Astrology Talk Podcast: An Emotional Month June 21 – July 21, 2021

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Astrology Talk: An in-depth look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with astrologers Sally Kirkman & Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.

Hobbling our way out of Mercury retrograde and an eclipse month, the arrival of the Solstice and a whoosh of exciting planetary activity can’t come soon enough. It’s Cancer’s month and big emotions dominate. 

A rather glorious Full Moon on June 24th and an equally special New Moon on July 10th are both followed by a rush of planetary loveliness. Do dive in deep with us and listen in.

Weekly Horoscopes

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10 thoughts on “Astrology Talk Podcast: An Emotional Month June 21 – July 21, 2021”

    1. Oh, I’m sorry you weren’t happy about that Jane. We tend to offer a little bit of everything in our monthly podcast. Sending best wishes.

    2. Lisa Kensington

      Agree Jane.

      However, they did preface that it may be a funky hour and I must say as being a professional Makeup Artist in Hollywood…. things are not exactly what they appear to be. Especially with Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep. It’s crazy how much truth has come out and yet this podcast has still clung to the old way of being in 3D. I’ve enjoyed tuning into Tarot by Janine and moving and staying in what’s all being rolled out… it’s liberating. There’s a reason why they had the G7 in that little tiny sticky tacky place!
      This probably will not make it to the light of day on this page but go ahead and check out Janine.

      xx. Thank you for the complimentary Astrology reading Sally and xx

      1. Thank you Lisa. Happy to share here – Janine is a wonderful tarot reader. I too am open-minded and actively seeking truth. Sending best wishes.

  1. I am a scorpio 14th November 1970 , please tell me what’s happening in our life.. feel8ng stuck in love and career .. is there anyone new coming into our lives .. .. frustrated in a big way with life.. !

    1. Have a read of the monthly horoscopes too. This week things should hopefully start to shift – a new chapter beginning. Ring the changes, do something different.

    2. Hi Julie I am a Scorpio too. While the whole world has been blocked by the pandemic, I feel most Scorpio’s have had the added blockages (in some area) due to the opposition of Uranus (in Taurus) to our natal Sun. My Sun is in Scorpio 12th house. My main problem has been with my identity. through banks and financial establishments. plus I am doing my family tree and only after hundreds of hours of work, for all my tree information to disappear 3 times! Along with myself, my daughter and 2 other children (adults) with Scorpio ascendants. They have had lots of blockages and problems with their relationships and individuality. which is now phasing out as (Uranus) moves on. My daughter has Scorpio sun in her 3rd house and her added blockages came in her environment due to work that was started on her house and stopped dead with covid so she has/ been / is living in a building site and trying to create a stable working environment for her child to work on all his college assignments amid the chaos! So I think you may need to look at which house is Scorpio in your chart to get an idea when you may become unstuck? Maureen xxx

      1. Thanks for your helpful reply Maureen. Interesting what you say. Uranus doesn’t usually coincide with blockages – that’s more to do with the square from Saturn in Aquarius I would guess that’s been active since early 2021 and the two planets have been working together since March 2020. They continue to do so until late 2022. Uranus can bring technology chaos which seems to be the case with your family tree information – how frustrating! However, I do think that Uranus in Taurus is playing out very differently to Uranus in Aries, so it is more stubborn and dogmatic. It would be interesting to see how other Scorpios are finding the Uranus transits – for me it’s been about freedom and plans changing constantly – not wanting to put down roots and not being able to either. Definitely a sense of leaving the past behind and starting something new.

  2. Thanks for this free podcast, I really do enjoy listening and thank you for doing it, as I know how much work this kind of thing takes, behind the scenes.

    However … apparently, “It takes an average of 10h 22m to travel from London to St Ives (Cornwall) by train” when I googled. As a Cornish resident myself, I can confirm that it is not a simple hop and a skip by train from central London to Cornwall, especially to St Ives, which is on a branch line! One of the big drawbacks of living in deepest Cornwall is the appalling amount of time it takes to ESCAPE. I utterly support what Christina was saying about climate change, but it’s a tiny bit naive to suggest the Prime Minister would happily take the 10 and a half hour trip to St Ives rather than flying in, which takes less than an hour, as I recall. I should hope he has better things to do, frankly! Cheers, Jane

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