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The monthly podcast includes astrological insights for every star sign, not only the sign of the month.
Christina and I dive deep into Scorpio’s realm this month to unravel some of the mysteries of this dark and spooky season in the latest podcast.
We talk about what it means for women with Venus retrograde in Scorpio until Halloween, October 31st, then retrograde in Libra until November 15th. Venus moves from evening star to morning star in the night sky and this is a powerful phase for women and female energies.
Sex, money, power & healing are all under the cosmic spotlight as Scorpio’s theme is transformation.
Fast forward to November and fire sign energy kicks in big-time. Expansive Jupiter enters Sagittarius and rebel Uranus returns to Aries close to Bonfire night hinting at an impressive ‘fire’-works display.
Do join us to find out how to make the most of this month’s dynamic astrology.
Want to know more about Scorpio? Click here to purchase your star sign guide:
I tried searching for and loading the Radio Public app but it had no results. I’m in California — does that make a difference? Thanks, Jeannie B.
Here’s the link to our podcast: I’ve emailed you separately about this. Regards, Sally