Astrology Podcast: March 20 to April 20 2019

dandelion seeds

Please note: If you download the Radio Public app and listen to the astrology podcast from the app, Christina & I will make back our expenses for the podcast. Entirely up to you how you choose to listen, of course, and our first choice would be that you listen in ?

The monthly podcast includes astrological insights for every star sign. Our aim is to bridge the gap between star signs & the language of astrology.

OK, so it’s a bit wafty & circuitous this month, but we were recording during a wet and windy Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. We were also feeling quite giddy…

Things to look out for this month: the Equinox begins a new zodiac cycle, mighty Jupiter takes a break, Neptune and Mercury hang out for a loooong session, and Libra gets two Full Moons.

Phew — it’s a complicated month.

New: We are answering your questions on the podcast. Our first question this month is about the astrological signature for moments of synchronicity and heightened sensitivity – thank you, Nicola.

Please do write in if you have a general question about astrology that you would like us to answer.

The monthly podcasts are free to listen to and last for approximately 30 minutes.

Please do share the astrology podcast with your friends & family.

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