In some respects, April falls into two distinct halves for you although there’s one key theme that runs throughout the month and that’s money.
Your ruling planet Mars entered the money sector and money sign Taurus on the last day of March and it remains in this earth sign until mid-May 2015.
Now’s the time to turn your attention to finances and for some this will coincide with the end of the tax year, balancing the books, working out expenses, keeping tabs on the flow of money in and out.
Taurus isn’t Mars’ favourite sign as Mars likes action and speed and in Taurus the pace is inevitably slow. Now’s the time to be practical and prove you can be dependable and reliable. Create some new money goals and work steadily towards them.
It depends on your personal situation whether this is a productive month for you financially, a time when you can build on what you already have or whether you need to don your sensible hat and look at ways of cutting costs and being more money savvy. Yet this does feel like a month when you can be successful financially as long as you keep one eye on your long-term future and plan accordingly.
Up until the 11th, Venus, your partner planet, is also in Taurus so it’s the first 10 days of the month which are best to ensure that you and a partner, either personal or professional, are on track financially and share common goals.
Both Mercury (communication) and the Sun (identity, creative essence) enter Taurus on the 14th and 20th respectively and it’s the following week that looks remarkable for cash matters. There might be news that’s linked to your career or vocation, a promotion or new contract.
Plus there’s a sprinkling of luck in the mix and a chance encounter or conversation or being in the right place at the right time secures a win and then some. Earmark an important conversation for the 22nd, your best day of the month for money matters.
The first half of the month might feel like a case of deja-vu or at least an ongoing situation in your life is reawakened. This is due to the Lunar Eclipse which takes place on the 4th during the Easter weekend and falls at 14 Libra. This cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac so on some level it’s you against them. Learning how to get your own needs met at the same time as learning lessons about compromise and partnership is not always easy for your sign.
There have been eclipses in your sign Aries and your opposite sign Libra since October 2013 and they will continue until March 2016. This mid-eclipse cycle is particularly powerful as it links in to the Uranus-Pluto square in the heavens. On October 8th 2014, the eclipse fell at 15 Aries/Libra and this time around it’s 14 Libra/Aries so think back six months to help guide you. The Sun and Moon are in opposite signs each time.
This month’s eclipse might flag up the fall-out after last month’s final Uranus-Pluto clash on March 17th. This time around it’s personal and you or someone close will have to make an important decision about what next for a relationship, partnership or career path. What takes place in one area of your life affects another area and it’s the big three; personal goals, love & partnership, career & vocation.
Tradition states that you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. If hidden matters come to light, let things settle before you decide what next. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, is in a supportive trine aspect to the Sun and this boosts any situation that involves children, a love affair or your own creativity. These are areas of your life that you would do well to prioritise now as this is where your luck lies.
Jupiter boosts the Sun in Aries on the 2nd, Jupiter boosts Mercury in Aries on the 6th and two days later on the 8th Jupiter turns direct at 12 Leo. This is a positive energy and even if life’s changes feel dramatic, have faith that things will work out for the best and recognise that sometimes change has to happen in order for you to break free or move on.
The Sun is in your sign of Aries until the 20th of the month so grab any chance you can to celebrate especially when it’s your birthday and have fun with people close to you. Be around other people who inspire you, make you laugh and add enjoyment to your life. The New Moon falls in your sign of Aries on the 18th, a brilliant date for new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start. Set your intentions and focus on your personal goals and ambitions.
On the 11th, Venus enters the sociable sign of Gemini and whatever the current backdrop in your life, the more you embrace new beginnings, the easier your month ahead. Gemini is the sign that rules new faces and new places, the perfect opportunity to become involved in your local community, make new friends, reconnect with siblings or a neighbour.
Plus Venus in Gemini is wonderful for new love so circle the 22nd and the weekend of the 25th/26th in your diary. If you’re looking for new love, you’re more likely to meet someone new when you’re out and about having fun.