Astrology Talk Podcast
An in-depth look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with top working astrologers Sally Kirkman and Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.
You can watch the video on our Youtube channel: Astrology Talk Podcast.
Please note: we are taking a break in August – our next monthly podcast will go live on September 18th.
Leo Season – Fire & Glory
It may be Leo season but before we leap into the Sun’s move through Leo, we decide to take a look at the astrology taking place at the end of Cancer season.
We mention the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction prediction we made back in May 2024. The prediction came to pass as we saw the Tories ousted from government here in the UK. On July 4th, Labour won with a huge majority. This was in line with the powerful conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus which often coincides with social and political change. The last two conjunctions took place in 2010 and 1997.
A Wild Ride
Also, we talk about the Full Moon on July 21st which is closely linked to what’s happening moving forward. On June 22nd, there was a Full Moon at 1° Capricorn and, on July 21st, the Full Moon falls at the last degree of Capricorn.
During this Full Moon, the Moon at 29° Capricorn is in a tight conjunction with Pluto at 0° Aquarius. The Sun-Pluto opposition cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac is exact on July 23rd.
It’s a pivotal Full Moon moment that promises an ending. And, what happens on or around July 21st may reverberate or reignite when Pluto moves back to 29° Capricorn for the final time from September 2nd to November 19th, 2024. The theme of endings and new beginnings is intensified moving forward.
(It turned out that July 21st was the date that Biden announced he would not be challenging for the presidency on November 5th).
Change is here and there’s more to come. There’s a lovely New Moon in Leo on August 4th, although don’t leap into anything new immediately as communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on August 5th. It’s your cue to adopt a slower pace. Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo and Leo until August 29th. Yet, there’s a lot to work with and enjoy in this month’s astrology.
Finally, we turn to the Full Moon at 27° Aquarius on August 19th. Uranus is again active in an exact square aspect to the Sun and Moon. Plus, with a Jupiter-Saturn square aspect in mutable star signs, Gemini & Pisces, and a Sun/Mercury cazimi conjunction in Leo on the same day, it’s an exciting end to the Sun’s move through Leo. Expect moments of clarity, expect the unexpected and get ready for a wild ride this Leo season.
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