of the tournament final chart is bang on his mars.
Juan, it seems that the positive progressions plus the negative transits expressed in Monfils having a wonderful run at the AO, but losing before the final. He was getting a lot of attention for his excellent performances, and even the match he lost went to 5 sets.
So it seems we saw both the good progressions and the tough transits in action!
In Rafa’s quarter, first Hurkacz lost and Karatsev just now. With no Federer, Djokovic and Thiem to stop him, maybe stars are aligning!!
He will face Zverev jn the quarters and then Medvedev or Tsitsipas in semis. Seems an impossobls task as Rafa cannot hold a 5 setter anymore. Lost stamina.
why do you think so ?
Rafa won a 4 setter against Karan Kachanov.
Rafa won the fourth set 6-1 ; Rafa was still bouncing
Medvedev/Tsitsipas are in lower half and they will be meet Rafa in final potentially.
Rafa has won slams with not-negative astrology before.
Zverev lost to Shapovolov in straight sets
Zverev lost in straight sets to Shapovalov .
Meanwhile , Rafa won in straight sets against Mannarino.
I advise you to pray even harder for Rafa not to win.
The German lost to the the Canadian – whoa. I wasn’t expecting that. It certainly shakes things up.
Nadal has a jupiter trine pluto – the tournament has been opening up for him. Unfortunately on the 26th jupiter squares saturn
Could you please elaborate Mr David ?
But David, Rafa is not playing on 26th. HE is playing on 25th and then 27th if he wins on 25th,
Hi , David .
Rafa is scheduled to play SF on Thursday , the 27th , against Berrettini . AO changed its schedule this year .
Could you please provide more details why Jupiter squares Saturn on the 26th would be unfortunate for him ?
Well I think Jupiter square Saturn was in full display in the Shapovalov match, as his Saturn is in the 1st house, which rules his body and psyche. Being Jupiter squaring it as oppose to other planets it was not the be all and end all. Here is what astro.com says about this transit (without taking into consideration that it’s in Nadal’s first house.)
“In the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension, and for a time you may be confused, not quite knowing whether to go backward or forward, to expand or cut back. Under this influence there is often a strong feeling of restlessness and uncertainty. You know clearly that something is wrong, but you are not sure what it is. The best way to deal with this is not to be in a hurry. Usually you will have all the time you need to make a decision based on careful observation of the facts, so don’t rush.”
This type of energy lasts about a week but in reality it peaks for about 4 days. Two days before, one day after and he played Shapovalov the day before. Yes Australian Open changed it’s schedule so he is now playing on the 28th. So the doubts mights still be lingering pre-match but I think once he gets going they will easily wane. He weathered the storm and was able to prevail, glad Shapo wasn’t on fire like Tsitsipas was in the 4th and 5th set last year.
Good explanation , David . Thank you !
I was watching the QF match and was almost certain that Nadal would lose because he could barely move in the fourth set , let alone served effectively . He seemed confused and disoriented . Even Jim Courier noticed it and was thinking that his foot injury might be coming back .
Yes, I agree that it had been another player than Shapovalov , who is known for inconsistency, Nadal would have gone down . It turned out that he had a stomach issue that was why he had so many double faults, one of his worse , if not the worst .
Hopefully , all is well with Nadal now from here on .
I would bet that Zverev will take him out….
Let Zverev come through Shapovalov test first.
The Canadian is playing well but the German is on a different level. Looking forward to a tough match though.
Zverev looks to be on his way out!!
It’s not Zverev anymore , but Shapovalov .
You should change your bet .
Good luck !
Yes you are right. I was shocked by Shapovalov beating Zverev. It’s the Uranus influence I guess! now who is going to win??
Can I tell you something ?
We are all waiting for your addendum ; who will win Australian Open 2022 ?
Thanks a tonne
hi Raman, thank you. Unfortunately, I’m not well right now so just monitoring the comments.
I am sorry. Please get well soon Sally.
All in the forum join me in wishing you a speedy recovery.
Hi Sally,
wishing you a fast recovery.
all the best
I hope you are feeling better soon, Sally.
Sending get well vibes.
Hi Sally
Wishing you a fast recovery. Get well soon. Please take care.
How are you now ?
Please take excellent care.
Wishing you God’ speed in recovery to full health !
Kecmanovic is an interesting player who should have met the defending Champion and countryman Djokovic in the first Round. He so far made the best out of the gift and reached his first fourth Round at a Slam. Miomir is a Sun Virgo and has a natal Sun Jupiter trine with Pluto in the mix. Jupiter is currently boosting him with a sextile to natal Jupiter and who slowly highlights a square with natal Pluto. Possibly his feelings are heightened by Jupiter, too, depending of the Moon’s natal position in Aries or Taurus. That astrology looks tremendous on the first sight.
While Kecmanovic’s Jupiter seperates from natal Jupiter in the final days of the tournament, it comes into Opposition with natal Sun and approaches natal Pluto. That means his powerful natal Sun/Jupiter/Pluto constellation is contantly energized by Jupiter who highlights one of this planets after another during the two weeks.
In the second week, Kecmanovic’s natal Sun Jupiter trine additionally receives further boosts by the sextile/trine of the Sun and Mars reaches a trine to Kecmanovic’s natal Jupiter at final. The Sun ends up in a Square to transitting Uranus at final. The Semis’ Midheaven directly falls on Surprise Uranus.
Kecmanovic also has a natal Uranus Saturn Square which makes his current appearance even more exciting. Remember Sally’s wonderful prediction in which she explains the change of our time expressed by these two planets: the clash of the New and the Old. Djokovic‘s natal chart picks up this theme and even more Kecmanovic’s: the current Uranus Saturn square triggers his own natal square. Saturn is conjunct natal Uranus and transitting Uranus approaches natal Saturn.
Kecmanovic’s coach is David Nalbandian, former top player from Argentina who reached the Wimbledon final 2002. Player and coach have a nice synastry: besides a Sun Sun trine (Virgo/Capricorn), they have the planet of abundance, Jupiter, in mutual Opposition (Scorpio/Taurus). Watch out: Jupiter reaches an EXACT trine to natal Jupiter of David Nalbandian at final.
Jupiter square Miomir’s Pluto maybe indicates the intense political subject involved and that he fights for Novak and Serbia, too? “I want to make Novak proud”, so his words before the tournament. I would bet that Novak gives some encouragement from capital Belgrad where Kecmanovic is born, too. Nevertheless Miomir will be supported by Serbia’s President tomorrow who spoke passionately for national sports hero Djokovic recently.
Aleksander Vucic shares his same natal Jupiter with David Nalbandian 🙂
Get well soon, Sally! Take yourself time for recovery!
Patric Nalbandian did not play the 2002 Wimbledon final. That match was between Hewitt and Washington
Yes, he did, James. See yourself…
Monfils won in straight sets.
Hi Patrick
You mention about Mercury retrograde affect tennis players. Does Mercury retrograde affect Stefanos Tsitsipas? You also mention about Mecury retrograde will change it from second week of Aus open, what are chances for Stefanos Tsitsipas according to astrology please? Can he make to the final at least?
Hi Dave, I remember one tournament with Mercury retrograde Tsitsipas collapsed early. It is to expect that Tsitsipas doesn’t like Mercuretrograde as he has a natal Sun Mercury conjunction. It depends where in his chart it will affect him. It moves into Opposition with natal Venus. We have no birth time unfortunately.
Hi pratick,
Thank you for your reply.
Do you think Mercury retrograde has affected A zverev for loss? If Mercury retrograde is changing position or sign from second week, does it still affect Tsitsipas? Thank you.
