Aries Monthly Stars June 2015

fire, AriesAries (21 March – 19 April)

The month ahead is exciting and full of fun. In fact, this month’s events set the scene for the next few months. What begins now takes you through until September, even October 2015.

For most of the month of June your ruling planet Mars is in Gemini, the sign of communication. Gemini is a fast-paced energy, curious, inquisitive, full of ideas and mischief. This is often a busy time for you when Mars is in this sector of your chart.

Expect lots of to-ing and fro-ing as Gemini rules your neighbourhood, your local community. It also connects to transport, whether you’re trying out a new commute or investing in a new car or bike.

This is a positive period to meet new friends and to actively seek out new places. If you sense that your own life would benefit from an injection of energy and fresh ideas, new plans for the future, here’s your opportunity.

Yet Mercury, the planet of communication, remains retrograde in Gemini as the month begins. However, this is a powerful Mercury retrograde for you as it’s a double whammy of idea-making creativity, a ‘what next’ time of reflection and review.

Go back over old plans, read through your notebooks, chase up old contacts and spend some quality time reassessing what you’re doing and why. This is a powerful exercise for you now and can help stimulate fresh inspiration and enthusiasm for your job, your interests and your life.

Plus, more than anything you thrive when life is fun and you can turn work into play. Or at least, you feel that you’re making the most of life and you have new projects to get your teeth into and new experiences to look forward to.

There’s a powerful Full Moon highlighting Mercury’s progress on the 2nd, a date to trust your intuition especially relating to travel, education, adventure. Mercury turns direct on the 11th and you can push through new plans a few days beforehand.

Mercury is square to a powerful Neptune this month so there will be times when you feel as if you’ve lost your way or you’re unsure which way to turn. This energy peaks on the 12th and 23rd but be prepared to go with the flow and explore new options. You don’t have to go directly from A to B every time and life isn’t all about achievement. Remember those facts and enjoy being lead by life.

This month sees the third and final Jupiter-Uranus trine which first took place in September 2014. The slow moving planets tend to connect three times but often the final connection is the most powerful. In mythology, Jupiter and Uranus were sky gods and these two planets are currently in fire signs, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in your sign of Aries. This is personal.

Together these two planets are about breaking free, chasing after a dream, enjoying life to the full. This month is perfect to fall in love, get pregnant, create your masterpiece and show off your skills and talents to the world.

This is potentially a lucky combination for you and the dates to notes are the 5th and the 9th when your ruler Mars teams up with Jupiter and Uranus, the 8th and the 10th when the Sun in Gemini teams up with Jupiter and Uranus and finally the peak date, the 22nd, the day of the Jupiter-Uranus trine.

This is about attitude and doing whatever is necessary to boost your self-esteem, your self belief. The more positive you are, the more you attract luck and happiness into your life.

Another indicator that this is potentially a hot month for love is the fact that Venus, the planet of love, enters Leo on the 5th. Venus will remain in Leo until early October, apart from a couple of weeks when she is in Virgo late July.

As Leo rules the sector of your chart that’s about new love, children, creativity, entertainment, luck, this signals a summer of fun. Remember that the key to good relationships is to give more and take less, both in and out of the bedroom. Positive dates if you’re looking for love or want to spice up your love life are the 6th & 10th.

Plus, this is a positive month for communication and reconnecting with a loved one or another key individual in your life. Two important dates in this respect are the 14th when your ruler Mars connects with the Sun in Gemini and the 16th when there’s a New Moon in Gemini, a brilliant day for new beginnings and to set your intentions. Reach out to others on this date, pick up the phone or send that all important e-mail.

Another important planetary factor this month concerns Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens. On June 15th, Saturn retreats into the sign of Scorpio, where he was from October 2012 until December 2014. Saturn remains in this sector of your chart for three months until September 18th. He remains in the last two degrees of Scorpio, 28 and 29 Scorpio, but what’s important about this transit is that you’re going back to events of the last two years or tidying things up in some way.

Scorpio is one of the financial sectors of your charts and in particular rules joint finances, shared resources. This can include debts, savings, a loan or mortgage, an inheritance, investments. What’s important to recognise is that this is another chance to sort things out, to tie up loose ends and to bring some kind of closure to your finances.

This can be an emotional process, especially if you’re dealing with an ex, a project that failed or the loss of someone close. It’s not necessarily easy but certainly worthwhile paying close attention to.

On the whole however this month feels positive for you especially if you seek out inspiration and look for ways to inspire others. The more enthusiastic you are, the more life has your back.

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