Astrology Talk Podcast
An in-depth look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with top working astrologers Sally Kirkman & Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.
Sagittarius Season
Jupiter is flying high this month. The planet of luck and good fortune, risk-taking and expansion activates the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd, a symbol of new beginnings.
Jupiter is Sagittarius’ ruling planet and turns direct in Pisces a few hours after the New Moon. It’s a strong whoosh of lucky Jupiter energy.
Fast-forward to the end of the month and Jupiter returns to fire sign Aries on December 20th, blazing trails. There seems to be no stopping the planet of adventure, growth and new opportunities.
Yet, the middle of the month could feel like a muddle and a mess because of the planets aligning the Full Moon in Gemini on December 8th.
Retrograde Mars in trickster Gemini and boundless Jupiter & Neptune reactivating Pisces’ energy. It’s a cosmic whirlpool and may feel emotionally overwhelming. Down the rabbit hole we go but where will we land? Listen in to find out more.
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