Good question, Dave. Mercury at 2 degrees Aquarius fell into a square in between the natal Sun Venus conjunction. And the Sun squared natal Venus. Zverev won the Championship 2018 with Mercury retrograde and has Mercury retrograde in his chart. Often players collapse in their game when Mercury retrograde affects them. As Mercury is the planet of communication and effects the coordination of the body’s physical and nervous system. Zverev beat Djokovic in that final 2018 and Novak’s forehand collapsed that day what happened several times with him at Mercury retrograde. Novak has the Sun and Mercury in Gemini in his chart.
Federer started with three frame hits into his match against Koepfer at last year’s Roland Garros and celebrated dozens of unforced errors from the start till the end. Afterwards he withdrawed without injury. Maybe he was told by his astrologer.
Zverev showed no problems in his coordination against Shapovalov. He is No 3 in the world and has never won against a Top 10 player at a Grand Slam, yet. I think he puts too much pressure on him. He could have become No. 1 these days. Maybe this was expressed by Jupiter square his natal Pluto. He missed to use Mars trine natal Sun yesterday. The Moon fell into square with his Ascendant.
Not sure with Tstitsipas. At least Mercury makes no square tranist to a natal planet. It could still do with his MC/AC which we don’t know due to a lacking birth time. Mercury runs into his natal Neptune Venus Opposition.
Kind regards!
Hi pratick,
Thank you very much for your detail explanation.
Mercury runs into his natal Neptune Venus Opposition in Tsitsipas. Is it really bad for him. So far he manage to survive with early collapse with Mercury Retrograde. I guess Qf against sinner will be really tough for me. As you have mentioned jinner has very good transit. What do you think?
Kind Regards
I keep it with Andreas and Sally, Dave. We don’t have birth time for these guys and that’s what makes it too hard to make a final assessment. Mercury is conjunct hus natal Neptune Venus conjunction and the Moon is conjunct natal Chiron. Maybe good for Sinner.
Thank you Pratick. We will tomorrow.
Kind Regards
Dear Sally Get well soon. Simultaneousl aspect of both saturn and Mars to your Ascendent has possibly resulted in your illness. But as the aspects are wide I am sure you will recover very soon. All the best.
Wish you speedy recovery Sally!
Mars was in exact square to Zverev’s natal moon and North node in exact trine to his natal moon yesterday resulting in zverev’s defeat
What would be the result in the match between Denis and Rafa?
Among the remaining players in the draw, Shapovalov and Medvedev are the two, who can actually pose a challenge to Rafa, hopefully he comes through against Shapovalov spending little energy and time, probably in 4 sets.
If Rafa wins QF, there is no one stopping him, #21 is very much on the cards, despite knowing the fact that Australian Open has always eluded him, except 2009. Hopefully history will be kind on him this time.
Dear Sally,
Eagerly waiting for your prediction as soon as you recover from illness.
Get well soon and take care.
Please don’t jinx Rafa. Remember 2014 final when everyone said Rafa would win over Wawrinka for sure? Let’s stick with the astrology.
During the post-match interview, after the victory against de Minaur, a butterfly insistently turned around Sinner, and then landed on his head, indeed on his cap.
If she chose him, it could be an omen …
And the way he is playing, practically counterbalancing firing missiles from the baseline with both fundamentals, it would certainly not be a surprise.
We do not have the time of birth of the “sinner”, but in my opinion, for certain somatic traits and behavior, he is ascendant aquarius.
You probably remembered last year, Andreas? Very nice.. 🙂
Sinner has very good transits..
No Patrick, I saw Sinner’s live interview and I was pleased to see the scene with the butterfly so insistent on landing on him.
I read them after these particular coincidences of the year before that I did not know. But I only read about Osaka, not Nole.
So thank you for updating me.
But I don’t believe in coincidences as an end in themselves, that is, I believe in them as revealers of intrinsic messages to be read and deciphered.
I do not express myself on Sinner’s transits, as there is no time of birth.
In my experience, without the ascendant any seemingly good prediction can be misleading.
However as mentioned, I believe he has it in aquarius.
This would mean that he would have Uranus in the first house, and Pluto in the tenth in the MC, with Mars next to him.
Not bad, as prospects.
Hi andreas,
What do you mean by Uranus in the first house, and Pluto in the tenth in the MC, with Mars next to him (Jinner). Can he overcome Tsitsipas tomorrow in QF?
Who got more astrological advantage between Sinner and Tsitsipas please? Thank you.
I mean that if he were Aquarius ascendant as I suppose, he would have Uranus in the first house near the ascendant itself, and Pluto and Mars in the 10th house.
I sincerely hope Sinner wins, but as I said not having the exact ascendant it is difficult to make predictions, at least for me.
After all, we do not even have Tsitsipas, even if I and others, we believe that he is a scorpion.
Hi Andreas,
Thank you very much for your reply.
In terms of transits, who got better transits between Sinner and Tsitsipas? Do we have to know DOB to find out the transits? And also which one is more important between transits and progressions in chart or horoscope to get success please? Thank you.
As transits, even without having the ascendant, I think Sinner is better placed.
But I repeat: without the time of birth, everything is provisional.
As for the progressions and the transits themselves, there is no rule to define what is more important, and on the other hand the two mentioned are not the only methods of prediction, there are also the solar revolution and the primary directions.
Outside of astrology, I use biorhythms a lot, and have hit prediction with these several times.
Thank you Andreas.
What do you think about the match between D. Medvedev vs FelixAugerAliassime?
With using other methods of prediction without know DOB, Can you able to tell something? Is there a upset?
Rafal nadal and D. Medvedev looks physically tired due to heat. I think it will hard for them to play 5 sets? What do you think? Thank you.
Unfortunately, we don’t have the time of birth for them either.
You understand that it is very difficult to venture out into making predictions.
He becomes like a riddle, and you can’t do astrology like that.
I’m just telling you that Aliassime seems to be doing better at the biorhythm level.
Felt bad for The Joker …but it is due to his own undoing …. My bet is on Daniil Medvedev to take GS no.2 …Rafa is not a potent weapon anymore …but he is a Legend whether he wins GS no 21 or not
GET WELL SOON Sally …Sending all my +VE Vibes to You
You are right Mr Vijayakumar. Nadal does not look his dominant self any longer. The firepower is just not there. However, Nadal has managed to reach the SF.
We have to wait and see how he fares in the SF.
Nadal in straight sets…..my non-astrological prediction!!
Already into the 5th set now 🙂
I was a little off I guess Lol
Rafa had some stomach issue on the third and fourth sets . Fortunately , his team was able to fix it in time for the fifth set . If not for the stomach issue , I don’t think the match would go to 5 sets .
Hopefully, the stomach issue will not hamper his chance for #21 .
Nadal was a little off I guess !!!
Nadal in Semi Finals beating Shapovolov in 5 sets
Yeahh.. What are the predictions for Nadal winning? It seems so unrealistic.
Glad to see Rafa prevailed in a thrilling 5 setter!!! Now he has 2 days to recover and face Berettini, probably.
Sally/ James,
Can you take a look at Rafa’s chart and comment on his chances for this slam? Looking forward to see another Aussie open trophy to his name. Such greet and determination from him in today’s match.
He really is an inspiration for his never say die attitude.
As I always do, once again I want to do an extra astrological analysis, dedicated to biorhythms, which many times has given me very good predictions.
And exactly to the “biorhythmic compatibility”, which practically would be the personal biorhythm compared to the day in which you play.
By analogy it would be like synastry in astrology, or better still the so-called “integrated horoscope”.
Semifinal already acquired:
01-28-2022, Nadal vs Berrettini
Nadal, born 06-03-1986
Emotional 94%
Physical 78%
Intellectual 42%
Berrettini, born 04-12-1996
Emotional 0%
Physical 46%
Intellectual 5%
Well, so we don’t even have to argue.
Nadal is practically at his maximum emotional potential and placed very well under the physical plane.
On the contrary, Berrettini is incredibly negative with even 0% of the emotional cycle, and 5% of the intellectual one.
