Aries May 2021

Aries, monthly horoscope, moon

Home & Security

Throughout the month of May, your ruling planet Mars is in the water sign Cancer. Cancer is the star sign at the base of your horoscope ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from.

Out in the world, things are moving quickly. Perhaps, your mind is racing too. Yet, it will benefit you this month to find a place of retreat, some safety and security in your life. Water signs, like Cancer, rule the emotional realm and urge you to find your flow.

Money too is important for most of the month as the Sun remains in Taurus and your personal money sector until the 20th. The New Moon in Taurus on the 11th is a stand-out date, ideal to set your intentions around money or start a new money-making project.

On the 12th, Mars aligns with innovative Uranus in Taurus, great for spontaneous moves. You might be able to help someone out in your family. Or, perhaps support is flowing in your direction.

Mercury Gemini

Your mind is going to be lively because communication planet Mercury enters Gemini on the 4th where it remains until mid-July, an unusually long time for Mercury to be in one star sign.

This is because, on the 29th of this month, Mercury turns retrograde and remains on go slow until June 22nd. It’s important to be aware of this. If there’s anything in particular you need to sort out this month, leap to it before the last week of May.

Gemini rules communication in your horoscope so it’s important to back up files and correspondence before the Mercury retrograde phase kicks in. Also, ensure any transport niggles are checked out before the end of May as Gemini represents all forms of communication and movement.

Gemini is the star sign linked to study and education in your horoscope. So, you may have a thirst for learning, reading or writing.

You may be out and about in your local community, helping others or making new friends. Even if you can’t go far, it’s important to have people close by whom you can interact with. Fire signs like yourself need an outlet for your energy & motivation.

Lunar Eclipse

On the 26th, three days before Mercury turns retrograde, there’s a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse. This eclipse is part of the cycle that began in June 2020 and completes in December 2021.

This month’s eclipse cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and the educational sectors of your horoscope. Therefore, it’s about schools and teaching, learning and knowledge, travel and new experiences. Eclipses are game-changers.

With Mercury also turning retrograde three days later, you can’t rule out last-minute changes to your plans. Perhaps, a course has to be postponed or cancelled or a trip away has to be rescheduled.

The exact date of the eclipse is a time to pause and reassess. Wait and see what emerges, where you can take advantage and what you need to let go of.

Some hopes or dreams may have to be shelved or released and put back in the drawer for now. For some of you, this could coincide with a disappointment or feeling disillusioned with what’s happening in the world.

When in doubt, read, research and gather as much information as you can. That’s what Mercury retrograde is good for, retracing your steps, reviewing and revising your plans. If you’re a writer, this month and next look lively for getting your ideas out of your head and on to the page.

Jupiter Enters Pisces

More big news this month is planet Jupiter on the move leaving air sign Aquarius and entering water sign Pisces on the 14th. Jupiter remains here until July 28th and dives deep once more into Pisces on December 29th later this year.

At its best, Jupiter creates luck and opportunity and Jupiter’s move into Pisces turns your attention to the most hidden sector of your horoscope. It’s a quiet place, one that can be deeply spiritual.

This is your opportunity to focus on your inner world, develop your spirituality, your trust and faith in life and the universe. You will see more clearly the connection between mind, body and spirit and would benefit from going on retreat or bringing more silence and solitude into your life.

With your ruler Mars in Cancer and Jupiter’s move through Pisces, having somewhere you can rest and take a step back from the busyness of life is essential. A home by the sea or some time on a boat would be ideal.

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