Astrology Talk Podcast: Eclipses, Mercury Retrograde & Much More – April 20 to May 21, 2023

Taurus season, astrology talk podcast

Weekly Horoscopes

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Astrology Talk

An in-depth look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with astrologers Sally Kirkman & Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.

There is so much happening in the coming month so please do listen into our Astrology Talk podcast for guidance. The astrology can help your navigational skills in knowing when to move forward and when to slow down and be patient. 


For starters, there’s a powerhouse Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 20th starting a new Aries/Libra eclipse cycle that lasts until March 2025. This is both a symbol of endings and new beginnings.

Plus, the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle is completing this year and there’s a lively Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 5th. Eclipses tend to bring what’s hidden to light and they often coincide with key turning points in life. 

The Coronation

Here in the UK, the Coronation of King Charles III takes place on May 6th, the day after the Lunar Eclipse.  If you haven’t yet seen the invitation for the Coronation, do take a look. It’s beautiful and a perfect symbol for Taurus season. There are interesting connotations to the date that’s been chosen, including a nod to the Green Man. 

And, if you’re wondering why royal events often coincide with eclipses, this isn’t unusual. Charles was born during a Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle and he’s being crowned King on another one. It’s auspicious timing as the Sun rules the King in astrology and the Moon rules the Queen and eclipses often coincide with the rise & fall of leaders.

Mercury Retrograde – Jupiter Enters Taurus

Eclipses have a hidden theme as does Mercury retrograde, the communication planet. And, talk planet Mercury will be retrograde in earth sign Taurus from April 21st to May 15th, so it really is a time to stop, slow down and smell the flowers. Walk in nature, go on retreat.

Also this month, the best planet Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th, the day after Mercury turns direct in Taurus on May 15th. Jupiter will remain in Taurus for the next year. This is when new opportunities could abound and those seeds that have been sown can grow and flourish. 

Money Markets

Finally, pay close attention to the money markets as the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse, Mercury retrograde and a powerful Jupiter-Pluto square on May 18th are all related to financial shifts.

Join Christina & I as we dive deep into the astrology of the month ahead & take you on a journey through Taurus season.

Click here to find out all about the star sign Taurus, including the Astrology Talk podcast Star Sign series.

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