Astrology Talk Podcast
An in-depth look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with top working astrologers Sally Kirkman and Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.
You can also watch the video on our Youtube channel: Astrology Talk Podcast.
Gemini Season
What an interesting month we’re heading into. Gemini season starts on May 20th as the Sun enters air sign Gemini. Yet, the star sign Taurus is still in full flow until the end of May. During the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd, there are four planets in Taurus. Will they bring gifts and bounty your way? Listen in.
The big news this month is the planet of opportunity Jupiter joining the Sun in Gemini on May 25th. Jupiter in Gemini is full of ideas and it’s a great time to learn something new, expand your skills and your networks. Plus, Jupiter will be in Gemini for one whole year until June 2025. Listen in and find out what this means for you and where good fortune lies.
Venus is playing sweet this month as she cosies up to the Sun in Gemini at the Full Moon phase. Plus, she’s schmoozing with the Sun and Moon during the New Moon in Gemini on June 6th. Venus represents love, money, women, art and beauty. Be social this month and make the most of your connections.
There are a couple of pitfalls to watch out for especially when Mars clashes with Pluto on June 11th, the power planets at odds with each other. Yet, on the whole, this month feels fast-paced, dynamic and interesting. Will Gemini season bring you inspiration, ideas or more friends?
Listen in to find out. Grab yourself a cuppa or glass of fizz, put your feet up and join us as we take a deep dive into the astrology of the month ahead.
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