If we pay attention to biorhythms, it will be a bad day for Matteo in every sense, while it should be amazing for Rafael.
In the next post I will do the analyzes and forecasts for the Sinner-Tsitsipas quarters, and Medevedev Aliassime.
Thank you. Eagerly Waiting Andreas.
Kind Regards
Dear Andreas – this is so interesting! If you go back to Rafa’s match with Shapovalov, he has stomach issues in the 3/4th set. Was this due in some way to his physical biorhythm?
Would be great if you can do a similar analysis – fascinating on how this applies to Shapovalov and Rafa.
Hi Sally, Pratrick, Andreas, Sam, James, David, Juan and Everyone,
The way Tsitsipas is playing today against sinner, he might be surprise winner for Aus open 2022.
In terms of astrology, Is Mercury retrograde not affecting him anymore?
Mercury retrograde has changed the sign or position from the second week of Aus open 2022. Is that put him in better position in terms of astrology wise?
Would someone please throw his current astrology conditions for Aus open 2022 even though we don’t have his Birth time. Thank you.
Kind Regards,
I complete the speech on biorhythms.
Quarterfinals, 01-26-2022
Tsitsipas versus Sinner
Emotional 100%
Physical 7%
Intellectual 42%
Emotional 62%
Physical 58%
Intellectual 58%
Here the situation seems controversial.
Tsistsipas is at the absolute top on an emotional level, but on the contrary it is almost at its lowest on a physical level, as if he didn’t have more to spend.
Sinner has an incredibly balanced situation between all 3 cycles, but without excelling at any one.
Given the balance of forces in the field also at the level of objective potential, I try to make a prediction by unbalancing myself on Sinner’s vittoira, maybe there is also a physical problem for Tsitsipas.
Medevedev vs Aliassime
Emotional 33%
Physical 78%
Intellectual 58%
Emotional 99%
Physical 96%
Intellectual 33%
Here Aliassime seems to be at his most emotionally and physically, while he has some gap on the mental level.
Medvedev, on the other hand, is emotionally low, but physically good.
So there is a clear biorhythmic predominance in favor of Aliassime, but obviously the biorhythms cannot bridge any potential differences, which are clearly for Medvedev. As is the case in astrology, for which the victory of one or the other cannot be decreed only on the basis of the best or worst positions. What matters most is everyone’s starting point.
So the same biorhythms only say if that person on that given day is at the best of their resources or not.
So I would say that the favorite in my opinion remains Medvedev, having bad biorhythms, but not catastrophic as an example for Berrettini in the semifinal with Nadal.
But if Aliassime did it, I would be happy all the same for the goodness of the biorhythm feedback.
Thank you Andreas. We will see tomorrow.
Tsitsipas has won in straight sets
Nothing, the butterfly didn’t work for Sinner … I was hoping it was an omen, it would have been nice.
For his astrology I did not pronounce myself not having the time of birth, I believe that unfortunately it is a useless exercise to make predictions without a complete horoscope.
In the biorhythms Tsistispas as mentioned was at the maximum of the emotional cycle, which is the most important, but it was very low under the physical one.
Evidently, his feeling of good internally prevailed over all of him, beyond some physical problem that we already knew he had.
Hi Andreas,
Is biorhythms methods of prediction similar as astrology prediction?
Aliassime might win over Medevedev if emotional cycle is the most important one in biorhythms.
Thank you.
Not exactly. It is difficult to draw a parallel between the two methods.
But it could be there if astrologically there were the complete data of a person including the time of birth, which unfortunately rarely happens.
More properly, the two methods integrate.
For the possibilities of Aliassime, as explained, what matters above all are the potential of the two players, and I believe that in this sense Medvedev is clearly superior to the other.
So a biorhythm, even better for Aliassime, certainly does not mean that for him it definitely means winning. As well as possibly better astrology.
Evidently in this sense Tsisispas is stronger than Sinner, at least for now.
Thank you.
What do you think about Tsitsipas astrology for this week please?
Kind Regards
As mentioned, we do not have the ascendant even for Greek, so expressing evaluations would be out of place.
Unfortunately, the big gap in astrology is this.
Hi actually Felix auger Alliassime
Is actually 2 sets up and pretty much on the way to upset Medvedev.
Let’s see how it will unfold.
After the first two sets against Shapovalov the Moon arrived a precise Opposition to Nadal’s natal Moon and the same position (Scorpio 0’35) as at the start of the onesided AO final 2019 vs Djokovic. This was obviously the moment retrograde Mercury, at 0 Aquarius square transitting and natal Moon, developed it’s effect on Nadal. His problems which didn’t appear to be a real injury but uncomfortable (retrograde Mercury) feelings (Moon) in his stomach seemed typical. Mercury effects the nervous system and being retrograde shakes things up.
Scorpio is the sign of Nadal’s Midheaven. Transitting Moon was approaching natal Pluto at 5 degree Scorpio, Nadal’s ruling planet of his Scorpio Ascendant. At match start 2 PM, the Sun at 5’11 Aquarius squared Nadal’s Career planet. Against Djokovic at 1/27/2019, Mercury was at 5’11 Aquarius.
Mars arrived in Nadal’s natal sign Capricorn yesterday. A trine to natal Moon was giving him additional energy. At Friday this trine will have lower intensity. Mercury should not harm his Moon anymore then. The Moon at the Semi will be in another challenging position as in Opposition to natal Sun, running into Opposition with natal Chiron.
With Berrettini we have no birth time again.
Going by Nadal’s chart alone, he has to battle his own demons against Berrettini. For some reason or the other,Nadal has been a failure (by his standards) at Australian Open except in 2009. Never mind – at least he is still trying..
If 100% fit, I am sure he will take down Berrettini in straight sets, or at the expense of 1 set.
Just hoping he regains full fitness before the match.
In fact I am seeing it as a good omen, Nadal defeated Berrettini in 2019 US Open semi final and went on to win the title beating Medvedev. So here also, same situation is aligned. Hopefully, Melbourne park will come to help Rafa this time.
Hi Pratick,
Would you please run through similar like this with Tsitsipas astrology please. If birth time is needed, please ignore me. Thank you.
Kind Regards,
As mentioned, we do not have the ascendant even for Greek, so expressing evaluations would be out of place.
Unfortunately, the big gap in astrology is this.
Post to be deleted, duplicated.
What a comeback from Medvedev.
Andreas, Would you please do biorhythms methods of prediction between Tsitsipas vs Medvedev.
I think they are playing on Friday 28/01/2022. Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Allow me, but I want to congratulate not so much on myself as on the goodness of the biorhythm predictions.
Today’s match between Aliassime and Medevedev demonstrated the postulate that a player being at most biorhythmic, Aliassime, but playing with a weaker opponent biorhythmically but stronger as a tennis player, that is Medvedev, the latter wins despite suffering a lot.
In the previous match between Sinner and Tsitsipas, on the other hand, I said that I was uncertain about the outcome, even though the second had a 100% emotional cycle, that is, the maximum, and the first instead an average situation in all 3 levels.
Instead the Greek won all too easily, but it’s not a biorhythm problem, it was my wrong assessment, especially on the strengths on the field.
Let’s now see the second semifinal, I have already talked about the first.
Second semifinal, 1-28-2002
Emotional 71%
Physical 33%
Intellectual 24%
Emotional 97%
Physical 33%
Intellectual 58%
The emotional cycle of Tsitsipas, which is still close to its maximum, immediately catches the eye. And the other two, physical and mental, are in a decisive recovery.
He is practically superior to the Russian in two out of three cycles, equalizing only his physical condition.
But Medvedev is also on the rise from an emotional point of view, despite having suffered and lost a lot of energy today.
If I have to give a prediction, I say Tsitsipas. But it is an evaluation dictated only by a sensation.
