The month of October bursts into activity almost immediately and you’re unlikely to be the one who’s sitting back and watching the action. On the 2nd/3rd we have another cardinal T-square, a planetary aspect that’s about opposition and challenges.
If you’re born at the end of March or beginning of April this clash of planets involving Sun Libra opposite Uranus Aries square to Pluto Capricorn is likely to make the most impact.
If you’re a typical Aries you’re a straight talker, you hate to see injustice and sometimes you get yourself into hot water because of your impulsive behaviour. Uranus, the livewire and unpredictable planet, currently in your sign is adding super-turbo rockets to the firework display and may bring out your rebellious tendencies.
Take a quick look at your relationships, personal and professional, to see where change is likely and decide the best course of action to take. To be honest, the only chance of reconciliation or peace talks comes after the battle, the dispute or the difference of opinions. Think back to late August and mid-September when there were similar planetary aspects in the heavens to help you decipher your best mode of attack if you’re on the offensive.
There’s also a New Moon in your opposite sign of Libra ruling one-to-one relationships on the 5th and again Uranus in Aries is challenging. Libra is the peace-loving sign so the best advice may well be that if you want to keep the peace or hang on to your job, then don’t leap in feet first.
Sometimes however life simply rolls on forward and you have to paddle like mad to keep up. Change is an integral part of our world and our lives and you can’t always steer life in the direction you choose. This month a new eclipse cycle begins focusing on your sign of Aries and your opposite sign of Libra so there’s a lot of learning to be had with regard to your relationships. Some relationships will end, new ones will begin perhaps suddenly and whether it’s your own relationship or the relationship of someone close to you, this is where the thrills and spills of life are most likely to play out over the next couple of years.
This month there’s a lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 18th and it’s most relevant for you if you have planets at 25 Aries. If you’re born on or around 15th April, then you’re in the zap zone. Astrology helps you to see what’s coming and as you know there’s a new cycle about to unfold with regard to your one-to-one relationships, decide where in life you want to fight to hold on and where you’re ready or willing to let go. The heat is on and the level of play is intensified so this isn’t the time to bury your head in the sand. Not that you’re likely to do so if you’re typical of your sign. You’re good at initiating and taking action where necessary.
If you’re ready to fall head over heels in love then the first half of October is full of zing. Mars your ruler remains in playful Leo, the sign that rules love affairs and romance in your chart, until the 15th. The best day for love is the 16th however when Venus, goddess of love, teams up with Uranus in Aries in an easy aspect. Look out for the person you meet abroad or via education, someone from a different culture and someone who can make you laugh.
Mid-month there’s a change of emphasis as Mars moves into sensible Virgo ruling work, service and health in your chart. Turn your focus to your everyday routine, finding a job or getting more organised at work or at home. Life may need to become more muddled before you can sort yourself out as Neptune, planet of confusion, opposes Mars on the 20th and the following day Mercury, planet of communication, turns retrograde. If you’re not on top of accounts and correspondence, these two together will point out any problem areas.
In particular this month, sort out your finances before the 21st whatever that means for you. Mercury in Scorpio rules joint finances so mortgages, investments, debts, insurances, inheritances, alimonies, etc. You’re wise to ensure your money’s safe and secure before the 21st and that you’ve set up the best deals possible. If you haven’t got a clue what you’re doing, then turn to an expert for advice and w/b 7th October is a great time to do just that.
Finally Mars is in trine aspect with Pluto on the 31st and this is an excellent date to create a little magic with regard to work and jobs. Apply for a new position or promotion and you could set yourself up nicely. Expect to hear the news you’ve been waiting for next month around the 9th or 10th November.
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