Astrology Podcast: October 23 to November 22, 2020 – A Halloween Special

A look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with astrologers Sally Kirkman & Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.

Scorpio season is here! – the season of all things dark, hidden & spooky. Christina & I debate those powerful Scorpios, including Joe Biden & the awesome collaboration of Leonardo DiCaprio & Martin Scorsese. 

Halloween is a big theme of the month as there’s a Blue Moon on October 31st which comes with an extra Uranus zing – expect shocks & revelations.

Mercury turns direct on November 3rd – the day of the Election in the US – and mid-November brings a power surge of astrology. What will be unlocked & released during a New Moon in Scorpio, Mars turning direct & the final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn? Whoosh – it’s all happening.

Join us as we take a ride on our broomsticks and share what the astrology means for you in the month ahead.

To book your place on the 2021 Astrology Webinar on December 6, 2020 (5-7pm GMT), buy your ticket here: 2021 Astrology With Christina & Sally.

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8 thoughts on “Astrology Podcast: October 23 to November 22, 2020 – A Halloween Special”

    1. I don’t have experience of key transits to Ceres – Ceres is ‘mother earth’ so usually themes around mothering/nurturing/providing for… It could be exciting with your Sun at 8 Virgo trine the Moon in Taurus – look out for new opportunities to expand your life in some way.

  1. Dear Christina and Sally,

    You girls have really lifted my spirits, with all the negative news and the situation the world is in with the Corona Virus…well it’s just totally refreshing to hear good, exciting changes are coming in November….I personally can’t wait. Although I’m a early Sag. with my birthday in Nov. I have a Scorpio ascendant and I am so looking forward these changes. Thank you for sharing your combined wealth of knowledge in astrology with us mere mortals.

    I listen every month to you podcast and thoroughly enjoy every minute. Stay safe and have a “Happy Halloween” and a wonderful November.

    Big Hugs,

    Mary Engel
    Wisconsin, USA

  2. You two are so cute and down-to-earth. Thank you for the lovely podcast. Samhain is pronounce so-wen according to all the instagram witches apparently. So mars retro is an ok time for clearing out and donating old things? I have thought about doing that this final week of the retro. Best of luck with the move.

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