I think it will be a very balanced match.
Thank you Andreas.
Anything astrology happening on these two players?
Kind Regards
As said several times, we do not have the time of birth for both of us.
Ok Andreas. Thank you.
Ok Andreas. Thank you.
Kind Regards
Hola, I was checking biorhythms for Nadal, Medvedev and Sitsipas.
Nadal has the best but intelligence level is -1 and Medvedev is in middle and Sitsipas has the weakest.
I have already transcribed them for all three of their biorhythms for day 28
I was checking for the final 30th Jan.
Also wanted to ask which is more important Emotional, physical and intellectual. All should be important but what if Emotional and Physical are better and intellectual is -1. And at the moment Medvedev is better than Nadal so Medvedev should win AO irrespective of biorhythms. No?
It must be said that in any case it will end, both the winner of the tournament and the possible new n.1, will be an abuse.
If nadal wins it will be a double abuse: winner of the tournament and twenty-first title in the absence of the best, and we are talking about Melbourne where Nole is unbeatable, if Medvedev wins he would be an undeserved No. 1 for the same reasons.
Since there is nothing astrological about your comment, shall I tell you something ?
i. There have been tournaments where Djokovic won when there was no Nadal ; when there was no Federer. But where is the abuse of any aspect ?
ii. You can compete only with whoever is opposite to your court ; no one has any choice
iii. No one has the freedom to ” abuse ” anything ; the ATP and the Grand Slams have been structured like that.
iv. Only the best among the available participants could win the tournament.
v. A player can be absent from a tournament for a variety of reasons ranging from COVID, Drug, Injury etc., etc., But you cannot find fault with the system because of any disqualification to any player irrespecive of his stature and ranking. If we do not have faith in the system, the system will collapse.
So there is no abuse or double-abuse if any of the participating players wins the tournament. Whoever wins deserve to win the tournament.
it is like this :
Nothing beyond that.
No player has the option to choose his opponent.
Nothing astrological about this Mr Andreas
Agreed. Djokovic won his first FO when Nadal was injured.
I 100pc agree with you and Raman
This is what you say, as an obvious Nadal fan: -) …
But wanting to hide the truth so blatantly, even knowing what it is, seems to me a rather difficult exercise in this case.
And I’ll tell you more: this already happened already in 2017, and you know it well.
Nadal gets a lion’s strength in these cases, just when he knows that Nole is not there … I wonder how this can be denied.
On the fact that I have expressed a “non-astrological” judgment, I think I can allow it, as I seem to publish a lot of posts on astrology, or on the biorhythms themselves.
Mr Andreas,
I am a tennis fan ; I am a fan of Djokovic, Federer, Nadal, Medvedev, Tsitsipas, Monfils and all others. I have travelled to Dubai and Quatar to watch ATPs. Nadal has never ever participated in any of the ATPs that I have watched.
I have watched the match in which Djokovic was upset by IVA Karlovik in Quatar ATP
I have watched the match when Federer beat Djokovic in Dubai ATP
I have also watched the Dubai ATP 2020 when Monfils lost to Djokovic after having a few match points.
I am a lover of tennis ; thats why I follow this blog very actively.
Please note that the contents of my response to your comment have no nexus to astrology . Please also note that your comment, for which I sent my response, had nothing astrological about it ; I made it very clear in the beginning of my response.
Please allow this tennis fan to call a spade a spade
And I tell you that as a tennis fan in general, as you claim to be, you are not objective and deny the blatant truth, which is that Djokovic has been arbitrarily deprived of defending his AU open and his # 1 ranking.
But not only that, this is the third tournament that for one reason or another is probably stolen from him in the last two years: Wimbledon 2020 canceled, where he was too favorite and defending champion for 3 consecutive times, US open 2020 where he had to surrender for a skit by the line judge and therefore for reasons that had nothing to do with tennis, and now these AU open for a political and cowardly decision against him.
Is that okay? Or can this also be opine?
Djokovic was not there in 2014 final and 2017 final but Nadal still lost not because of Djokovic. You are obviously Djokovic fan then. Right? Hence you think your logic is right.
2008 Nadal can defeat Djokovic anywhere anytime.
Thank you for the apology – always appreciated on this page. I’ve deleted two of your comments. best wishes, Sally
Djokovic has same problem against Stan Wawrinka.
Andreas, Thiem was missing from this year FO. Probably one of the reason Djokovic won Don’t forget all those strategic toilet breaks in all of the grand slams.
You say you are rational, You like Djokovic when he is hitting line woman and lying left right and centre. I don’t even think he had Covid. He just made it up.
Nadal shouldn’t even be compared with Djokovic.
Dear Sally
Glad to hear that you have recovered from Covid. All our prayers stand by you always.
Been a regular reader in this blog for years, I’d kindly request you to continue this blog for upcoming GS. This is such an amazing blog with several astrologer’s views & thoughts which makes every GS more interesting. Thanks a lot.
Just wanted to share my thoughts for hatred remarks on Nadal.
First of all, as someone in this blog mentioned earlier rule is rule. No matter who and how big you are. Get vaccinated and enter into the country. That applies to all.
Secondly I remember which I read long back. At one instance Roger Federer wasn’t allowed to enter the court without his ID. He was allowed later only when he showed his ID to the authorities. So nothing bias for anyone being special. As Rinku said things would’ve been tougher for Novak when Thiem (the second best Clay court player after Rafa) was present in FO.
Ridiculous allegations against one of the most respected athletes. How do you know that Spanish government is involved. Do you work for anti doping agency and seen Nadal blood sample with drug. The person who wins 21 gs deserves it. Not the person who is not in the field for whatever reason.
Toilet break concept is started by federer in 2017 AO against Wawrinka and Nadal. I am watching tennis before you are born.
Well players have missed tournaments in past for several reasons. The fact that some no one player chose not to be role model for others and thinks that he should be excused to make other players look like fools is a sickness in itself.
Well not only physical health but mental health is also responsible to keep players out. Djoker is a clear example of that
About being undisputed top player is a myth. In last two tournaments he lost; so there was no evidence that he could have won this one 🤣.
Secondly to lot of people who talk nonsense about Djoker being the best ever.. Well, Federer not at his prime was close to beating Djokovic in 2019 finals of Wimbledon; Compare that when Djokovic not being at his best; he struggles to even reach semis… well 2017 2018 he was struggling to even face Nadal and Fed forget about beating them.
The fact that Djokovic thought he can have an exception to play without getting vaccinated; is a sign of mental sickness. So how could an ill person play 🤪.
vi – If Nadal met Djokovic in the semifinals – Nadal would have had 2 days off to recover AND the match would guaranteed been played in the day, which from the QF on no match had been played in the day when Djokovic turned pro. How well has Djokovic played at the U.S. Open during day matches against top opponents let alone Nadal? Avereage compared to his resume. It might be more humid often in New York but if he can’t handle the heat in September in New York good luck in Melbourne.
Mr Andreas,
I must say that I love tennis to such an extent that If anyone levels any allegation on the system, I get sort of agitated.
I have never meant any disrespect.
I love tennis ; so I love tennis astrology ; I am a fan of Sally, James Green, Yourself, Lucy, Juan, Amando, JC et al
I have been religiously following this blog from Day 1
Thanks a lot
If the 70% matches are on clay then the situation would be complete different.
One more relevant point
Its Australian Open
The tournament is open to all who are found eligible as per the time tested criteria.
The best of the players can get disqualified for a variety of reasons. Players can also get stripped of their trophies if they are found having violated the system.
Andreas Astrologically Djokovic had no chance to win this AO. Djokovic has transit Mars opposing his Natal Mars and Transit saturn Aspecting his Natal MC during the tournament. So even if Djokovic had played the tournament he would not have won. In fact I made this prediction to Rinku immediately after the US Open had finished.
