Aries June 2020

Aries, eclipse

Mars Power

Your ruler Mars remains in Pisces and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 28th. This is an important date for you as it’s the day Mars moves into Aries, your star sign.

Usually, Mars moves through one sector of the zodiac in two months. This time around, Mars remains in Aries until January 6, 2021. This is because Mars will turn retrograde later this year from September 9th to November 13th.

This is important for you to know. You often feel frustrated, powerless or find it hard to make progress when Mars is in retreat. Therefore, use the full on thrust of Mars before September and you’re building towards this positive, forward-moving period in your life as June progresses.

Having said that, for most of this month, you may feel lost or confused and unsure in which direction you’re heading. Think of Pisces’ symbol, the two fishes swimming in opposite directions. Water signs rules the emotions, so you may be grieving, feel more weepy than usualor be in a romantic or wistful mood.

The key planetary aspect that Mars makes this month is a conjunction with Neptune, God of the Sea, on the 13th. Where’s your escape? What do you need to pull back from? – social media perhaps or the news.

Neptune is a romantic and artistic influence. Dive deep into music, art or poetry this month and find your inner romantic. The theme of caring is strong, whether you need to take good care of yourself, your family or people close to you.

Lunar Eclipse

The first eclipse this month is a Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse on the 5th. This is the start of a new eclipse cycle that cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac. It’s active until December 2021.

This is the educational sector of your horoscope. It’s about schools and teaching, learning and knowledge. Gemini rules siblings, neighbours and your local community. Sagittarius rules travel & foreign connections.

Therefore, you may have changes forced upon you because of world events. A course could be postponed or cancelled, a trip may have to be rescheduled. You could be going back to school as a teacher or thinking about how to move your skills, your business online.

The exact date of the eclipse is a time to pause and reassess. Wait and see what emerges when the light returns, where you can take advantage and what you need to let go of.

Some hopes or dreams may have to be shelved or released and put back in the drawer. For some of you, this may coincide with a disappointment or feeling disillusioned with what’s happening in the world.

Venus Retrograde

Venus, the love planet, remains retrograde until the 25th. This doesn’t necessarily mean that love’s on hold but you could discover who you get on with and who you don’t. Venus clashes with Mars, your ruler, on the 3rd, so watch out for conflict or tempers flaring. 

Most likely, this will arise because of different ideas or opinions. Try and keep an open mind and be flexible and willing. It’s not easy if your views on social distancing, for example, clash with those of your neighbours or people whom you meet on a daily basis.

If you’re getting back to work and commuting, this too could be a hot-bed for dissent or dissatisfaction. Don’t feel swayed by other people and stay strong within yourself.

You may have some key insights about love & relationships once Venus turns direct on the 25th. Or, perhaps you are finally reunited with the one you love.

Mercury Retrograde

Communication planet, Mercury, also turns retrograde this month and will be on go slow from June 18th to July 12th. Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer, the star sign representing home & family in your horoscope. Themes of going back to the past or the past returning to you.

One of the best ways to use the Mercury retrograde phase is to take a step back and look at life differently. It’s a positive time to reconnect with people, especially loved ones. You may be busy with your family tree or trying to find someone you lost touch with. A family reunion, a chance to heal a rift?

There may be another reason why home or family are currently significant, to do with money or self-worth. Mercury makes only one major aspect this month which is rare for the quick-moving planet. On the 5th and 30th, Mercury aligns with Uranus in Taurus and your personal money sector.

You may be considering ways to make money via your home or possessions or looking at ways to swap or trade skills. You could be helping out a family member financially. Alternatively, you turn to someone close for financial support.

If you need to move, this is the month to consider your options. The Mercury-Uranus connection completes next month on July 22nd.

Solar Eclipse

The Solar or New Moon eclipse on the 21st, the day of the Solstice falls in Cancer, at 0 degrees. This too is a symbol of moving, living somewhere new, starting a family. The New Moon phase represents new beginnings.

It’s in these areas of your life where there’s a power surge and fresh determination to get things moving. The Sun’s move into Cancer lights up your home and family sector until July 22nd

You may have to step in and help family on or around the Solar Eclipse date. Do whatever’s required.

Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction

Finally, the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on the 30th is important for you as it falls in Capricorn and your career and vocational sector. This takes place the day before Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, returns to Capricorn on July 1st where it will remain until December 17, 2020.

Jupiter & Pluto suggest an extreme situation – they rules riches, also debt. This could coincide with a powerful person entering your life, someone in a position of influence. Or, perhaps you’re the one stepping up.

Either way, there’s power in abundance at the end of June as this links in to Mars’ move into your star sign, Aries. Mercury might be retrograde but you may have no option but to make some decisive moves. A new stage in your work, career or future path is opening up.

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3 thoughts on “Aries June 2020”

  1. Hi Sally,

    Love your horoscopes and podcasts!!I have been putting off an important test to finish up my education started in 2010:( I need to take it by Aug 3rd. Do you have any good dates for the end of July for an Aries?? I have to PASS!!
    Thank you,

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