Astrology Talk: An in-depth look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with astrologers Sally Kirkman & Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.
There are not one but two Full Moons during Leo season bookending the month ahead.
It’s a lively vibe as big planet Jupiter dominates during both Full Moons and moves back from emotional Pisces to rational Aquarius.
Will the month ahead be less confusing and make more sense? Listen in with Christina & I as we talk about astrology, star signs, celebrities & current events during Leo season.
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Always enjoy listening to your take on the month ahead. Astrology… Thank you.
Fascinating month ahead, I am Taurus, with Uranus within half a degree of my Sun. And I am Virgo rising so a lot going on currently. Christina, so sorry about your kittens, I hope your cat is ok.
Thank you, always enjoy listening to you two ladies.
🙂 Thank you. Will pass on your message to Christina.