Yes,James told me long long time back.
Hey James,
Looks like you have a crystal ball in your hands. Who do you think will win Australian Open 2022? Also, when do you see Novak can win the Grand Slam again as it is certain his time is not good since Olympics last year?
Hello victor I don’t have a crystal ball in my hands. I just looked at the planetary positions during Australian Open and found that Mars was opposing Novak’s natal Mars and Saturn was Aspecting his MC which is disastrous for winning slams. It turned out to be more disastrous than I foresaw as he was deported and not even allowed to play.
James any idea how many slams will Rafa n Novak end with please
I read on facebook post somewhere recently that Nadal has transiting Mars sextile his natal Pluto on the day of final and that more than ensures his victory….apparently it gives massive boost in energy and determination. Rafa already has enough most days!
Can you please share the link?
Will try to find it.
Usually in the past we have always stated if the tournament favorite is in favor – based on tournament chart. Is that the case for Aussie this year? I won’t count Rafa being fav but Medvedev being the top seed and last slam champion on similar surface.
How does Rafa’s astrology look for the finals considering match will start later in the day and he has been playing majorly during day light hours.
What time will the final be played? If it’s in fast hot conditions of afternoon, Rafa’s bounce will be very hard to handle.
Iam glad to follow this forum. However this time it has shown it’s actually Mercury retrograde because some of the discussions here are about points of view and some have no sense at all.
Please guys let’s keep it to the astrology.
Whoever wins wins. The positive point with the astrology is a mean to observe “gods” chart to every occasion.
That’s the nice part of it.
Be nice and gentle to each other.
We should be grateful that Sally is keeping it up
Greetings to all
Sorry I’ve been absent from here. I got covid on the day of the Full Moon conjunct Pluto – I’m doing fine but it’s taken some time to recover. A couple of pointers. It is more difficult to do predictions without times of birth and this is now the situation we find ourselves in and this will only continue. Sometimes, you can make a sound prediction without a time of birth depending on the astrology but that’s not always the case – there’s less information available to work with. In the four who are left, I note that both Nadal and Tsitsipas have their Jupiter Return years – there’s 12 years between them but they were both born with Jupiter in Pisces. It’s not an exact Jupiter return for either player – actually closer for Nadal – but a nice nod towards good fortune nonetheless. Tsitsipas was also born on a Sun/Mercury retrograde conjunction. Often, I’ve seen people do well during Mercury retrograde when it’s in their natal chart. Nadal’s Uranus is also conjunct the Midheaven of the opening chart – so maybe that’s a nod towards Uranus conjunct the Midheaven of the final chart? I know he’s going to want to win this tournament with Djokovic out of the way. Medvedev has a major Pluto transit conjunct his Mercury/Neptune. That could power him through or it could add to his mental battles. He has the Moon in Scorpio which can be an intense placing for the Moon. It feels like he’s under pressure. I don’t have much to say about Berrettini from an astrological perspective. So – some thoughts for you. The reality is I may not continue with the tennis astrology moving forwards and I want to say that now incase anyone here wants to pick up the baton. I’m an old school tennis fan and I don’t have the interest in the game as I did 10 years ago when this forum began. Add to that so few times of birth in the public domain and the astrology isn’t as fun as it used to be either. You can always check out Juan’s website and please let others know where they can read your predictions if any of you are to continue. Let’s see how this tournament completes now all the controversy seems to have died down 🙂
Sally very Glad you have recovered from covid. Please continue your blog on tennis slams. It is very interesting and educative
Hello Sally! I am very happy to know that you recovered well from COVID.
I share what you say, it is very difficult today to make predictions about tennis since of the new top 10, almost none of us have their time of birth.
Thank you very much for recommending my website as a trusted site regarding astrology applied to tennis.
I send you a warm greeting!
Hey Juan,
Looks like you have a crystal ball in your hands. Who do you think will win Australian Open 2022? Also, when do you see Novak can win the Grand Slam again as it is certain his time is not good since Olympics last year?
I was looking at Berrettini’s letter. If the Italian was born at dawn or morning, he would have a good chance since he would have very good progressions.
Then between Medvedev and Tsitsipas it is very even, I would put a chip on the Greek but not having the time of birth of either is risky. Tsitsipas in the last 2 grand slams had not passed the third round; in this major he already reached the semifinals. The good astrology I mentioned allowed him to go far at least and improve his performance.
Regarding Djokovic, I said on my twitter weeks ago (https://twitter.com/ElBlogDeJC/status/1480559828661592068) that he will improve from May when Jupiter sextile his Sun and conjunct his Moon.
Hello Juan,
I would have to respectfully disagree with your assessment of Djokovic winning the French Open. Here is why:
Jupiter sextile his Sun occurs simultaneously with Jupiter square Mars BUT it is exact on May 17th – the tournament begins 5 days later on May 22nd.
As for Jupiter conjunct Moon this occurs exact on June 13th. The tournament ends on June 5th, 8 days earlier so even the beginning remnants of this transit is not felt on June 5th, so will have no impact UNLESS the event gets pushed back a week for some reason.
However, the crazy thing with this transit is Jupiter conjunct moon hits a second and third time at the most fortunate of times. The second day is September 12th a day after the U.S. Open final, albeit retrograde. The third and final time is on Sunday January 29. So if he plays I don’t see how he does not win both hardcourt slams.
Happy to know that you have fully recovered.
Take excellent care.
Please continue with the blog.
Thanks a lot
Sorry to hear you got COVID but I’m glad you’re feeling better. Thanks for commenting on the final four even though you’re not 100%. We’ve had too many non-astrology related comments these past few days.
Correct me if I’m wrong, you think Nadal and Tsitsipas have better astrology in the semifinal matches? If they advance to the final, who has the edge? Or is it a toss up?
For all the astrologers in here, would you be able to reverse-engineer these young players’ birth time based on their recent results? It’s a lot of work, but how did you figure out Federer’s, Nadal’s and Djokovic’s birth time?
Also, please continue this tennis blog. It’s very interesting to hear different astrologers’ views with different approaches. I wouldn’t know you if not for this blog.
It’s Mercury retrograde so you’re allowed to have second thoughts. 😉
Dear Sally
Glad to hear that you have recovered from Covid. All our prayers stand by you always.
Been a regular reader in this blog for years, I’d kindly request you to continue this blog for upcoming GS. This is such an amazing blog with several astrologer’s views & thoughts which makes every GS more interesting. Thanks a lot.
Thank you .I have been following you for years and disheartened to hear this.If you could give the name of Juan’s website would be grateful
Thank you so much.Am glad you have recovered and sincerely hope you would continue with this forum for as long as possible.Always look forward to reading your posts.
Hi Sally,
Someone from here mentions that looking at the Tournament of Chart indicate that Winner will be players who are under 30 years old. And If Tsitsipas and Nadal reached to Final then there is more chance of Tsitsipas winning it. What do you think about that Sally. Thank you.
Kind Regards.
Sally, I’m so glad you are feeling better after your difficult bout with covid. It will no doubt take some time to get back to 100%. Our best wishes are with you all the way!
I hope you will please reconsider your decision to stop your tennis astrology. I am very excited for 2023 because Federer has some excellent progressions, a number of them. His progressed Midheaven will be exactly conjunct his Mars next January. His progressed Sun will be sextile his Uranus for much of next year. His progressed Mercury will be conjunct his Pluto exact in July 2023. Big news? His progressed Moon will be in range of the conjunction to his Midheaven the second half of the year. His progressed Mars will be sextile his progressed Saturn exact in July 2023. And his progressed Mercury will be sextile his progressed Neptune exact in September 2023. What a lineup! I don’t know that I’ve ever seen such a complex of progressions. There are some transits that may be helpful or challenging, I’m not sure which. I would love to see your analysis of tournament charts to gain insight. And I would suppose that Nadal and Djokovic will still be in the mix.
I’m guessing that next year will be the last for Federer, and he will be in the news.
Even without birth times for younger players, I think it would be worth doing the analysis for the big 3. And who knows, as some of the younger players have success, we may start to see birth times appear for them.
Please continue through next year!
Maybe I should make a pact to retire when Federer retires 🙂 He was the reason I started these tennis astrology blogs in the first place 🙂
Dear Sally
This is the first time I am commenting on your blog/site, though I have been following your blog from the very first time that you put it up – Wimbledon 2012!! and every slam that you covered.
I was waiting for you to spell it out one day that you will probably pull this blog down when Fed retires. It was evident from your evocative posts and comments and moderation of the site.
I have had more than passing interest in astrology in the past and have enjoyed your posts, James, Patrick, Juan, AstroTennis, and others (pls forgive me if I have forgotten some names) who have been giving fascinating insights on each slam over the last decade. I have seen rabid fans on this forum and genuine enthusiasts (of both astrology and tennis).
Have followed tennis for the last 44 years – but I have to admit that no one played tennis like Fed did in the open era, so can understand why you want to pull this blog down. But like Astrotennis I request you to keep this forum going till Fed retires.
Wishing you all best of health and prosperity!!!
The first semifinal between nadal and berrattini is going to start at 14.30 pm tommorow.Aries rises and MC falls on aquarius which makes mars the ruling planet and saturn the carer planet.of the two players nadal is the higher ranked player so he should be regarded as the favourite.mars the ascendent lord is in the 9th house and is direct.mars denotes the favourite.the 7th lord venus denotes the challenger is also in the 9th but retrograde meaning nadal will win the match.saturn as lord of MC and being close to MC also suggests it will be the older player who will win.
Hi James,
I remember from your older post from 16 Jan 2022, you indicate that Player under 30 years old may win the tournament.
Can you do similar types prediction like you did for Nadal vs Berrattini for another semi final between Medvedev and Tsistpas please.
Anyone know, What is the career/ ruling planets for Tsitsipas please? Thank you.
Kind Regards.
Hello Dave I am not sure of the birth time of Medvedev and tsitsipas so I cannot say which is the ruling planet and career planet for them. But from the start time of the match which I believe is at 7.30pPM local time tomorrow cancer rises and it’s Lord moon denoting the favorite in this case Medvedev as he is the higher ranked player is not as well placed as saturn who is the 7th Lord denoting the challenger denoting tsitsipas. So tsitsipas may win the match. I also do not have birthtime of berratini.
Hi James,
Thank you for your reply.
Do you remember from your earlier post here in 16/01/2021. The winner of tournament may be player under 30 years old. Would you please explain little bit about that. Do you still think that player under 30 years old may win? If that the case then, if Nadal reach to final, he may lose? Thank you.
Kind Regards
Hi Dave The tournament chart gives conflicting signals. Mars powerfully placed close to MC and Aspecting Ascendant shows a young player winning the tournament. But Mercury retrograde throughout the tournament shows a repeat winner. So Nadal is in with a chance.
Hi James,
You talk about Mars powerfully placed close to the Midheaven. I was wondering if this has any correlation with Nadal’s transits? As of the morning after the day of the finals transiting Mars makes a conjunction with his natal Neptune (which by itself isn’t necessarily good) but also means both are simultaneously sextile his natal Pluto.
Hi James,
Thanks again for your reply.
Does Mercury retrograde shows a repeat winner? I thought void of course Moon gives more likely to be the same winner.
Sally somewhere mention here : void of course Moon means that nothing new will come of it, i.e. it’s likely to be the same winner.
Is there a void of course Moon in the final day? Thank you.
Kind Regards.
James, Mercury retrograde throughout the tournament shows a repeat winner. So can it not mean that Medvedev who is the winner of the last Grand Slam, may win AO also?
Stan Wawrinka won French Open 2015 when Mercury was retrograde
Stan Wawrinka won US Open 2016 with Mercury retrograde
Can Tsitsipas win with the tournament with mercury retrograde? Thank you
“Repeat winner” usually means a winner that has won the same tournament before. That’s been my understanding of Mercury retrograde.
@James, I brought up the Mercury retrograde previously here. I’m no astrologer. I just read enough astrology. I’m glad you agree. We’ll see how it plays out.
What about the women’s final???? Can Ashleigh Barty win????
Hello! A few days ago I posted on my twitter (https://twitter.com/ElBlogDeJC/status/1485665363350204422):
“Looking at Ashleigh Barty’s birth chart (no time), it seems to me that she will be the Australian Open champion.
Converted NN sextile her natal Sun + Pluto/NN in aspect to her natal Mercury/Neptune”
Thank you very much Juan, regards from Sydney Australia
James has predicted for Nadal & Juan for Tsitsipas. Awaiting from Sally, Patrick.
Hi Sally,
I just read some comments on Djokovic in this forum. There are some very disrespectul, for ex. writing *shut up *???
Take care.
Best regards.
I totally agree, Lydia. Such is the world we live in right now. People need to respect that, if you want your opinion to be heard, you need to be open to hear other’s too, rationally. Unfortunately, some on this blog are now expressing hatred, and hurling accusations about other players (e.g., about Nadal doping, Novak faking his COVID positive etc.). Pulling others down does not make the player you like better. Or that the winner of AO 2022 is not deserving.
At the end of the day, we’re here to watch tennis, and learn how astrology plays a part, please. Let history judge the true character and achievement of the player you support, whoever it may be.
I am extremely sorry for the comments I made and I have visited these pages from beginning but never made any comments. I just replied to that guy coz he was sharing information that hasn’t been verified. I am not even a Djokovic fan but I have been hurt the way he has been villified by media so I was just giving him the taste of his own medicine by sharing those reports from 2016.I am not having option to delete my comments otherwise I would have deleted them. Sorry for inconvenience.
It’s really sad to read certain comments when you don’t want to admit the truth in any way.
Djokovic has been deprived on several occasions of the possibility, very high in all circumstances and without the tennis played having anything to do with it, of winning more slams than anyone else and also of detaching his rivals.
How we can deny this remains really difficult to understand, except because those who deny this can only have the classic blinders …
Then we should also understand why he has them, but let’s close here.
Biorhythmic situation
I have already written about the semifinals, Nadal for me is already in the final, as said and explained.
Let’s see who is better placed among the 3 remaining in the event of a final:
Final, 01-30-2022
Medevedev, 02-11-1996
Physical 33%
Intellectual 24%
Nadal, 06-03-1986
Emotional 85%
Physical 58%
Intellectual 58%
Tsitsipas, 08-12-1998
Emotional 90%
Physical 58%
Intellectual 72%
As can be clearly seen, even if not clearly, it is the Greek that has the best biorhythms, which is superior to the other two in the emotional and intellectual cycle, and is equal to nadal in the physical one.
Does this mean that he will surely win these AU opens?
Obviously not, because everyone’s congenital basic potential is involved that no biorhythm or astrological situation can change, but it means that he reaches the semifinals and final in apparently better global conditions than the other two.
Please stop your non-astrology related posts. Djokovic is not in the tournament. I have no idea what Biorhythmic is or how you measure it from 1000s of miles away. Let’s stay with the astrology predictions. That’s what most of us are here for.
Hi Andreas
How did you calculate the biorhythms do you need only date of birth or exact time
Hi Ankit, you asked me about my analysis.
I see the Champion in the Semi Medvedev vs Tsitsipas. We have no birth times, yet. So I did some research regarding the transits. If I have to decide, I would choose Tsitsipas.
The Sun builds a square to Uranus at final and EXACTLY falls onto Tsitsipas` natal Uranus. Transitting Uranus is on the final´s Midheaven which we talk about since 12 days. So Tsitsipas currently has a precise Uranus Uranus Square. Tsitsipas raised his performance since Mars switched signs into Capricorn before his Quarter versus Sinner. At Sunday, Mars at 4 degrees Capricorn can stabilize his performance in a trine to natal Saturn.
