Astrology Talk are branching out and bringing you a new series of podcasts to run alongside our regular monthly astrology podcast.
You may know us as Christina and Sally but we’re turning detective. Kirkman & Rodenbeck will be using their astrological lens to investigate a new topic each month.
You can also watch the video on our Youtube channel: Astrology Talk Podcast.
This month’s podcast episode investigates opposite star signs to answer the question ‘Do Opposites Attract?‘ We consider the relationship peaks and pitfalls of all six opposite star sign combinations: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius & Virgo-Pisces.
Plus, we look at how to work with oppositions in your own astrology chart. It’s a fascinating dive into opposite star signs.
We hope you’ll enjoy listening in. Once you’ve listened to the podcast, do be in touch with any suggestions that you would like us to investigate in the future.
Weekly Horoscopes
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