A look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with astrologers Sally Kirkman & Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.
We move into Pisces season this month which is a welcome relief from all the fixed sign energy that’s been dominating our lives so far in 2021.
Pisces is one of the mutable star signs, bringing flexibility and change to the mix. For most of March, the four inner planets are back in flow.
Mercury turning direct and a practical Full Moon in Virgo are key factors late February that we discuss in-depth. Plus, we talk about lucky Jupiter and how that’s manifesting for friends & clients.
A stunning New Moon is the highlight of March’s astrology. The Sun & Moon align with Venus (love) & Neptune (romance) – it’s an influential, inspirational New Moon and an ideal time to embrace the best of Pisces, wherever it falls in your horoscope.
As always, Christina & I talk about what this month’s astrology means for each of the star signs – your bridge between Sun signs & real-life astrology.
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my solar return is 23 degrees Pisces. I have had a humorless existence for a few years now. Self awareness!
Hope the New Moon is lovely for you 🙂
my solar return is 23 degrees Pisces. I have had a humorless existence for a few years now. Self awareness!