My intuition also tends to Tsitsipas. He missed to win his first Grand Slam final after a 2-0 sets lead against Djokovic last year at Paris. In last year`s Quarters, he won against Nadal after being 0-2 Sets down himself. Then he lost the Semi against Medvedev which shall make him extra determined tonight. Stefanos lost the first 5 encounters with Danil, but won two out of the last three head-to-heads. The last one at Paris` Semi 2021.
He made himself a lot of problems in the last year with his restroom timeouts. I haven´t heard anything about it these days and maybe this was a necessary learning step for him before the universe let´s him evolve to the next level. That brings me to my research: I observed that Uranus square Uranus often comes with Career boosts. Nadal won the Australian Open 2009 with this transit and the Olympic Gold Medal 2008. In this wonderful tennis astrology forum we have recently observed that Federer´s first magnificent Career year began with the North Node conjunct his Midheaven in early 2003 and later he won Wimbledon for the first time. So far he played his last Slam at Wimbledon last year and North Node returned to his Midheaven after 18 years at the US Open start when he was not there. The reason I mention this is that parallel with the Node MC conjunction heralding Roger`s glorious era 2003,Uranus squared Federer´s natal Uranus. Djokovic made his next career steps as World Number 2 in 2010 with the Uranus Uranus square and reached 5 Masters finals then. Just after the square he won his first Australian Open in 2011.
Medvedev`s astrology is also interesting as retrograde Mercury is conjunct his natal Mercury at Sunday.
Thank You So Much Patrick for the analysis. So now it’s you & Juan predicting Tsitsipas and James for Nadal.
Awaiting for your prediction Sally.
Sally has said it will be Nadal. So now it is Sally and James Versus Juan and Patrick. Nice Doubles. Rooting for Nadal to win though, personally.
Where did James say Rafa will win final ? I thought he said it will be under 30 player
James – who is your final pick please
Hi Patrick,
If I might add, there was a solar eclipse about 3 degrees from Federer’s Midheaven in late May 2003. He won his first Wimbledon a little over a month later.
I don’t mean to detract from the points you were making, but I just thought it was interesting to note. Eclipses can also have a strong expression and also often coordinate with the nodes.
That´s interesting Astrotennis. Astrology is so complex. Thanks for your observation!
Don’t know about final but first semi looks like a total rout!! In form Rafa!!
Rafa the merciful! Decided to ease up a bit!
Hi Patrick, there is no time of birth, but in my opinion and I also remember according to Sally, Tsitsipas is almost certainly Scorpio ascendant.
We understand him in many things about his attitudes, and also physiognomically I know people with Sun-Moon or Scorpio ascendant who have similar somatic traits.
If so, it is clear that he should have The Sun in tenth with Mercury next to it, or printed right on the Mc. And Venus and Mars in Cancer in the ninth, but always very close to Mc.
Hi Pratick,
What will happen in retrograde Mercury conjunct his natal Mercury means? Is it good or bad for Medvedev?
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Rafa won!! No one can stop him this time!
Lol, he is unable to move in court from 3rd set. Just managing his serve game and playing just 2 points in opponent serve. Do u think he gets berretini again in final to keep hitting to his backhand and win.
Nadal wins in 4 sets.
Daniel Medvedev vs Rafa Nadal Final AO 2022
I’m wondering how everyone had discarded Medvedev !
From tennis perspective, he is 70% chance of winning the final.
I have hardly seen any tall tennis guy with an unbelievable court coverage like Medvedev. And hus serve is not bad at all.
Awaiting for astrological predictions.
Has ever James Green gone wrong with his astrological predictions on Grand Slams ? I don’t remember any.
Hello Astrologers,
We finally have Medvedev and Nadal in the final.
Any final predictions for Sunday.
Yes interesting final. I hoped Tsitsipas might beat Medvedev but not to be. I didn’t watch it but apparently Medvedev had a bit of a melt-down again? This does seem to be him under a lot of pressure with Pluto on his Mercury/Neptune conjunction. Mercury rules the mind, his mental state. Yet, we have seen tennis players win under Pluto transits in the past – it can also add super-human strength and determination. If Mercury is Medvedev’s career planet (we don’t know without a time of birth), this could be a significant breakthrough for him backing up his US Open 2021 win over Djokovic. Jupiter was helping Medvedev at the US Open as it was in Aquarius and between his Sun/Mars conjunction Aquarius – Jupiter’s now moved on. However, if we use the chart for the final, Medvedev would be ruler of the Cancer Ascendant – Moon Capricorn – and Nadal would be ruler of the Capricorn Descendant – Saturn Aquarius. That is if Medvedev is favourite which he seems to be with the bookies. On that note alone, you have to fancy Nadal’s chances – Moon is in detriment i.e. weak in Capricorn and Saturn is in its sign of rulership i.e. strong in Aquarius. There’s also a Sun-Uranus clash building during the final. It doesn’t perfect during the match but it is close – that would also bring the theme of a surprise win, so again I’d have to go for Nadal.
Amazing. Sally has given the verdict. It will be nice reward for all of these years hard work.
Rinku any idea if anyone here predicted total slams Rafa n Novak will end with ? I think race now is between these 2
Very difficult to predict that. Even Nadal hasn’t won yet. On Sunday anything can happen. I still think Djokovic is in better position fitness and game wise.
No Rinku my question was whether any astrological prediction on total slams for both. I’m visiting this site after very long
Thanks Sally! Well deserved 21st for Rafa!!
Don’t you think rafa going for walkabouts in third set will be costly ? Does he have the fitness ? Meddy is not shapo or Mateo .
I hope rafa wins but on current form meddy is the fav. It will be amazing if Rafa wins after coming back from injury of 6 months . What a way to get both double career slam and 21
Hope Rafa makes history this Sunday. I am a big fan of his. However, his form seems a bit wobbly the last two rounds after a blistering first two sets – if the 2019 US Open Meddy shows up on Sunday, Rafa may be in trouble.
Hope the stars align for Rafa finds the 2019 US Open form also. He also beat Matteo in semis then, so hopefully this AO will be kind to him and history repeats.
The Australian open final is between nadal and medvedev.Let us see how the stars are for them.there is no birth time available for medvedeVv.So let us see from the time the final is going to start.The match is slated to start at 7.30pm on 30/01.2022.I have noticed That after the players arrive on court the toss and the warmup the actual match starts at about 12 to 18 minutes later.so i have cast a chart for 7.45pm and i find that cancer rises and its lord moon showing the favourite that is medvedev as he is the higher ranked player is placed in the 6th house.the descendent falls in capricorn and its lord saturn showing the challenger that is nadal is well placed in his own sighn capricorn in the 7th house itself.so saturn is stronger than moon and this gives a nod towards nadal.so i am predicting nadal will win the tournament.
Thank you James! I remember you call out astrological changes mid match caused problems for Rafa against Shapovalov.. do you see any twists for the next 3-4 hours of the final?
Rama In one of my earliest posts I had said the winner of Nadal vs Zverev may go on to win the tournament. This is because Nadal had the Bad transit of moon opposite his natal moon on the day of his quarter finals which even Patrick had mentioned in one of his posts. As it happened Zverev did not reach the quarter finals and Nadal had a tough time in his quater finals. I am sticking with Nadal though not having Medvedev birth time makes it tricky.
Moon opposite moon happens for every human being once a month. Since a grandslam takes place over 2 weeks during a month every player would probably experience this during one of these events multiple times in their career. I would have to believe Jupiter square his natal Saturn (which is in his 1st house) on the morning of the 26th (less then 24hours from exact) played a factor.
