Please note: If you download the Radio Public app and listen to the astrology podcast from the app, Christina & I will make back our expenses for the podcast. Entirely up to you how you choose to listen, of course, and our first option would be that you do listen in ?.
The monthly podcast includes astrological insights for every star sign, not only the sign of the month.
Jupiter, the planet of exuberance, excess and bounce, is now in its own sign, Sagittarius – our sign of the month.
We take a look at how that might work for each of us by Sun sign. Where can you exceed your expectations? And where are you lucky?
Plus a quick look at the month ahead – with two dynamic lunations, the Full Moon & New Moon, and the Mercury Retrograde. Busy, busy, busy.
Unsurprisingly, Jupiter expanded our podcast, so it is longer than usual – 38 minutes. Get yourself a cup of tea — or a stiff whisky, and have a listen.
Want to know more about Sagittarius? Click here to purchase your star sign guide: