Aries March 2017

Aries March 2017

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Your birthday month begins on the 20th, the day of the equinox, but the emphasis on your sign of Aries continues throughout March. Action planet Mars, your ruler, remains in Aries until the 10th and this is a time when you’re driving in the fast lane.

After last month’s shenanigans, you have an opportunity to calm things down, to come out of a potentially difficult situation in a good light. It’s important to act early on this month however, especially if you’ve recently been upset with someone or you’ve experienced a major difference of opinion.

Your ruler Mars teams up with Saturn in Sagittarius on the 5th so the first weekend of March is excellent for putting right any wrongs. Sagittarius is the sign that rules legal matters and it’s a philosophical placing for the planet of respect and authority.

This is also about the bigger picture in your life and looking ahead. If you want to travel or you’re mid-way through a course of study, this is a promising time to take practical action to ensure that you stay on track with your plans.

It will also help to have a strong purpose in your life now and to be clear about why you’re doing what you want. If you’re typical of your sign, you thrive on adrenalin and once you’re bored, you quickly move on. It’s only when you have a big vision for the results you want to create in your future that this gives you the drive and ambition to attain the results you need.

Once Mars moves into earth sign Taurus on the 10th, then you’re wise to turn your attention to money matters and financial affairs. Taurus reins in or restricts Mars’ passion and anger so consider where in life you need to walk the sensible path and focus on your long-term goals.

Mars in Taurus can slow you down but it’s also a time when you can get things done as long as you work hard and finish what you started. If you need to earn more money or improve your financial situation, here’s your opportunity. Yet it’s important to have stickability with Mars in Taurus and to employ any tricks you can to maintain your self-discipline.

There may be other reasons early in March why you’re advised to pull back or be more reflective about what’s happening. There’s strong emphasis on the water sign Pisces up until mid-March and this is the most hidden sector of your chart. So to counterbalance the full-on energy this month, create some quiet time for rest and retreat.

You might be feeling low or under the weather or perhaps you’re caring for someone close. If so, this is a positive period to develop your spirituality, to find solace in religion or ritual.

It would be easy to charge into the month of March all guns blazing. Yet there are other factors involved which indicate that however much you want to focus on you and your personal goals, other people have their own agenda.

Firstly, your partner planet, Venus turns retrograde in Aries on the 4th. Aries remains on go slow until mid-April and is only back up to speed in your sign in May. Venus retrograde often indicates a period when love slows down, someone goes quiet on you or you find yourself drawn back to the past.

Traditionally, this isn’t the best time to marry or start a new relationship because it’s thought that once Venus is back up to speed in six weeks time, anything hidden comes to light or you or someone close change their mind.

Venus in Aries is passionate so if you are in an on-off relationship or you’re lusting after someone new, this is potentially an exciting yet turbulent time. Venus is strong on the 18th and 25th when she teams up with first Mercury, then the Sun, so this will be an intriguing retrograde phase. Look out for an ex or childhood sweetheart who comes back into your life and keep your options open.

The other major factor is a revival of the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square which first kicked in late November and late December 2016. This month, Jupiter in Libra and your relationship sector is opposed by Uranus in Aries on the 3rd and at the end of the month, Jupiter in Libra is squared by Pluto in Capricorn and your career sector on the 30th.

This combination is exciting but unstable. There’s a theme of freedom around your 1-to-1’s but also foul play. This is important for you in relation to both your personal and professional partnerships.

Try as you might, there will be some relationships or connections that are uncontrollable in March and whether for right or wrong reasons, it’s likely that you will experience some break-ups or breakthroughs.

Yet don’t forget that this is your month and once communication planet Mercury and the Sun enter your sign of Aries on the 13th and 20th respectively, you can’t help but speak up or stand firm.

You might be leading the way with a new group of people who are ready to challenge the status quo or you recognise that when the balance of a relationship tilts dramatically, you have to act to save yourself. The New Moon in Aries on the 28th may be extremely important in this respect and a stunning symbol to put yourself and your own needs first.

There’s a real chance to roll with the punches this month to get your own way or to make swift progress. Yet there could be disappointments along the way and events on or near the Full Moon on the 12th may be a case in point.

Other people too will be doing what they want so bear this in mind. Collaborate with others when you can but keep a healthy perspective on all your relationships and back off when your self esteem or self confidence takes a knock.

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