David, the problem for Nadal was against Shapovalov that retrograd Mercury was involved in the Moon Moon opposition apparently shaking up his feelings.
Thanks James
Will this stand irrespective of length of match..2 hrs to 5 hrs
Sanju This is an astrological prediction so it stands irrespective of the length of the match.
Thanks James ..happy to read it. Hope rafa wins:-)
Thanks James for your analysis. Big fan of your predictions.
Unfortunately not having Medvedev’s time of birth makes it very difficult to make a prediction.
I am not convinced by Nadal’s lunar revolution with Mars square Neptune.
If I had to risk, I would say that the Russian will be the champion.
But you also sais Tsitsipas or Zverev might win..
Are you forcing him to say that Nadal will win ? Nothing wrong being a Nadal fan but please don’t force any astrologer to predict as per your wishes.
Of course not but his prediction was wrong in the first place.
In that case, with due Respect to Sally, Patrick, Asttotennis, their predictions have gone wrong as well. Like 2019 Wimbledon, 2018 French Open.
As rightly said by someone, as Astrologer can be wrong but not Astrology.
Remember, no one has an exact birth time of Medvedev. So prediction can go wrong.
Enjoy astrology, enjoy tennis.
Juan, excellent prediction Ashleigh Barty just won the Australian Open!!!! Well done!!!
Thanks a lot! I heard that with this triumph for Barty, an Australian was crowned in his homeland after almost 40 years. And I associate this with the Moon in Cancer in House 4 of the opening natal chart. When I saw that chart I associated it with Kyrgios and I forgot about the female team. Clearly that Moon referenced Barty. How magical how the opening birth chart gives us clues as to who will be the champion two weeks later.
Congrats Juan! Amazing record!
Juan’s record is making me nervous, because I want Rafa to win.
Hi Juan,
Just wondering, your prediction came true about Ashleigh Barty winning Aus open 2022 but you dont know the time of birth of Ashleigh Barty. Is it not possible to apply same principle or methods to predict for Daniil Medvedev?
Thank you,
At the time of final, Doesn’t Nadal has Mars sextile natal Pluto which gives superhuman strength and energy, bodes well for success in sports.
He did mostly well with this transit alone. In 2007 AO he lost vs Gonzalez when Neptune additionally squared Nadal`s AC. Mostly he succeeded (amongless important matches than a final).
Nadal has Mars sextile his Pluto and trigger his planets constellation of Pluto/Neptune/Saturn on 5 degrees. Medvedev once had trouble in a challenger when Mercury was retrograd on his natal Mercury as tonight. What I don`t like for a Grand Slam record: Nadal started the torunament with a precise North Node square to his Midheaven.
hello Juan, Medvedev almost won. It is true that without the hour of birth it is difficult to predict with precision. Maybe he lacked some experience or self control in Medvedev. He gets angry easily and wastes a lot of energy and time on unimportant things. I’ve been following you a lot for a while Juan. Nadal showed why he is a great champion. I sincerely hope that Federer will also have the opportunity to match Nadal and get back in the race for the Grand Slams. We forget that Djokovic despite all the respect I have for him, thanks to the freezing of the ATP ranking for 2 years, he was able to break many records including the week record as number 1 of Federer which seemed unreachable. Nadal has just shown us that we also have to reckon with him. He doesn’t make a sound yet he has now become the biggest in the big 3. We can’t wait for the return of Djokovic and Federer. I will continue to follow you on your blog and twiter because your predictions are often good except this time. See you soon
The point Ascendent of the tournament start chart is almost exactly on Medvedev’s Natal saturn and on Nadal’s secondary progressed Jupiter. This mostly points to Nadal winning the tournament.
Thanks James. Now I am already thinking of French Open. Lol
Don’t expect too much. If Nadal looses today, then you will start doubting everyone.
James has already clarified that his predictions are without Medvedev’s birth time.
Thank you , James .
Also according to the chart of the final , “ it has Uranus at 10 Taurus on the Midheaven , the success point , so plenty of scope for an unexpected win “, to borrow Sally’s words .
Right now , almost all non-astrologers , have predicted Medvedev to win , almost like a run-away win. Nadal is the least favorite to win this AO because of his more than 6 months lay-off and thus , his form and stamina may not be up for the grueling fortnight of a Grand Slam.
Hence, Rafa’s win will be absolutely unexpected and a shocking surprise !
Sally’s interpretation is very clever and well explained, and I’m so pleased that Sally and you have the same prediction .
Amado one observation If the final match time is taken as 19.30 which is the scheduled time then Uranus is on MC. But i have observed that when the first serve is hit it is normally between 12 to 18 minutes later. In that case The MC has moved ahead of Uranus.
James, if Uranus is on MC at the start of match then who is projected winner? and if MC has moved ahead of Uranus at the start of match then who is expected to win?
I stay with my prediction Nadal will win.
Hi James,
The transit of Jupiter going through Nadal’s H4 isn’t enough to win. There are negative aspects, and not having Medvedev’s chart makes it difficult. For tomorrow nadal chart transiting Jupiter is 6 pi 45′ and makes a Trine with natal Ascendent 3 degrees apart. Nadal won all those Slams having a powerful Jupiter in Rulership in H5 (sports) Natal Chart. To compare the two Mercury’s, Medvedev just from looking at the positions is stronger then Nadal’s! It is in Capricorn, capable of deep thought and conjunct Neptune exact.
Nadal’s Profected Chart was very clear, its not a winning day for him.
Hello James, do you have a blog on which we can follow you please?
You were right on Nadal’s victory over Medvedev.
You are a very good good astrologer
Congrats James & Sally. You are amazing with your knowledge on astrology. Being a Nadal fan, I was happy to read your prediction but was very nervous after the second set. But Rafa what a player he is. I’m so happy that Planets were kind to him this time. Genius James & Sally.
Congratulations James & Sally
Excellent prediction. Very happy for Rafa. Medvedev is one of the Greats of this sport.
Hi everyone!
This time I made 3 of 4 of the finalist 2 weeks ago (with Barth winning). No one here pick Medvedev or Nadal to win the tournament? If Nadal wins will be number GS 21 and if Medvedev wins will be first time wordl number one, so one of them must have something special (because I asked a a donative for the prediction i can’t say who will win)
10 years ago was the longest final of the tournament ;maybe the one of today will be a long game also.
Dear friends, while I am writing I am attending the final, with Medevedev above 2 sets to 0. It seems that in the end he will win, but it is not yet said.
However, a very bad ending, really unworthy.
As we know there is no birth time for Russian, so there is no ascendant.
But looking at him today, I got half enlightenment: I say he is or should be Gemini ascendant.
He has absolutely the mercurial physiogomic traits, and even his own typical character reactions make me think so.
In my opinion, we should therefore draw up a natal chart for him with an hour that includes gemini as an ascendant.
Nadal has just taken the third set!
And broken my n 4th! He is doing it the hard way!
I guess if you are going to win your 21st, you might as well come from 2 sets down!!
Wrong once again Andreas lol
I expect Rafa winning the 5th 6-1 or 6-2
Mars sextile Pluto at work!!
Please don’t underestimate Medvedev or how tough this is for Rafa. He’s about to serve for the match and he’s exhausted. I’m praying he does it.
AMAZING MATCH! Amazing achievement.
Great prediction Sally and James
But if it was an obscene match, full of incredible tacky mistakes, especially on the part of the Russian …
I understand that you are happy for nadal, but to call this an amazing match is really out of place.
Haha, We understand some people are hurt very badly to see Nadal winning, particularly after the 2nd set..
Looking at his age and fitness this is truly an amazing final!!!
Unruly crowd.
Then Commentators clearly said that chair umpire being lenient to start the stop watch for serve.
And everyone including the Commentators were surprised with the sudden increase in avg forehand speed of 20 kmph after 2nd set toilet break.