Work Your Relationships
It may be Virgo season as the month begins but your ruling planet Mars is in Libra for the whole of September, the star sign of relationships. Action planet Mars remains in Libra until October 12th. Straightaway, you know that success lies in your relationships and your one-to-one’s, both personal and professional. September is a top month to work your relationships.
Mars isn’t relaxed in Libra, however, because you can’t do things your way and you can’t always get ahead as fast as you would like. You have to take other peoples’ needs into account or rely on other people more than usual.
In some cases, you may positively enjoy handing over the reins of life, encouraging or allowing someone else to take the lead. While Mars is in Libra, aim for equality in a relationship and find the right people in your life to partner with.
Venus is your partner planet and turns direct in fire sign Leo on the 4th. Leo rules romance in your horoscope and Venus remains in Leo throughout September. Therefore, love and romance are major themes for you moving forward. If love or relationships have gone wrong over the last six weeks, this is the time to start to put things right.
Also this month, the Sun enters Libra on the 23rd heralding the Equinox. When planets are in Libra, it’s important to compromise, listen to both sides of the coin and weigh things up carefully. Libra’s the star sign linked to harmony so aim for a steady equilibrium in all areas of your life.
Yes, Libra is a different planetary energy to your direct and forthright star sign, Aries. Yet, you can learn from your opposite star sign. Take your time, there’s no rush and ask for help when needed.
This month’s Full Moon takes place on the 29th and it’s an important Full Moon for you as the Moon is in your star sign Aries. Full Moons can be dramatic, a time when emotions are heightened. You may feel more passionate or emotional during the Full Moon phase. By the end of the month, you’re likely to know what you want and need when it comes to your one-to-ones. This could be a major area of learning for you in the month ahead.
Virgo Season
Yet, September is Virgo season too. Up until the 23rd, the Sun is in Virgo and the ideal time to tweak your routine, add some healthy habits to your lifestyle and focus on getting things done. Virgo is the star sign linked to order, so it’s an excellent time for tidying, sorting and bringing form and structure into your life. If you’re a list-maker, crack on. If you like spreadsheets, do the numbers.
Virgo season is the ideal time for you to analyse and strategise and ensure you’re getting the results you want. As a fire sign, you’re great at leaping into something new. You’re not always as efficient at seeing things through to completion or checking out what’s working and what’s not. If you would benefit from some help either at home or at work, get the right people on your side.
Also, if you’re true to your star sign Aries, you fare best when you’re physically strong and this is an excellent time to hone your fitness and boost your health.
Mercury Turns Direct
Communication planet Mercury is in Virgo all month. Yet, Mercury has been retrograde, i.e. in retreat since August 23rd. It’s been quite a chaotic Mercury retrograde phase, so you may be delighted to get things better organised. Mercury’s turning point happens on the same day as the New Moon in Virgo, the 15th. This is often a time when news or information comes to light that’s been hidden.
Plus, New Moon energy is great for taking the initiative and starting something new. This may be a job, joining a gym or something similar connected to your lifestyle and your health. Virgo is the star sign of service, so it may be a volunteering role, a daily prayer or meditation.
Earth sign energy is working well for you this month and this links into money and your everyday routine in your horoscope. Yet, it’s not a time to splurge or be extravagant. Big planet Jupiter turns retrograde in Taurus and your money sector on the 4th and won’t turn direct until New Year’s Eve, 2023.
Conserve your money, keep close tabs on what you earn, what’s coming in and going out. Ride your luck on the 8th, 16th, 25th & 30th. Play your cards right this month and you could be better off come October.
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