Aries October 2018

soap bubble, Venus

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Your ruling planet Mars is completing its journey through unconventional Aquarius, which it began on May 16, 2018. You may have experienced more than your fair share of frustrations when Mars was retrograde in July and August and feel as if you’re only just catching up.

Mars only has a short way to go now before it’s finally out of its shadow phase which happens on the 8th. This means it returns to the degree in the zodiac where it was when it turned retrograde on June 26th.

Put all this together and October is a month when you can start to make progress and complete what you began earlier in the year. This may be linked to friends, group activities or an environmental, political or social goal. Aquarius is the sign of the collective.

Also, it’s an excellent month for you to be looking ahead and lining up some new hopes and wishes for 2019. The coming year starts in extraordinary fashion because, on January 1st, Mars returns to the beginning of the zodiac and your star sign, Aries. Get yourself ready for a new year, so you can be straight out of the starting blocks on New Year’s Day.

This month, however, is not the time to go it alone or busy yourself too much with independent projects. Aquarius is one of the interactive, social signs of the zodiac and the Sun is in Libra until the 23rd, another of the people-oriented air signs. In fact, the New Moon this month on the 9th takes place in Libra, an excellent day to set new goals with a friend or create new alliances.

Libra is the sign of diplomacy, mediation and bringing people together. Bear this in mind moving forwards and work alongside other people, rather than try to set your own agenda. It’s a month when co-operation brings results. This is particularly true for you at work, where you might be up against opposition or a tough authority figure.

If this is the case, even more reason to get other people on your side. There’s strength in numbers, especially if you want to take on someone at the top or confront an organisation that’s behaving badly. Think ‘power to the union’ as this is an excellent month to expose any corruption or wrong-doing in places of power. The 3rd and 12th are dates when you know more about who or what you’re up against.

This month is intriguing too for your close relationships, as it’s Libra’s month, the star sign which represents 1-to-1 encounters in your horoscope. However, Venus is Libra’s ruler and, all month, Venus is deep in Scorpio’s mystery zone.

In fact, on the 5th, Venus turns retrograde and remains on go slow until November 15th. Venus is your partner planet and, in Scorpio, this is the femme fatale, the seductress, the charmer. What is important to remember when Venus disappears into the underworld is that this is a time of secrets, when it’s hard to know what other people are feeling. You may also find yourself questioning what you want when it comes to love.

If you are looking for a steamy affair, this is certainly the time to pursue a passionate liaison. You do, however, have to ask whether putting sex first is the right thing to do. Venus in Scorpio suggests a psychic bond as well as a sexual bond, so be aware what you’re getting into, as you’re likely to go in deep. Scorpio is the sign of jealousy and obsession.

Also, Venus and Mars clash this month on the 11th. The lovers of the heavens aren’t seeing eye-to-eye which can suggest conflict or perhaps you’re aware of the differences between you and someone close. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Only that you’re encountering love on a different level and need to be more analytical about what’s right and what’s not.

It’s not just about love, however, because Scorpio rules joint finances in your horoscope. Therefore, this could be a significant month for money matters, financial transactions and cash moves. Here too, there’s an underground or secretive theme. 

Be aware that other people may not be completely transparent with regard to their earnings, savings or cash situation. Also. notice whether you want to keep your own financial situation private. This might not be a bad thing while Venus is retrograde.

In fact, this is a month not to make major investments if possible. You could win big by completing a deal that works in your favour but don’t be overly impulsive with your spending or purchasing. Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, is currently in Taurus and your personal money sector. 

On the 24th, Uranus opposes the Sun and on the 31st, Uranus opposes Venus. These combinations suggest winners and losers, highs and lows when it comes to money matters. There’s no middle ground. This all takes place around a potent Full Moon, also on the 24th, which pulls in retrograde Venus as well.

This is the time to be savvy about cash. On the 26th, the Sun and Venus unite and on the 29th, Mercury and Jupiter come together, all in Scorpio. Potentially, this indicates good news for money matters, a gift or inheritance or a return on investment. If money comes to you, fantastic. Just be wary of handing it out too fast.

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